
照片打印软件 mac_如何在Mac上轻松打印照片

照片打印软件 mac_如何在Mac上轻松打印照片

照片打印软件 mac

照片打印软件 mac_如何在Mac上轻松打印照片

If you need a quick and easy way to print photos on your Mac, look no further than the Photos app, which comes bundled with macOS. It allows you to print single or multiple photos at custom paper sizes. Here’s how to do it.

如果您需要一种快速简便的方法来在Mac上打印照片,则别无所求。macOS附带的“ 照片”应用程序 。 它允许您以自定义纸张尺寸打印单张或多张照片。 这是操作方法。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

To keep this guide simple, we’re going to assume that you have a Mac with Mac OS X 10.10.3 or later (the first release to include the Photos app) and a working photo printer you’ve already configured to work with your Mac.

为了使本指南更简单,我们假设您有一台Mac OS X 10.10.3或更高版本(包括“照片”应用程序的第一个版本),以及一台已经配置为可以与您的照片一起使用的工作照片打印机。苹果电脑。

The image files you want to print must already be copied to or imported on your Mac, too.

您要打印的图像文件也必须已经复制到 Mac 或从 Mac 导入 。

如何在Mac Photos App中打印照片 (How to Print Photos in the Mac Photos App)

First, open the “Photos” app. Its icon looks similar to a flower with eight differently-colored petals. You can find it in your “Applications” folder.

首先, 打开“照片”应用 。 它的图标看起来类似于一朵有八个不同颜色花瓣的花。 您可以在“应用程序”文件夹中找到它。

If the photos you want to print are not already in the Photos app, you will need to import them. You can use the File > Import option in the menu bar to import them. You can simply drag the photos you’d like to import from a Finder window (or the Desktop) to the Photos window, too.

如果要打印的照片尚未在“照片”应用程序中,则需要将其导入。 您可以使用菜单栏中的“文件”>“导入”选项来导入它们。 您也可以简单地将要导入的照片从Finder窗口(或桌面)拖到“照片”窗口。

照片打印软件 mac_如何在Mac上轻松打印照片

Once your photos are imported, you will see them as a grid of thumbnails. Find the photo or photos you’d like to print and select them.

导入照片后,您将看到它们作为缩略图网格。 找到您想要打印的照片并选择它们。

To select more than one photo, you can hold down the left mouse/trackpad button and drag your cursor over a group of thumbnails. Or, if you’d like to select one at a time, hold down the Command key as you click individual photos. Each selected photo will have a blue border around it.

要选择多张照片,您可以按住鼠标左键/触控板并将光标拖到一组缩略图上。 或者,如果您想一次选择一张,请在单击单个照片时按住Command键。 每张选定的照片周围都会有一个蓝色边框。

照片打印软件 mac_如何在Mac上轻松打印照片

Once all the photos you want to print have been selected, click File > Print in the menu bar at the top of the screen. Or, you can hit Command+P.

选择完所有要打印的照片后,在屏幕顶部的菜单栏中单击文件>打印。 或者,您可以按Command + P。

照片打印软件 mac_如何在Mac上轻松打印照片

A print dialog will pop up. Here, you can select the printer you’d like to use, the paper size, print layout, or ink options.

将会弹出一个打印对话框。 在这里,您可以选择要使用的打印机,纸张尺寸,打印布局或墨水选项。

照片打印软件 mac_如何在Mac上轻松打印照片

If you’d like to print multiple images on a single sheet of paper, click on the “Paper Size” menu (the second drop-down menu from the top) and select “Other.”


With “Other” selected, you will see multiple layout options, including fitting two 4″x6″ photos on a single sheet of letter-sized paper and a “Contact Sheet” layout that can print small many thumbnails at once.

选择“其他”后,您将看到多个布局选项,包括将两张4英寸x 6英寸的照片放在一张信纸大小的纸张上,以及一个“联系表”布局,可以一次打印许多缩略图。

照片打印软件 mac_如何在Mac上轻松打印照片

If you’re only printing a single photo, select the paper size you’d like. When you’re ready to print, click the “Print” button at the bottom corner of the window.

如果仅打印单张照片,请选择所需的纸张尺寸。 准备打印时,请单击窗口底部的“打印”按钮。

照片打印软件 mac_如何在Mac上轻松打印照片

The job will be sent to your printer, and if all goes well, you should have a hard copy of your images in hand very soon.


If you have trouble with the quality of your printed photos, read up on the reasons why prints often look different on paper than they do on the screen. Or, you could consider sending your photos to a professional photo service instead. They are often fast and inexpensive.

如果您对打印照片的质量有疑问,请仔细阅读为什么打印纸在纸张上看起来与在屏幕上看起来不同的原因 。 或者,您可以考虑将照片发送到专业的照片服务 。 它们通常是快速且便宜的。

Either way, photos are a great way to recall old memories. Have fun!

无论哪种方式,照片都是回忆过去的好方法。 玩得开心!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/677759/how-to-easily-print-photos-on-your-mac/

照片打印软件 mac