
Google Earth Engine ——Sentinel1/2/3/5p 影像集合介绍


This chapter provides an overview of the Landsat collections and relevant quality information necessary for using the imagery.

​​Sentinel​​ platform.


​​Sentinel-1​​ collection.

Short name: Sentinel-1 SAR GRD: C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar

  • Sentinel-1 SAR GRD: C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar Ground Range Detected, log scaling


​​Sentinel-2​​ collection.

Short name: Sentinel-2 MSI: Multispectral Instrument

  • Sentinel-2 MSI: MultiSpectral Instrument, Level-2A
  • Sentinel-2 MSI: MultiSpectral Instrument, Level-1C

Specifications and Quality​​¶​​

The Sentinel-2 MSI ​​user guide​​​, ​​user handbook​​​, and ​​technical guide​​ provide overview of the products and algorithms within the platform.

Specific to the Level-2A processing, the ​​Level-2 Algorithm Overview​​ provides additional information about Scene Classification (SC) and Atmospheric Correction (S2A2).

The Sentinel-2 MSI ​​data quality reports (DQRs)​​ provide regular updates about the geometric and radiometric performance of the data products.

Scene Classification Band​​¶​​

Table 13 Sentinel-2 MSI Scene Classification Values


Value Classification
No Data
1 Saturated or Defective
2 Dark Area Pixels
3 Cloud Shadows
4 Vegetation
5 Not Vegetated
6 Water
7 Unclassified
8 Medium Probability Cloud
9 High Probability Cloud
10 Thin Cirrus
11 Snow

Quality Bands​​¶​​

Table 14 Sentinel-2 MSI Quality Bands


Band Description
MSK_CLDPRB Cloud Probability Map
MSK_SNWPRB Snow Probability Map
QA60 Cloud Mask

Table 15 Sentinel-2 MSI Cloud Mask Bit Index


Bit Attribute

Opaque Clouds

0 = No Opaque Clouds

1 = Opaque Clouds


Cirrus Clouds

0 = No Cirrus Clouds

1 = Cirrus Clouds


​​Sentinel-3​​ collection.

  • Sentinel-3 OLCI EFR: Ocean and Land Color Instrument Earth Observation Full Resolution


  • Sentinel-5P OFFL AER AI: Offline UV Aerosol Index
  • Sentinel-5P OFFL CLOUD: Near Real-Time Cloud
  • Sentinel-5P OFFL CO: Offline Carbon Monoxide
  • Sentinel-5P OFFL HCHO: Offline Formaldehyde
  • Sentinel-5P OFFL NO2: Offline Nitrogen Dioxide
  • Sentinel-5P OFFL O3: Offline Ozone
  • Sentinel-5P OFFL SO2: Offline Sulphur Dioxide
  • Sentinel-5P OFFL CH4: Offline Methane