
Opencv Line函数

Opencv Line函数学习



static void
Line( Mat& img, Point pt1, Point pt2,
      const void* _color, int connectivity = 8 )
    if( connectivity == 0 )
        connectivity = 8;
    else if( connectivity == 1 )
        connectivity = 4;
    LineIterator iterator(img, pt1, pt2, connectivity, true);
    int i, count = iterator.count;//p1,p2点间的像素总数
    int pix_size = (int)img.elemSize();//每个元素的数据大小
    const uchar* color = (const uchar*)_color;

    for( i = 0; i < count; i++, ++iterator )
        uchar* ptr = *iterator;
        if( pix_size == 1 )
            ptr[0] = color[0];
        else if( pix_size == 3 )
            ptr[0] = color[0];
            ptr[1] = color[1];
            ptr[2] = color[2];
            memcpy( *iterator, color, pix_size );

嘛,说白了,具体操作还是在LineIterator 定义的类中,官方是这么说的:

The class is used to iterate over all the pixels on the raster line segment connecting two specified points.

The class LineIterator is used to get each pixel of a raster line. It can be treated as versatile implementation of the Bresenham algorithm where you can stop at each pixel and do some extra processing.

这里已经解开谜题了,就是说他就是Bresenham算法的实现,可以在像素上进行一些额外的操作比如异或,那么我们来看看这个LineIterator 的重载里干了什么:

LineIterator::LineIterator(const Mat& img, Point pt1, Point pt2,
                           int connectivity, bool left_to_right)
    count = -1;

    CV_Assert( connectivity == 8 || connectivity == 4 );
    if( (unsigned)pt1.x >= (unsigned)(img.cols) ||
        (unsigned)pt2.x >= (unsigned)(img.cols) ||
        (unsigned)pt1.y >= (unsigned)(img.rows) ||
        (unsigned)pt2.y >= (unsigned)(img.rows) )
        if( !clipLine( img.size(), pt1, pt2 ) )
            ptr = img.data;
            err = plusDelta = minusDelta = plusStep = minusStep = count = 0;
            ptr0 = 0;
            step = 0;
            elemSize = 0;

    size_t bt_pix0 = img.elemSize(), bt_pix = bt_pix0;
    size_t istep = img.step;
    int dx = pt2.x - pt1.x;
    int dy = pt2.y - pt1.y;
    int s = dx < 0 ? -1 : 0;//绝对值操作
//此处即为官方解释中的 If leftToRight=true, then the iteration is always done from the left-most point to the right most, not to depend on the ordering of pt1 and pt2 parameters的意思
    if( left_to_right )
        dx = (dx ^ s) - s;
        dy = (dy ^ s) - s;
        pt1.x ^= (pt1.x ^ pt2.x) & s;
        pt1.y ^= (pt1.y ^ pt2.y) & s;
        dx = (dx ^ s) - s;
        bt_pix = (bt_pix ^ s) - s;
    ptr = (uchar*)(img.data + pt1.y * istep + pt1.x * bt_pix0);

    s = dy < 0 ? -1 : 0;
    dy = (dy ^ s) - s;
    istep = (istep ^ s) - s;

    s = dy > dx ? -1 : 0;
    /* conditional swaps */
    dx ^= dy & s;
    dy ^= dx & s;
    dx ^= dy & s;

    bt_pix ^= istep & s;
    istep ^= bt_pix & s;
    bt_pix ^= istep & s;
    if( connectivity == 8 )
        assert( dx >= 0 && dy >= 0 );

        err = dx - (dy + dy);
        plusDelta = dx + dx;
        minusDelta = -(dy + dy);
        plusStep = (int)istep;
        minusStep = (int)bt_pix;
        count = dx + 1;
    else /* connectivity == 4 */
        assert( dx >= 0 && dy >= 0 );

        err = 0;
        plusDelta = (dx + dx) + (dy + dy);
        minusDelta = -(dy + dy);
        plusStep = (int)(istep - bt_pix);
        minusStep = (int)bt_pix;
        count = dx + dy + 1;

    this->ptr0 = img.ptr();
    this->step = (int)img.step;
    this->elemSize = (int)bt_pix0;

其实从上可以看出LineIterator 仅仅是给了Line函数prt值,而prt就是所画直线的位置的像素数据,信息被存在LineIterator 迭代中,用++()进行处理,即:

for( i = 0; i < count; i++, ++iterator )
        uchar* ptr = *iterator;
        if( pix_size == 1 )
            ptr[0] = color[0];
        else if( pix_size == 3 )
            ptr[0] = color[0];
            ptr[1] = color[1];
            ptr[2] = color[2];
            memcpy( *iterator, color, pix_size );


void swap(int a, int b)
	a = a ^ b;
	b = a ^ b;
	a = a ^ b;