

{"info":{"title":{"content":"真替车主着急。随便停在路边,也不怕贴条?还大开窗户,里面东西丢了咋弄?真着急!#悲催的车主##车主遇奇葩事##车主遭遇奇","en":"I'm really anxious for the owner. Just stop on the side of the road and not be afraid of stickers? I also opened the window wide, what if I lost something inside? What a hurry! #悲催的车主 ##车主遇奇葩事##车主遭遇奇"},"description":{"content":"真替车主着急。随便停在路边,也不怕贴条?还大开窗户,里面东西丢了咋弄?真着急!#悲催的车主##车主遇奇葩事##车主遭遇奇...","en":"I'm really anxious for the owner. Just stop on the side of the road and not be afraid of stickers? I also opened the window wide, what if I lost something inside? What a hurry! #悲催的车主##车主遇奇葩事##车主遭遇奇..."}},"items":[]}