

{"info":{"title":{"content":"中国女排再战日本队:若输球最多丢11.75分,替补阵容或有惊喜!","en":"The Chinese women's volleyball team will play against the Japanese team again: if you lose, you will lose up to 11.75 points, and the substitute lineup may have surprises!"},"description":{"content":"当中国女排宣布以替补阵容出征2024年世界女排联赛总决赛,面对强大的日本女排时,球迷们的心情无疑是复杂的。这场中日之战不...","en":"When the Chinese women's volleyball team announced that it would compete in the 2024 World Women's Volleyball League Finals with a substitute lineup and face the powerful Japanese women's volleyball team, fans' feelings were undoubtedly complicated. This Sino-Japanese war is not..."}},"items":[]}