

{"info":{"title":{"content":"“小孩哥”王星越翻车了!被扒给女友买情趣用品,还涉嫌年龄造假","en":"\"Brother Kid\" Wang Xingyue overturned! was picked up to buy sex toys for his girlfriend, and he was also suspected of age fraud"},"description":{"content":"果然娱乐圈的明星都不经扒呀!刚凭《墨雨云间》中萧蘅一角爆红的“小孩哥”王星越翻车了,不仅被扒出年龄造假,而且还曾在未成年...","en":"Sure enough, the stars in the entertainment industry are not picked! Wang Xingyue, the \"child brother\" who just became popular with the role of Xiao Yu in \"Ink Rain and Clouds\", overturned the car, not only was he picked up for age fraud, but also had a time in the underage..."}},"items":[]}