

{"info":{"title":{"content":"有“民国四大才女”之称的关露,为什么一生背负着汉奸的罪名?文采飞扬的青春,“民国四大才女”关露的青年时代为了党,为了革命!毅然背负汉奸罪名的革命战士!命运捉弄、爱人离散、牢狱之灾,关露“凄苦的”后半生","en":"Why did Guan Lu, who is known as the \"Four Talented Women of the Republic of China\", bear the charge of traitorousness all her life? The youthful youth of the \"four talented women of the Republic of China\" Guan Lu's youth was for the party and for the revolution! A revolutionary fighter who resolutely bears the charge of traitor! Fate tricks, lovers are separated, prison disasters, Guan Lu \"miserable\" for the second half of life"},"description":{"content":"1982年12月5日,在八宝山革命公墓举行了一场气氛有些压抑的骨灰安放仪式。在这场追悼仪式中到场的来宾清一色的都是中国近...","en":"On December 5, 1982, a ceremony was held at the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery for the placement of ashes in a somewhat depressing atmosphere. The guests present at this memorial service were all Chinese near..."}},"items":[]}
