
SSRS ReportServer Database 的Blocking问题

  我们监控sql server数据库的阻塞情况时,老是收到在ssrs



SSRS ReportServer Database 的Blocking问题

blocking sql text

blocked sql text





ssrs issues these locks to

provide a multithreading mechanism.once all threads running the report

that you wrote, end, the lock is removed.so if you see these, normally,

it is a slow query on a different server causing the problem.


issues may happen on heavy load (or so they say), and some report that

collation issues prevent cleanexpiredsessions from running.

i have the same problem. msdn says

the locking/blocking is to ensure consistency, and is normal behavior.

the only thing you can do is to reduce report data or run it at quiet

time. i am sure msdn understands why it was set this way originally. you

are editing a blackbox at your own risk.

微软给出的解释是: ssrs 数据库的架构设计,在高负荷的时候导致blocking出现,你应该注意采纳一些 reporting services performance optimization的建议。减小报表的数据量等…

thank you for filing this issue.

the rs database architecture can lead to blocking under heavly load.