
Oracle NULL相关函数


Oracle NULL相关函数
Oracle NULL相关函数



nvl lets you replace null (returned as a blank) with a string in the

results of a query.

if expr1 is null, then nvl returns expr2.

ifexpr1 is not null, then nvl returns expr1.

如果expr1是null,则返回expr2,如果expr1 is not null,则返回expr1.

the arguments expr1 and expr2 can have any data type.

if their data types are different, then oracle database implicitly converts one

to the other.

if they cannot be converted implicitly, then the database returns an


expr1 and expr2 可以是任意的数据类型,但他们必须是同一数据类型,或者是隐式转换为同一数据类型,又或者是显示转换为同一数据类型。


the implicit conversion is implemented as follows:

if expr1 is character data, then oracle database converts expr2 to the

data type ofexpr1 before comparing them and returns varchar2 in the character

set ofexpr1.

如果expr1 是字符类型,则expr2在比较前转换为expr1的数据类型,在进行比较。

if expr1 is numeric, then oracle database determines which argument has

the highest numeric precedence, implicitly converts the other argument to that

data type, and returns that data type.




Oracle NULL相关函数
Oracle NULL相关函数

nvl2 lets you determine the value returned by a query based on whether

a specified expression is null or not null.

if expr1 is not null, then nvl2 returns expr2.

if expr1 is null, then nvl2 returns expr3.

如果expr1非空,则返回 expr2,如果expr1是空值,则返回expr3

the argument expr1 can have any data type. the

arguments expr2 and expr3 can have any data types

except long.

expr1 可以是任意数据类型, expr2 and expr3 可以是任意数据类型,但不能是long类型,且数据类型要一致,或者隐式转换为一致,或者显示转换为一致。

if the data types of expr2 and expr3 are different,

then oracle database implicitly converts one to the other.

如果expr2 and expr3 数据类型不同,则隐式转为相同

 if they cannot be converted implicitly, then the database returns an


if expr2 is character or numeric data, then the implicit

conversion is implemented as follows:

if expr2 is character data, then oracle database converts expr3 to the

data type of expr2 before returning a value unless expr3 is a null


in that case, a data type conversion is not necessary, and the database

returns varchar2 in the character set of expr2.

如果expr2 是字符类型,则将expr3 转换为expr2相同的数据类型。

if expr2 is numeric data, then oracle database determines which argument

has the highest numeric precedence, implicitly converts the other argument to

that data type, and returns that data type.


Oracle NULL相关函数
Oracle NULL相关函数

nullif compares expr1 and expr2. if they are equal,

then the function returns null.

比较expr1 and expr2,如果相等,则返回null值。

if they are not equal, then the function returns expr1. you cannot

specify the literal null for expr1.

如果不等,则返回expr1 。不能指定expr1为空。

if both arguments are numeric data types, then oracle database determines

the argument with the higher numeric precedence, implicitly converts the other

argument to that data type, and returns that data type.

if the arguments are not numeric, then they must be of the same data type,

or oracle returns an error.


the nullif function is logically equivalent to the

following case expression:

case when expr1 = expr2 then null else expr1 end



Oracle NULL相关函数
Oracle NULL相关函数

coalesce (expression_1, expression_2, ...,expression_n)


coalesce returns the first non-null expr in the expression

list. you must specify at least two expressions. if

all occurrences of expr evaluate to null, then the function returns


oracle database uses short-circuit evaluation. the database evaluates

each expr value and determines whether it is null, rather than

evaluating all of the expr values before determining whether any of

them is null.

if all occurrences of expr are numeric data type or any

nonnumeric data type that can be implicitly converted to a numeric data type,

then oracle database determines the argument with the highest numeric

precedence, implicitly converts the remaining arguments to that data type, and

returns that data type.

this function is a generalization of the nvl function.

you can also use coalesce as a variety of

the case expression. for example,

coalesce(expr1, expr2)

is equivalent to:

case when expr1 is not null then expr1 else expr2 end


coalesce(expr1, expr2, ..., exprn)

where n >= 3, is equivalent to:

case when expr1 is not null then expr1

   else coalesce (expr2, ..., exprn) end






