
Basic4android v3.80 beta 釋出

增加了條件編譯,共享子產品,部分支援jar 檔案直接通路。還有其他一些更新。

I'm happy to release B4A v3.80 BETA. This version includes several major new features that make it easier to develop real-world solutions and reuse code between different projects. New features and improvements: #AdditionalJar attribute - Allows adding jar files to the compilation. Together with JavaObject library it is now possible to use 3rd party libraries without a wrapper (not in all cases). Project meta file - This file stores "dynamic" project state: modules visibility and order, collapsed nodes, bookmarks and breakpoints. This file should be excluded from source controls. Bit.InputStreamToBytes - Reads all the data from an input stream and returns an array of bytes with the data. The input stream is closed automatically. JSON generator supports arrays as well as lists. CreateMap keyword - A shorthand method for creating and filling Maps. For example: Code:
Basic4android v3.80 beta 釋出