
[翻譯]ADO.NET Entity Framework Beta2(四)/實體LINQ In This Section/本節目錄 See Also/請參考

Most applications are currently written on top of relational databases. At some point, these applications will have to interact with the data represented in a relational form. Database schemas are not always ideal for building applications, and the conceptual models of applications differ from the logical models of databases. The Entity Data Model (EDM) is a conceptual data model that can be used to model the data of a particular domain so that applications can interact with data as entities or objects. For more information, see Entity Data Model.


Through the EDM, ADO.NET exposes entities as objects in the .NET environment. This makes the object layer an ideal target for Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) support. Therefore, LINQ to ADO.NET includes LINQ to Entities. LINQ to Entities enables developers to write queries against the database from the same language used to build the business logic. The following diagram shows the relationship between LINQ to Entities and the Entity Framework, ADO.NET 2.0, and the data store.

通過使用EDM,ADO.NET在 .net 環境中以對象的方式公開實體。這使得對象層成為內建語言查詢(LINQ)的一個理想的操作目标。是以,ADO.net-LINQ 包括了實體LINQ。實體LINQ支援開發人員使用和編寫業務邏輯相同的語言來編寫基于資料庫的查詢。下圖展示了實體LINQ、實體架構、ADO.NET 2.0以及資料庫之間的關系

[翻譯]ADO.NET Entity Framework Beta2(四)/實體LINQ In This Section/本節目錄 See Also/請參考

For LINQ to Entities sample applications, see Data Access and Storage. For information about late breaking changes in the ADO.NET Entity Framework and LINQ to Entities, see the ADO.NET team blog.

[翻譯]ADO.NET Entity Framework Beta2(四)/實體LINQ In This Section/本節目錄 See Also/請參考

Getting Started (LINQ to Entities)/入門(實體LINQ)

Programming Guide (LINQ to Entities)/程式設計指南(實體LINQ)

Reference (LINQ to Entities)/參考(實體LINQ)

[翻譯]ADO.NET Entity Framework Beta2(四)/實體LINQ In This Section/本節目錄 See Also/請參考

Language-Integrated Query (LINQ)


<a href="http://www.cnblogs.com/Chinese-xu/archive/2007/09/20/899916.html">ADO.NET Entity Framework/ADO.NET 實體架構</a>


[翻譯]ADO.NET Entity Framework Beta2(四)/實體LINQ In This Section/本節目錄 See Also/請參考
