
Fiori note automatic delete deletion scenarioFiori note automatic delete deletion scenario

if current user does not own any note, a new dummy one with title “Untitled” will be created automatically.

We name this dummy as note A.

Fiori note automatic delete deletion scenarioFiori note automatic delete deletion scenario

we specify some invalid filter, the now there is no note header displayed in the list.

Fiori note automatic delete deletion scenarioFiori note automatic delete deletion scenario

in this case ( with filter active ) we click add button, the following actions are triggered by my note application:

Fiori note automatic delete deletion scenarioFiori note automatic delete deletion scenario

a. the invalid filter is cleared by code. So no filter value appears in the search bar now, as seen in the picture below.

b. the dummy note header, note A, is deleted by Odata request ( HTTP method DELETE)

c. another new dummy note header, note B, is created automatically, see the first POST 202 below.

d. another new dummy note section is created automatically, see the second POST 202 below.
