

using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        private static void Main(string[] args)
                ReadOnlyCollection<TimeZoneInfo> zones = TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones();
                Console.WriteLine("The local system has the following {0} time zones", zones.Count);
                var result = zones.OrderBy(x => x.Id);

                foreach (var item in result)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}  {1}", item.Id, item);
            catch (Exception ex)
                while (ex != null)
                    ex = ex.InnerException;



The local system has the following 102 time zones

Afghanistan Standard Time (UTC+04:30)喀布爾

Alaskan Standard Time (UTC-09:00)阿拉斯加

Arab Standard Time (UTC+03:00)科威特,利雅得

Arabian Standard Time (UTC+04:00)阿布紮比,馬斯喀特

Arabic Standard Time (UTC+03:00)巴格達

Argentina Standard Time (UTC-03:00)布宜諾斯艾利斯

Atlantic Standard Time (UTC-04:00)大西洋時間(加拿大)

AUS Central Standard Time (UTC+09:30)達爾文

AUS Eastern Standard Time (UTC+10:00)堪培拉,墨爾本,悉尼

Azerbaijan Standard Time (UTC+04:00)巴庫

Azores Standard Time (UTC-01:00)亞速爾群島

Bahia Standard Time (UTC-03:00)薩爾瓦多

Bangladesh Standard Time (UTC+06:00)達卡

Canada Central Standard Time (UTC-06:00)薩斯喀徹溫

Cape Verde Standard Time (UTC-01:00)佛得角群島

Caucasus Standard Time (UTC+04:00)埃裡溫

Cen. Australia Standard Time (UTC+09:30)阿德萊德

Central America Standard Time (UTC-06:00)中美洲

Central Asia Standard Time (UTC+06:00)阿斯塔納

Central Brazilian Standard Time (UTC-04:00)庫亞巴

Central Europe Standard Time (UTC+01:00)貝爾格萊德,布拉迪斯拉發,布達佩斯,盧


Central European Standard Time (UTC+01:00)薩拉熱窩,斯科普裡,華沙,薩格勒布

Central Pacific Standard Time (UTC+11:00)所羅門群島,新喀裡多尼亞

Central Standard Time (UTC-06:00)中部時間(美國和加拿大)

Central Standard Time (Mexico) (UTC-06:00)瓜達拉哈拉,墨西哥城,蒙特雷

China Standard Time (UTC+08:00)北京,重慶,香港特别行政區,烏魯木齊

Dateline Standard Time (UTC-12:00)國際日期變更線西

E. Africa Standard Time (UTC+03:00)内羅畢

E. Australia Standard Time (UTC+10:00)布裡斯班

E. Europe Standard Time (UTC+02:00)東歐

E. South America Standard Time (UTC-03:00)巴西利亞

Eastern Standard Time (UTC-05:00)東部時間(美國和加拿大)

Egypt Standard Time (UTC+02:00)開羅

Ekaterinburg Standard Time (UTC+06:00)葉卡捷琳堡

Fiji Standard Time (UTC+12:00)斐濟

FLE Standard Time (UTC+02:00)赫爾辛基,基輔,裡加,索非亞,塔林,維爾紐斯

Georgian Standard Time (UTC+04:00)第比利斯

GMT Standard Time (UTC)都柏林,愛丁堡,裡斯本,倫敦

Greenland Standard Time (UTC-03:00)格陵蘭

Greenwich Standard Time (UTC)蒙羅維亞,雷克雅未克

GTB Standard Time (UTC+02:00)雅典,布加勒斯特

Hawaiian Standard Time (UTC-10:00)夏威夷

India Standard Time (UTC+05:30)欽奈,加爾各答,孟買,新德裡

Iran Standard Time (UTC+03:30)德黑蘭

Israel Standard Time (UTC+02:00)耶路撒冷

Jordan Standard Time (UTC+03:00)安曼

Kaliningrad Standard Time (UTC+03:00)加裡甯格勒,明斯克

Kamchatka Standard Time (UTC+12:00)彼得羅巴甫洛夫斯克-堪察加 - 舊用

Korea Standard Time (UTC+09:00)首爾

Libya Standard Time (UTC+01:00) 的黎波裡

Magadan Standard Time (UTC+12:00)馬加丹

Mauritius Standard Time (UTC+04:00)路易港

Mid-Atlantic Standard Time (UTC-02:00)中大西洋

Middle East Standard Time (UTC+02:00)貝魯特

Montevideo Standard Time (UTC-03:00)蒙得維的亞

Morocco Standard Time (UTC)卡薩布蘭卡

Mountain Standard Time (UTC-07:00)山地時間(美國和加拿大)

Mountain Standard Time (Mexico) (UTC-07:00)奇瓦瓦,拉巴斯,馬薩特蘭

Myanmar Standard Time (UTC+06:30)仰光

N. Central Asia Standard Time (UTC+07:00)新西伯利亞

Namibia Standard Time (UTC+01:00)溫得和克

Nepal Standard Time (UTC+05:45)加德滿都

New Zealand Standard Time (UTC+12:00)奧克蘭,惠靈頓

Newfoundland Standard Time (UTC-03:30)紐芬蘭

North Asia East Standard Time (UTC+09:00)伊爾庫茨克

North Asia Standard Time (UTC+08:00)克拉斯諾亞爾斯克

Pacific SA Standard Time (UTC-04:00)聖地亞哥

Pacific Standard Time (UTC-08:00)太平洋時間(美國和加拿大)

Pacific Standard Time (Mexico) (UTC-08:00)下加利福尼亞州

Pakistan Standard Time (UTC+05:00)伊斯蘭堡,卡拉奇

Paraguay Standard Time (UTC-04:00)亞松森

Romance Standard Time (UTC+01:00)布魯塞爾,哥本哈根,馬德裡,巴黎

Russian Standard Time (UTC+04:00)莫斯科,聖彼得堡,伏爾加格勒

SA Eastern Standard Time (UTC-03:00)卡宴,福塔雷薩

SA Pacific Standard Time (UTC-05:00)波哥大,利馬,基多

SA Western Standard Time (UTC-04:00)喬治敦,拉巴斯,馬瑙斯,聖胡安

Samoa Standard Time (UTC+13:00)薩摩亞群島

SE Asia Standard Time (UTC+07:00)曼谷,河内,雅加達

Singapore Standard Time (UTC+08:00)吉隆坡,新加坡

South Africa Standard Time (UTC+02:00)哈拉雷,比勒陀利亞

Sri Lanka Standard Time (UTC+05:30)斯裡加亞渥登普拉

Syria Standard Time (UTC+02:00)大馬士革

Taipei Standard Time (UTC+08:00)台北

Tasmania Standard Time (UTC+10:00)霍巴特

Tokyo Standard Time (UTC+09:00)大阪,劄幌,東京

Tonga Standard Time (UTC+13:00)努庫阿洛法

Turkey Standard Time (UTC+02:00)伊斯坦布爾

Ulaanbaatar Standard Time (UTC+08:00)烏蘭巴托

US Eastern Standard Time (UTC-05:00)印地安那州(東部)

US Mountain Standard Time (UTC-07:00)亞利桑那

UTC (UTC)協調世界時

UTC+12 (UTC+12:00)協調世界時+12

UTC-02 (UTC-02:00)協調世界時-02

UTC-11 (UTC-11:00)協調世界時-11

Venezuela Standard Time (UTC-04:30)加拉加斯

Vladivostok Standard Time (UTC+11:00)符拉迪沃斯托克

W. Australia Standard Time (UTC+08:00)珀斯

W. Central Africa Standard Time (UTC+01:00)中非西部

W. Europe Standard Time (UTC+01:00)阿姆斯特丹,柏林,伯爾尼,羅馬,斯德哥爾摩,


West Asia Standard Time (UTC+05:00)阿什哈巴德,塔什幹

West Pacific Standard Time (UTC+10:00)關島,莫爾茲比港

Yakutsk Standard Time (UTC+10:00)雅庫茨克