
閱讀筆記(二十二)鍊複制擴充CRAQ《High-throughput chain replication for read-mostly workloads》

一. 簡介

  在前文中我們分析了鍊複制技術的細節和性能表現,而《High-throughput chain replication for read-mostly workloads》則對鍊複制模型進行了擴充和優化,即CRAQ。

二. CRAQ介紹


  • 尾結點處理所有的讀請求,作為熱點在讀資料過多時會出現阻塞
  • 尾結點出現問題會導緻全部服務暫停,切換節點也會較為麻煩

  為了解決這些問題,就有了CRAQ(Chain Replication with Apportioned Queries)。

閱讀筆記(二十二)鍊複制擴充CRAQ《High-throughput chain replication for read-mostly workloads》



  • 每一個非尾結點可以儲存多版本的資料,版本号單調自增。每個版本可能是clean或者dirty,在開始時所有的均為clean
  • 當頭部節點收到寫請求,則将自身設定為dirty,傳遞新版本号給下一個節點。到達尾部節點時,尾部節點設定為clean,依次回傳,收到ack之後各自設定為clean。
  • 當節點收到讀請求的時候,如果最終版本号為clean則回複該版本号對應資料,否則問詢尾部節點上次送出為clean的版本,并回複該版本對應的資料。
閱讀筆記(二十二)鍊複制擴充CRAQ《High-throughput chain replication for read-mostly workloads》


三. CRAQ的一緻性和可能的提升

3.2 Consistency in CRAQ

CRAQ provides strong consistency except for one case: when a node received the last committed version from the tail, tail might commit the newest version before the node sends the response to the client. In this scenario, CRAQ provides monotonic read (subsequent read requests don’t go in the past) on the whole chain.

It is also possible to provide other weaker consistencies in such cases to improve performance:

Eventual consistency: the node doesn’t request the latest committed version from the tail. This will still provide monotonic reads but only on one node. (subsequent read requests must hit the same node). Besides, this allows CRAQ to tolerate network partitioning.

Bounded Eventual Consistency: allow to return dirty version only under some conditions, like not older than N revisions or T minutes.

CRAQ has a very interesting feature — it is possible to send updates via multicast on write requests. When a write request hits head — head can multicast changes to all nodes and then send “fixation” event down the chain. Upon receiving the fixation event a node waits to receive the multicast update. The same way tail can multicast ACK and send fixation event back to the head via the chain.


閱讀筆記(二十二)鍊複制擴充CRAQ《High-throughput chain replication for read-mostly workloads》