
NT loader

It's more safely to make dualboot system with nt loader. atfer finishing your Linux installation without installation of GRUB at MBR sector(it 's important), you select a Linux partition to install grub. You can't dualboot your system, do it? Yeh, you can't now. Entering your Linux system by other tools(for instance, Linux rescue cd), use command below to get a boot file:

dd if=/dev/hda7 of=grub.lnx  bs=512 count=1

/dev/hda7 is your grub installation partition.

grub.lnx is the file name which you copy it to Windows partition to dualboot you system. For instance, you copy it in c:/

Exit Linux system, enter Windows, edit your boot.ini

add this line:


ok,that's all.

good luck!

