
【轉】Itunes Connect新版本如何送出應用


How do I submit my app to iTunes connect?

To submit your app to iTunes connect:

  1. 1) Log in to your iTunes Connect account. 

    First time user's must click Accept Terms after reading and agreeing to the iTunes Connect terms of service.

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2) Click My Apps.

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3) Click +.

4) Select New iOS App.

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5) Enter the following new iOS app information:

    a) Company Name: If this is the first time that you are submitting an app to iTunes connect, you need to specify your company name.

This name will be displayed on the Apple App Store with your app.

Note: You cannot change the Company name, so be sure to enter the correct name.

    b) Name: Your app's name as it will appear on the Apple App Store.

Note: This name cannot be longer than 75 bytes.

    c) Primary language: The primary language you will be using to enter your apps details in iTunes Connect.

    d)  Bundle ID: Select the bundle ID you created when generating the app's binary.

The bundle ID is a unique identifier used by iOS and Mac OS X to detect any future updates to your app.  The bundle ID is specific to the app type, and therefore cannot be used for both iOS and MAc apps. 

Note: Your bundle ID must be registered with Apple and unique to your app.

    e)  Version Number: Enter your app's Version Number. See How do I find my app's version number for Apple? for information on finding your version number.

    f) SKU Number: A unique ID for your app, which will not be seen by the users. You can enter any value using letters, numbers, hyphens, periods, and underscores.

Note: Do not start with a hyphen, period, or underscore.

    g) Click Create.

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6) Add screenshots of your app.

    Your images must be:

    - 72 dpi

    - RGB colors

    - JPEG, TIFF, or PNG image file 

    Your images must not Include:

    - Transparencies

    - Alpha channels

    - Mobile device's status bar

    a) Click on the the device type (4-inch, 3.5-inch and iPad)

    b) Click Choose File for each format, and upload the following images:

  • 3.5-Inch Retina Display Screenshots: 640 x 920, 640 x 960, 960 x 600 or 960 x 640 px
  • 4-Inch Retina Display Screenshots: 640 x 1096, 640 x 1136, 1136 x 600, 1136 x 640 px
  • iPad Screenshots:1024 x 768, 1024 x 748, 768 x 1024, 768 x 1004, 2048 x 1536, 2048 x 1496, 1536 x 2048 or 1536 x 2008 px
【轉】Itunes Connect新版本如何送出應用

7) Enter the following app information:

    a) Name: Your app's name as it will appear on the Apple App Store.

    b) Description: Write a description that best describes your app.

    We recommend elaborating on your app's features and functionality.

    c) Keywords: Add keywords that describe and are related your app. The keywords assist users to find your app when searching the Apple App Store. 

    d) Support URL: A website where your users can find contact information.

    e) Marketing URL (optional): A website where your users can find more information about your app.

    f) Privacy Policy URL (optional): A link to your company’s privacy policy. 

Note: The Privacy Policy URL is mandatory for all apps that offer auto-renewable or free subscriptions and for apps that are set to Made for Kids.

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8) Enter the following app information:

    a) App Icon: Your app's name as it will appear on the Apple App Store.

    b) Version: Write a description that best describes your app.

    c) Copyright: The owner of the exclusive rights to the app, preceded by the year the rights were obtained (e.g: 2014 Como).

    d) Category: Select the category that best describes your app. 

    Note: This determines how your app is categorized in the Apple App Store.

    e) Sub-category:You can select an additional subcategory (optional). 

    f) Rating: Click Edit and then select how often each Apple content description appears in your app. 

    Your selections determine the appropriate audience for your app, both in terms of parental and territorial controls. 

    g) License Agreement: Click Edit to change your existing licence agreement. 

    h) Copyright: The owner of the exclusive rights to the app, preceded by the year the rights were obtained (e.g: 2014 Como).

    i) (Optional) Trade Representative Contact Information: To offer your app on the Korean App Store, you must provide additional information. This information will be displayed with your app on the Korean App Store. 

    j) Routing App (optional): .geojson files that specify the geographic regions supported by your app. See Apple for more information.

【轉】Itunes Connect新版本如何送出應用

9)  Submit the Binary file via the Application loader on a Mac computer. See How do I upload my app using the Application Loader? for more information and next steps. 

Note: This process takes about 10 minutes.

10) Click + by Build and upload your updated build.

​This is only available after your binary file has been uploaded.

【轉】Itunes Connect新版本如何送出應用

11) Select the relevant build.

12) Click Done.

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13) Newsstand: Do not turn this feature on. It is not supported by the Como platform.

14) Enter your app review contact information, where Apple can contact you (or someone within your organization) with issues regarding the review process.

Note: This information is not visible to your app users.

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15) Select Automatically release this version once it has been approved.

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16) Click the Pricing tab.

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17) Select the availability date and price tier for your app:

    a) Availability Date: The date your app will become available for purchase on the Apple App Store.

    Note: If your app is still awaiting Apple's approval, it will only become available after it has been approved.

    b)Price tier: This determines both the customer price and your proceeds (Your apps price minus Apple’s commission and applicable taxes). If you choose to charge for your app, you must have a Paid Applications contract with Apple before you can sell your app.

    c) Discount for Educational Institutions: Select to offer your app at a discount to educational institutions when they purchase multiple copies at once.

Note: You must sign the Apple Paid Application Agreement before this app will be available to education customers. There you can find the details of the discount.

    d) Specific territories: Select the countries and App Stores where your app will be available. Note that by default all countries are chosen.

    e) Click Save.

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18) Click Submit for Review.

【轉】Itunes Connect新版本如何送出應用

19) Select the following:

a) No in Export Compliance

b) No in Content Rights

c) Yes in Advertising Identifier

d) Select Attribute this app installation to a previously served advertisement.

f) No in Previous Purchase Restrictions.

g) Click Submit.

【轉】Itunes Connect新版本如何送出應用

--------------------------------------- 華麗的分隔線 ---------------------------------------


1) 選擇本地化語言那裡,我建議是至少要保留English,因為有時候英文原文的意思才準确,本地化之後的語意會有點問題;

2) 版本釋出那裡,一定要選擇手動釋出此版本,不然稽核一旦通過就自動上架了;

3) Pricing選項中,注意選擇要發行的國家,主要是為了避免壞帳和黑卡等問題;

4) 如果用到了IDFA,注意要在稽核的時候很明顯的區域放置定向廣告(頂部放一張圖檔,點選後可跳到一個正常的網址即可),同時在送出的備注中寫明

The banner at the top of the game view is an advertising links.


5) 新版本送出需要一個關于隐私聲明的網址,在應用内需要放置一個按鈕,可點選檢視,是時送出頁輸入框也需要填寫該網址;

6) 備注一定要寫清楚account info,比如登入的使用者各及密碼,給的帳号在應用中體驗時不要遇到有什麼難度的操作,不然也容易被打回;

7) 稽核過程中,應用内不要出現什麼兌換碼之類的東西,蘋果會認為你可能私下要搞什麼充值,比如你們私下通過paypal交易,獲得一個碼而這個碼可以獲得相應的物品,這樣蘋果就會損失那件商品的30%收入;

8) 如果遊戲提供試玩功能,那試玩功能不要進行什麼限制,比如不綁定帳号不給充值這種或者試玩最高隻能升到多少級;

9) 上傳的截圖,最好跟遊戲内的界面有關,不然也容易被拒(當然也需要看運氣了);

10) 商品的選擇一定要注意,是消耗型(Consumable)還是非消耗型(Non Consumable)的;


【轉】Itunes Connect新版本如何送出應用
【轉】Itunes Connect新版本如何送出應用
【轉】Itunes Connect新版本如何送出應用
【轉】Itunes Connect新版本如何送出應用
