
是phalcon快還是java快_PHP 架構:Yaf 和 Phalcon 誰更快?

本文來自 @雪候鳥 的部落格:

After Yaf, there comes another PHP framework in extension(在Yaf釋出以後, 又出現了一個PHP擴充的架構 Phalcon): Phalcon.

then there raise a problem, which people have asked multi-times to me, that is , which one is the *fastest*(于是就出現一個問題, 不停的有人問, 到底Yaf和Phalcon哪個快, 因為他們都在他們的首頁上宣稱是最快的架構)? Yaf, or Phalcon. as they both declared they are the fastest(Yaf, Phalcon)

So I did a simple benchmark(是以我做了個簡單的測試), the benchmark scripts is provide by Ruilog, and could be found at: benchmark scripts


8 * Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5620 @ 2.40GHz

MemTotal: 12296092 kB

Apache 2.2

PHP 5.4.7 with APC-3.1.13

Benchmakr result(測試結果)

ab -n 30000 -c 100

是phalcon快還是java快_PHP 架構:Yaf 和 Phalcon 誰更快?


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是phalcon快還是java快_PHP 架構:Yaf 和 Phalcon 誰更快?

the result is clear, right?
