



I've been getting a LOT of Blog Comment Spam lately, just in the at two weeks. I run all my comments through the Akismet Service, and I pay for it. However, this particular flavor of spam has been making it through consistently. It has a pattern, through, and I'd been trying to figure it out when this LARGE comment showed up.

最近兩周内,我就收到了很多部落格評論垃圾郵件。 我通過Akismet服務運作所有評論,并為此付費。 但是,垃圾郵件的這種特殊味道一直使之始終如一。 它具有一定的模式,當出現此大注釋時,我一直試圖弄清楚。

Apparently while they were messing about trying to spam me, they posted their entire source template.


I'm embedding it below as a Gist, rather than copy/pasting it into my blog engine. It's so spammy, I'd hate to get delisted from Google looking rather like a splog.

我将其作為要點嵌入下面,而不是将其複制/粘貼到我的部落格引擎中。 它是如此垃圾,我不希望被Google從名單上删除,而看起來像個log子。

Note the comments for the Gist as well.


One fellow says


"I used to do comment spam and this is not the most advanced one."


Really? Does one put Comment Spammer on their resume?

真? 有沒有人在他們的履歷上放評論垃圾郵件發送者?

Another comment says that we're hating on spammers. We should embrace them because:

另一條評論說,我們讨厭垃圾郵件發送者。 我們應該擁抱它們,因為:

"Sure for the 1% of super popular blogs out there this might be unnecessary, but in a world filled with bloggers blogging blogs most people never read, the fake recognition and pleasantry might be just what these writers need."


I'm pretty sure that fake comment spam isn't as emotionally uplifting as you think.


Start scrolling down! If you are viewing this in an RSS reader, you MAY need to visit this post directly to see it.

開始向下滾動! 如果您正在RSS閱讀器中檢視此内容,則可能需要直接通路此文章才能看到它。

Your comments, Dear Reader? Cue spam comment-related jokes...now.

您的評論,尊敬的讀者? 提示垃圾郵件評論相關的笑話...現在。

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翻譯自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/exposed-a-blog-comment-spammers-source-template

