
DataTables: Export multiple row headers(導出多行表頭)---番外篇


問題1:在使用DataTables export的過程中,遇到了多行表頭的無法導出問題

該問題已解決,見個人部落格:DataTables: Export multiple row headers(導出多行表頭)


查閱DataTables的問答庫發現了解決辦法:Datatable excel export taking too long time


之前的版本是:DataTables 1.10.12, Buttons 1.2.4

更新的版本是:DataTables 1.10.15, Buttons 1.4.0




備注:從該表可知, 我并沒有實作行合并,隻實作了第二行的列合并,主要是我的需求做到這樣就可以了。另外大家需要注意的是,延承下來的代碼中,最後的Total有bug,因為第三行的Total會跟後面的單元格合并,而第二行最後一個Total可以跟下面的空格合并,是以根據個人需求,我删除了行合并的功能

DataTables: Export multiple row headers(導出多行表頭)---番外篇



update the “buttons.html5.js” file

DataTable.ext.buttons.excelHtml5中 action function

a. Back in the DataTable.ext.buttons.excelHtml5 section

b. replace

if ( exportInfo.title ) {
            addRow( [exportInfo.title], rowPos );
            mergeCells( rowPos, data.header.length- );

with this code:

if ( exportInfo.title ) {
            addRow( [exportInfo.title], rowPos );
            // change by shf //
            // mergeCells( rowPos, data.header.length- );
            mergeCells( rowPos, data.header[].length- );

c. after the code

if ( exportInfo.messageTop ) {
    addRow( [exportInfo.messageTop], rowPos );
    mergeCells( rowPos, data.header.length- );

add the code:

var colLetter = function (colNum) {
    for (var p1 = colNum, q1 = ""; p1 >= ;) {
        var temp = parseInt(p1 / );
        var temp01 = "";
        if (temp) {
            temp01 = String.fromCharCode(temp + );
        q1 = temp01 + String.fromCharCode(p1 %  + ) + q1;
        p1 = Math.floor(button /
                ) - 
    return q1;
var mgCnt = ;
var merges = [];

d. update the code

if (config.header) {
    // modify by shf //
    /* ------- */
    //for each header row
    for (i = ; i < data.header.length - ; i++) {
        //for each column (cell) in the row
        for (var j = ; j < data.header[i].length; j++) {
            //look for a non-colspan/rowspan cell
            if (data.header[i][j] != "" && data.header[i][j] != "") {
                var startRow = i;
                var startCol = j;
                var endRow = i;
                var endCol = j;


                if (j +  < data.header[i].length)
                    if (data.header[i][j + ] == "") //is the cell to the right a colspan?
                        //console.log("cspan start:"+b.header[i][j]);
                        startCol = j;
                        endCol = j + ;

                        //get to the last column in the colspan
                        while (endCol < data.header[i].length && data.header[i][endCol] == "") {
                            //b.header[i][endCol] = ""; //Use if cspan is a special char/sequence

                if (i +  < data.header.length - )
                    if (data.header[i + ][j] == "") //is the cell below a rowspan?
                        //console.log("rspan start:"+b.header[i][j]);
                        startRow = i;
                        endRow = i + ;

                        //get to the last row in the rowspan
                        while (endRow < data.header.length && data.header[endRow][j] == "") {
                            //b.header[endRow][j] = ""; //Use if rowspan is a special char/sequence

                //create and store merge ranges
                //if endCol or endRow show movement
                if (startRow != endRow || startCol != endCol) {
                    var sC = colLetter(startCol); //convert startCol to excel column letter
                    var sR = startRow + ;
                    var eC = colLetter(endCol); //conver endCol to excel column letter
                    var eR = endRow + ;

                    merges[mgCnt] = sC + "" + sR; //start of range

                    //console.log("endrow > startrow="+endRow+">"+startRow);
                    //console.log("endCol > startcol="+endCol+">"+startCol);

                    if (endCol > startCol) //end column
                        merges[mgCnt] = merges[mgCnt] + ":" + eC;
                        merges[mgCnt] = merges[mgCnt] + ":" + sC;

                    if (endRow > startRow) //end row
                        merges[mgCnt] = merges[mgCnt] + eR;
                        merges[mgCnt] = merges[mgCnt] + sR;


                    mgCnt++; //increment number of merge ranges
    //add multiple headers
    for (var i = ; i < data.header.length; i++) {
        addRow(data.header[i], rowPos);
        $('row:last c', rels).attr('s', '2'); // bold

e. after this code:

// Below the table
if ( exportInfo.messageBottom ) {
    addRow( [exportInfo.messageBottom], rowPos );
    mergeCells( rowPos, data.header.length- );

add this code:

//if we have merges
if (mgCnt > ) {
    //create a mergeCells section
    var z = $('mergeCells', rels);
    z.attr( 'count', z.attr( 'count' )+ + mgCnt );
    //var z = _createNode(rels, "mergeCells", {
    //    attr: {
    //        count: mgCnt
    //    }

    //add each merge range as a child
    for (var i = ; i < mgCnt; i++) {
        n = _createNode(rels, "mergeCell", {
            attr: {
                ref: merges[i]
    if (z.children.length > )
        $("worksheet", rels).append(z);//add to the worksheet


colspan or rowspan header(番外篇)
