
mysql 優化 >_MySQL 性能優化之一 重要配置變量優化





設定索引表可以使用的記憶體總空間,越大說明會有越多的 MyISAM

表的索引檔案*.MYI 儲存在内容中。



通路索引表的查詢通路了硬碟的總次數,特指查詢使用的索引表沒有放入記憶體, 不得不去通路硬碟的情況,這個值越小越好。


通路索引表的查詢總次數(包括cache在記憶體中的索引表和硬碟上的), 這個值和前者的比例越大越好。

The key_buffer_size

is probably the most useful single variable to tweak. The larger you set it,

the more of your MyISAM table indexes you store in memory. With most queries

making use of an index, and memory being an order of magnitude faster than

disk, the importance of this variable cannot be overestimated.

key_buffer_size 可能是最有用的單獨的優化變量。設定的越大,将會有越多的MyISAM


On dedicated MySQL

servers, the rule-of-thumb is to aim to set the key_buffer_size to at

least a quarter, but no more than half, of the total amount of memory on the

server. Ideally, it will be large enough to contain all the indexes (the total

size of all .MYI files on the server). If you are unable to make it large

enough for this, the best way to fine-tune the setting is to compare the key_reads

and the key_read_requests status variables. The latter is the total

number of requests making use of an index, while the former is the total number

of those requests that had to read from disk. You want at least 100 requests to

every request from disk, preferably a lot more. Have a look at scenario 1, with

the same query run a few seconds apart.

在專用的MySQL伺服器上,根據經驗設定 key_buffer_size 至少是總記憶體的1/4,但是



key_reads 和 key_read_requests 這個狀态值。



mysql> SHOW STATUS LIKE '%key_read%';


| Variable_name | Value |


| Key_read_requests | 3606100254 |

| Key_reads | 2594030 |


mysql> SHOW STATUS LIKE '%key_read%';


| Variable_name | Value |


| Key_read_requests | 3606102741 |

| Key_reads | 2594030 |


This is a healthy ratio,

around 1400 to 1. Of the 2500 index requests between the two samples, none

required the disk. On this server, the key_buffer is set to 768M, while

the total memory available is 3GB.

上面顯示的情況是比較正常的比例,每 1400 個請求中有 1 個通路磁盤。

這裡 key_buffer 設定為 768M,總記憶體是 3GB.


mysql> SHOW STATUS LIKE '%key_read%';


| Variable_name | Value |


| Key_read_requests | 609601541 |

| Key_reads | 46729832 |


In scenario 2, it is

shocking, about 13 to 1. On this server, the key_buffer_size was set to

16MB out of 64MB. If you are in a similar situation, it is clear what your next

hardware upgrade should be. RAM is always the primary hardware upgrade you can

do to improve your system.

情形2非常糟糕,請求和磁盤通路的比例為: 13:1, key_buffer_size 設定的是

16M ,系統記憶體是 64M. 如果你處在同樣的情況下,那麼非常明顯你需要更新硬體增加


The table_cache



允許 MySQL







table_cache 設定太小。

The table_cache

remains a useful variable to tweak. Each time MySQL accesses a table, it places

it in the cache. If your system accesses many tables, it is faster to have

these in the cache. One thing to note is that you may have more open tables

than there are database tables on the server. MySQL, being multi-threaded, may

be running many queries on the table at one time, and each of these will open a

table. A good way to see whether your system needs to increase this is to

examine the value of open_tables at peak times. If you find it stays at

the same value as your table_cache value, and then the number of opened_tables starts

rapidly increasing, you should increase the table_cache if you have enough

memory. Look at these three scenarios, during peak times.

每次 MySQL 通路一個表,将會把它放入 cache 中,如果你的系統要通路很多表,





是在通路峰值的時候檢查 open_tables 這個值,如果這個值和你設定的 table_cache

值一樣,而且 opened_tables 的增長速度很快,那麼你應該增加這個值,如果你有




mysql> SHOW STATUS LIKE 'open%tables%';


| Variable_name | Value |


| Open_tables | 98 |

| Opened_tables | 1513 |


The table_cache is

set to 512, and the server has been running for a long time. If the server is

taking strain elsewhere, the table_cache setting could probably be reduced


在上面這個情形中,table_cache 設定的為 512,資料庫已經運作了很長一段時間,




mysql> SHOW STATUS LIKE 'open%tables%';


| Variable_name | Value |


| Open_tables | 64 |

| Opened_tables | 517 |


The table_cache is

set to 64, and the server has been running for a long time. Even though open_tables

is at its maximum, the number of open_tables is very low considering that the

server has been up for ages. There is probably not much benefit in upping the table_cache.

This example came from a development server.

上面的這個情形,table_cache 設定的是 64, 伺服器也運作了好久,即使 open_tables

的值已經達到了最大值,但是 opend_tables 的值比較小,可以認為伺服器的狀況正常,

增加 table_cache 的值并不一定會有好的效果。


mysql> SHOW STATUS LIKE 'open%tables%';


| Variable_name | Value |


| Open_tables | 64 |

| Opened_tables | 13918 |


The table_cache is

set to 64, and the server has been running for a short time. This time the table_cache

is clearly set too low. The open_tables is running at maximum, and the

number of opened_tables is already high. If you have the memory, up the table_cache.

上面的情形中, table_cache 設定為 64, 伺服器運作的時間很短,open_tables 已經達到了

最大值,而 opened_tables 的值非常大,如果有足夠的記憶體,應該繼續增大 table_cache 的





執行 myisamchk 和查詢中有 sort

函數時使用的記憶體,在mysqld的配置小節 中設定為2M-8M比較合适.

The sort_buffer is

very useful for speeding up myisamchk operations (which is why it is set

much higher for that purpose in the default configuration files), but it can

also be useful everyday when performing large numbers of sorts. It defaults to

2M in the my-huge.cnf sample file, but I have successfully upped it to

9MB on a 3GB server running quite a few sorts.

這個值非常有助于提高執行 myisamchk 時的速度,是以在配置檔案中關于 myisamchk 的


這個值對于執行大量的 sort 排序操作時也非常有幫助,在my-huge.cnf配置檔案中設定



The read_rnd_buffer_size

is used after a sort, when reading rows in sorted order. If you use many

queries with ORDER BY, upping this can improve performance. Remember

that, unlike key_buffer_size and table_cache, this buffer is allocated

for each thread. This variable was renamed from record_rnd_buffer in

MySQL 4.0.3. It defaults to the same size as the read_buffer_size, which

defaults to 128KB. A rule-of-thumb is to allocate 1KB for each 1MB of memory on

the server, for example 3MB on a machine with 3GB memory.

read_rnd_buffer_size 用在 sort 之後,以排序後的順序讀取記錄時。如果有許多

查詢都使用了 ORDER BY 函數,增大這個值可以提高性能。需要注意的是,這個值

不象 key_buffer_size 和 table_cache ,它的記憶體配置設定是對每個線程的,預設

會被設定的和 read_buffer_size 一樣大小,為 128KB,經驗值是每1M記憶體配置設定1KB,



This variable determines

the maximum size for a temporary table in memory. If the table becomes too

large, a MYISAM table is created on disk. Try to avoid temporary tables by

optimizing the queries where possible, but where this is not possible, try to

ensure temporary tables are always stored in memory. Watching the processlist

for queries with temporary tables that take too long to resolve can give you an

early warning that tmp_table_size needs to be upped. Be aware that

memory is also allocated per-thread. An example where upping this worked for

more was a server where I upped this from 32MB (the default) to 64MB with

immediate effect. The quicker resolution of queries resulted in less threads

being active at any one time, with all-round benefits for the server, and

available memory.



查詢 processlist 如果查詢使用臨時表使用的時間比較長,說明有必要增加

tmp_table_size 的大小。也需要注意這個值是for 每個線程的。一個例子是我
