

{"info":{"title":{"content":"林黛玉刻薄狹隘性格差?她因人格魅力太強大,才遭王夫人钗襲嫉恨","en":"Lin Daiyu is mean and narrow-minded and has a poor personality? Because her personality charm was too strong, she was attacked and hated by Mrs. Wang"},"description":{"content":"大家好,今天重點分析一下林黛玉過分優秀的人格魅力,為長久以來她背負的尖酸刻薄,狹隘小氣,隻知道哭哭啼啼,無理取鬧等負面的...","en":"Hello everyone, today I will focus on the analysis of Lin Daiyu's excessively excellent personality charm, for the bitterness, narrow-mindedness and stinginess she has been burdened for a long time, she only knows how to cry, cry, vexatious and other negative..."}},"items":[]}