

{"info":{"title":{"content":"57年,陳赓抄起調令沖進彭德懷辦公室,質問:為什麼準許針對我?","en":"In 57, Chen Geng copied the order and rushed into Peng Dehuai's office and asked: Why did you approve the targeting of me?"},"description":{"content":"57年,陳赓抄起調令沖進彭德懷辦公室,質問:為什麼準許針對我,人就是這樣奇妙有趣,有時刀子嘴豆腐心,有時慷慨大方到令人意...","en":"In 57, Chen Geng picked up the order and rushed into Peng Dehuai's office and asked: Why is the approval directed against me, people are so wonderful and interesting, sometimes they are so generous and generous..."}},"items":[]}