
Three Kingdoms 872: Deng Zhi asked Zhuge Liang why he knew that Cui Yu was a fraudulent surrender, and what did Zhuge Liang say?

Zhuge Liang sent Guan Xing and Zhang Bao to deceive Nan'an. Guan Xing raised his knife and killed Yang Ling. Cui Yu was horrified, and returned to the horse to escape, but Zhang Bao shouted loudly behind him: "Where are the thieves going!" The Prime Minister has already seen through your tricks! "A shot stabbed him under his horse.

Three Kingdoms 872: Deng Zhi asked Zhuge Liang why he knew that Cui Yu was a fraudulent surrender, and what did Zhuge Liang say?

The two generals Guan and Zhang killed Yang Ling and Cui Yu, took advantage of the situation and rushed into the city and set fire to it. The Shu soldiers outside the city saw the fire and knew that they had succeeded, and with a shout, the tide rushed into the city to meet them.

Three Kingdoms 872: Deng Zhi asked Zhuge Liang why he knew that Cui Yu was a fraudulent surrender, and what did Zhuge Liang say?

Xiahou Shu saw that the situation was not good, and opened the south gate to fight to the death. Who knew that Zhuge Liang had already sent Wang Ping to wait here, stopped Xiahou Shu, and only killed one round, and then captured him off his horse.

Three Kingdoms 872: Deng Zhi asked Zhuge Liang why he knew that Cui Yu was a fraudulent surrender, and what did Zhuge Liang say?

Zhuge Liang entered Nan'an, summoned the Wei army, and came out of Anmin. Wang Ping dissolved xiahou shu. Zhuge Liang ordered him to be taken into a prison cart and dealt with.

Three Kingdoms 872: Deng Zhi asked Zhuge Liang why he knew that Cui Yu was a fraudulent surrender, and what did Zhuge Liang say?

Deng Zhi asked Zhuge Liang why he knew that Cui Yu was a fraudulent surrender. Zhuge Liang said something, and the crowd would bow down.

Three Kingdoms 872: Deng Zhi asked Zhuge Liang why he knew that Cui Yu was a fraudulent surrender, and what did Zhuge Liang say?

Zhuge Liang got Nan'an, and while the news had not yet spread, he sent someone to pretend to be Pei Xu and deceive Tianshui County overnight according to the deception of the settlement method. He also sent Zhao Yun, Zhang Yi, and Gao Xiang to lead the men and horses and ambush them separately.

Three Kingdoms 872: Deng Zhi asked Zhuge Liang why he knew that Cui Yu was a fraudulent surrender, and what did Zhuge Liang say?

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