
Ma Mo painfully lost the street pavilion, Zhuge Liang empted the city plan, why only Zhao Yun's army did not lose

Ma Mo painfully lost the street pavilion, Zhuge Liang empted the city plan, why only Zhao Yun's army did not lose

In the sixth year of Jianxing (228), Zhuge Liang led the first Northern Expedition, ordering Zhao Yun and Deng Zhi to attack Yucheng and personally lead a large army to attack the direction of Qishan. The Shu army fought bravely, and for a time the three armies of Tianshui, Nan'an, and Anding on the right side of Longyou all returned to Zhuge Liang, and the Shu army was shocked. In desperation, Cao Rui revived Sima Yi, who unexpectedly beheaded the rebel general Meng Da, making Zhang Gao the vanguard, and led his army straight to Qishan. Zhuge Liang Ma Mo town guarded the street pavilion, because Ma Mo did not understand actual combat, Tun soldiers on the mountain, Wei army besieged but did not attack, Shu army lacked water without fighting and chaos, Ma Mo fled in defeat.

Ma Mo painfully lost the street pavilion, Zhuge Liang empted the city plan, why only Zhao Yun's army did not lose

The street pavilion was lost, the Wei army had the ability to cut off the Shu army's retreat, the situation was extremely passive, and Zhuge Liang had to sing the empty city plan. However, in such a passive situation, there was a lone army, that is, Zhao Yun Deng Zhi's army, but it could be unexpected, retreat with all its strength, and there was no loss of soldiers and horses, it was Zhao Yun Deng Zhi's army. How did Zhao Yun do it? Is he really a soldier like a god? Let's make a brief analysis based on the content of the deduction.

Ma Mo painfully lost the street pavilion, Zhuge Liang empted the city plan, why only Zhao Yun's army did not lose

First of all, Zhao Yun used his troops like gods, and adopted a strategy of attacking him unexpectedly.

Zhao Yun was in Migu Road, and when he heard that Zhuge Liang had withdrawn his troops, he was worried that his men and horses would be besieged. So he urgently ordered the withdrawal of the army, and then summoned Toshiba to explain: The Wei army knows that we are retreating, and will definitely lead the army to pursue. You can be in front under my banner and wait until Wei Jun catches up, but I kill from behind. The command has been given, and the generals have acted according to the plan. However, it is said that Guo Huai returned to the Migu Road and summoned the vanguard Su Hao and asked him to march in pursuit of Zhao Yun. He also commanded him that Zhao Yun was brave and invincible, and he must be careful when pursuing. Su Hao gladly agreed, and claimed that he was bound to capture Zhao Yun.

Ma Mo painfully lost the street pavilion, Zhuge Liang empted the city plan, why only Zhao Yun's army did not lose

Su Hao led his army to chase after Zhao Yun, and saw Zhao Yun's banner in the distance, so he boldly pursued it. Seeing that it was about to catch up, suddenly the army was killed behind it, and the word "Zhao Yun" was written on the white character of the red flag. The leader of the general raised his gun and prancing horse, killing Ben Su Yong. Loud rebuke: Ru zhi Zhao Zilong no? Su Yuan's soul flew away: In front of him was Zhao Yun, why is there another Zhao Yun here? Su Hao was caught off guard and was stabbed by Zhao Yun under his horse, and the rest of the men and horses all collapsed. Before poor Su Hao could react, he had become a ghost under the knife. It can be said that Zhao Yun's strategy is extremely magical, and the virtual reality is born, and this is also Zhuge Liang's commonly used strategy, and he can really use it flexibly.

Ma Mo painfully lost the street pavilion, Zhuge Liang empted the city plan, why only Zhao Yun's army did not lose

Secondly, Zhao Yun and his husband were able to fight the Wei army alone.

Su Hao was beheaded, and Guo Huai's general Wan Zheng was still in hot pursuit. Zhao Yun knew that it was difficult to ask the pursuing soldiers behind him, so he ordered the army to go first, and he stood alone at the intersection. By the time the Wei army arrived, the Shu army had retreated thirty miles away. Wan Zheng saw Zhao Yun standing majestically at the intersection and knew Zhao Yun's prestige, so he did not dare to move forward. Zhao Yun confronted him and waited until the bare stick before slowly retreating. At this time, Guo Huai led his army to catch up, and Wan Zheng returned to Guo Huai, fearing Zhao Yun's prestige, and did not pursue. Here is enough to see how heroic Zhao Yun is, ChangsakaPo Dangyang Bridge, the combat strength of that year played a role.

Another major reason is that Su Yong has already won the plan in the front, and this imaginary use of soldiers really makes Wan Zheng unable to figure it out. Zhao Yun was indeed alone, but whether he could kill the past was a problem. Even if Zhao Yun is killed, whether there are ambush soldiers behind him is unknown. As an inexperienced general, Wan Zheng really didn't have any certainty, so he didn't dare to pursue.

Ma Mo painfully lost the street pavilion, Zhuge Liang empted the city plan, why only Zhao Yun's army did not lose

Zhao Yun repeated the same trick again, killing Guo Huai.

When Guo Huai heard Wan Zheng's return, he did not think so, and ordered him to march in pursuit of Zhao Yun. Wan Zheng led hundreds of horsemen and horses to pursue the night, marched to a forest, and suddenly heard a loud drink behind him: Zhao Zilong was here. The Wei army was terrified and frightened again, and there were more than a hundred people who fell from their horses, and the rest of the army fled over the mountains and mountains. Only Wan Zheng reluctantly came to fight Zhao Yun, was stabbed in the helmet by a shot, and fell into the mountain stream, Zhao Yun pointed a gun at him: I spare Ru's life, go back and teach Guo Huai to come! Wan Zheng was horrified, and he pulled his horse back.

Ma Mo painfully lost the street pavilion, Zhuge Liang empted the city plan, why only Zhao Yun's army did not lose

Zhao Yun's final repetition of the same technique can be said to be a highlight of the use of soldiers. First, the death of Su Yuan made Wan Zheng uncertain and his heart palpitate, and he definitely did not want to become the second Su Yuan. Both of the generals had heard of Zhao Yun's prestige, and they also knew that among the million Cao troops in Changshanpo, Zhao Yun did not want to lose his life if he entered no man's land. The most important thing was that Zhao Yun unexpectedly attacked him and ran to the back of wei jun for the second time, which surprised them.

This series of strategies had already broken through their psychological defenses, and naturally they were scared away, as for Wan Zheng, he was definitely not Zhao Yun's opponent. It can be said that Zhao Yun's retreat is really a classic of using soldiers. It was precisely in this way that Zhao Yun's troops did not lose a single soldier and retreated safely to Hanzhong.

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