
Photos: Traveling on the Jiaodong Peninsula during the holidays, try these specialties

author:Jiaodong story meeting

Eating good food and enjoying the scenery are the two main contents of travel. During the eleventh period, I believe that many friends from other places have come to Jiaodong Peninsula to travel, and the following will recommend a few Jiaodong dishes to everyone, which have local characteristics and are not rare and high-end (seafood does not have to be ginseng abalone shrimp), which can be eaten in most counties and urban areas of Jiaodong.

Jiaodong Peninsula is surrounded by the sea on three sides, and the hinterland is mountainous and hilly, so in terms of ingredients, there are seafood and mountain goods, which complement each other perfectly.

Compared with the May Day holiday and summer vacation, the advantage of traveling to Jiaodong Peninsula during the Eleventh Period is that the sea has been opened, so the variety of seafood is relatively rich. In terms of eating method, steaming can reflect the original taste of seafood to the greatest extent, but if friends inland feel unaccustomed, they can try to choose the way of cooking in oil when ordering.

Photos: Traveling on the Jiaodong Peninsula during the holidays, try these specialties

In Jiaodong seafood, if the freshness is better, the sea intestine is recognized as the first, and the second is not determined, and the swan eggs and bird shells are also more competitive. In terms of price, bird shells are now more expensive than swan eggs, order a medium-priced swan egg, it is more affordable, can be spicy fried, can be onion oil.

Photos: Traveling on the Jiaodong Peninsula during the holidays, try these specialties

Spicy stir-fried squid whiskers, is also a more affordable seafood dish, eat very refreshing, the color is also very bright, for friends who like to travel and take pictures, it is the best product.

Photos: Traveling on the Jiaodong Peninsula during the holidays, try these specialties

This dish is fried oyster yellow, and the price is more moderate. It is more convenient to eat than steamed sea oysters and more technical to make.

Photos: Traveling on the Jiaodong Peninsula during the holidays, try these specialties

After opening the sea, the restaurants in Jiaodong basically have fresh mackerel supplies, which is more affordable among the sea fish. The mackerel is cut into pieces and eaten in the stew.

Photos: Traveling on the Jiaodong Peninsula during the holidays, try these specialties

I just looked at seafood, now look at mountain goods. Jiaodong Peninsula's coastal scenery is beautiful, many famous mountains such as Laoshan Mountain, Kunlai Mountain, Aishan Mountain, Luoshan and other scenery is also good, if you go to the mountains to play, experience the farm, running pheasant is a more ordered dish (more expensive than ordinary fried chicken). If you still like to eat seafood, you can use chicken braised clams or chicken braised fish, of course, the price is higher.

Photos: Traveling on the Jiaodong Peninsula during the holidays, try these specialties

Other Jiaodong farmhouse dishes, and then you can experience the vegetable balls or home-cooked small tofu (rubbing residue), this dish in the picture is a ball made of cabbage meat, the taste is quite good. Usually, spring is the season to eat wild vegetables, but after autumn, in the Jiaodong field, you can actually dig up a lot of fresh cabbage. In fact, this dish is not only suitable for foreign tourists to eat, but also a good experience for local friends in Jiaodong who have been in the city for a long time.

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