
Shame is shame, a history that can disgust everyone: the shame of Jingkang

author:History again

Shame is shame, a history that can disgust everyone: the shame of Jingkang

A history that could have been golden and iron-horse, illuminating the ages, has become synonymous with holding on to the cripple and losing its dignity, an imperial dynasty that was originally rich and prosperous and promising, but it has become a weak and weak lamb to be slaughtered, a scene of one of the few "social deaths" in our history, and a humiliating moment with the Ming Dynasty's "Jiashen National Difficulty": "The Difficulty of Jingkang" can also be called "The Shame of Jingkang".

Shame is shame, a history that can disgust everyone: the shame of Jingkang

During the reign of Emperor Huizong of the Northern Song Dynasty, there was a nomadic tribe in the northern Heilongjiang River: the Jurchens, descendants of the Heishui Jing. This tribe became very strong under the leadership of their leader, Guanyan Akuta, so it founded a country, called "Jin", next door to Jin there was a Liao state, Liao was also a powerful country before the hegemonic side, when strong often bullied the surrounding nomadic tribes, Jin Guo was one of the bullied, and was taken as a slave at every turn.

Shame is shame, a history that can disgust everyone: the shame of Jingkang

The good times did not last long, because the internal politics of the Liao state and the contradictions and disputes with the nobles soon made the Liao state crumbling. However, the Jurchens gradually became stronger, and the first thing that jin developed was to destroy the Liao, but the skinny camel was bigger than the horse, and although the Jin was strong, there were few people in the country, so a certain minister of the Jin state proposed that he could cooperate with the Song Dynasty in the south to destroy the Liao.

Shame is shame, a history that can disgust everyone: the shame of Jingkang

The song dynasty and the destruction of the Liao dynasty at that time did not have much benefit at all, and the Song dynasty people should not agree to it if they were not stupid, so Jin also issued an invitation to the Song Dynasty with a tentative attitude, but who knew that song Huizong, who had a worrying IQ, soon agreed and established a "maritime pact" with Jin, on the condition that the Liao state was destroyed and the Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures that were originally taken away by the Liao were returned to the Song Dynasty.

Shame is shame, a history that can disgust everyone: the shame of Jingkang

Emperor Huizong of Song was complacent, thinking that he had made a very correct decision, but he did not know that this was with the wolf, luring the wolf into the room, and in the great war against the Liao, Jin found that the army of the Song Dynasty was very weak, and whether there was a Song himself could destroy the Liao, the significance of the Existence of the Song was not great, so after destroying the Liao, the Jin Dynasty launched an attack on the Song, after all, the Song Dynasty was rich, and it was a pity that such a piece of fat meat was not bitten.

Shame is shame, a history that can disgust everyone: the shame of Jingkang

However, Emperor Huizong of Song was not good at using people, useful generals and officials were degraded by him, and when the great war came, there was no one to use, and soon jin's army was beaten all the way to the capital at that time, Fenjing. When the soldiers approached the city, the generals of the Jin Dynasty joked that the emperor could hand over his wife and children, so that he could retreat and not attack, but the emperor luckily wanted to use civilian prostitutes and women instead, and captured thousands of innocent ordinary girls and handed them to Jin.

Shame is shame, a history that can disgust everyone: the shame of Jingkang

But Jin was not satisfied, the emperor had to hand over his princess and emperor Ji, and a large amount of gold and silver treasures, which was not enough, a grand emperor minister even started a pimping business, converting women into gold and silver to pay, and later almost all the women in the court were sold to the jin people, according to the records, after these women entered the gold, they were all trampled by wolves and died.

Shame is shame, a history that can disgust everyone: the shame of Jingkang

At that time, the emperor still thought that he could escape the disaster, as long as he met the requirements made by Jin, until the second year of Jing Kang, the capital was completely fallen, and the two emperors and thousands of relatives of the emperor were taken into captivity. After the two bereaved kings arrived in the Golden Kingdom, they were insulted and were subjected to the "sheep-leading ceremony", that is, they were naked and tied to a rope around their necks, and they were led by the Jin people. He also publicly insulted his queen.

Shame is shame, a history that can disgust everyone: the shame of Jingkang

According to statistics, there were 3,400 royal commoners abducted by Jin, and the princess was also clearly priced and sold publicly, all of whom were tortured and died, and the youngest was only 15 years old.

Shame is shame, a history that can disgust everyone: the shame of Jingkang

The shame of Jingkang is the shame of a dynasty, and it is also a shame in the process of human civilization.