
The sad word man of the ages - Naranjande

author:A grain of sand

Strangers are like jade, and the prince is unparalleled in the world. It is really fitting to use this phrase to describe Naranjand. No one can leave nearly four hundred poems in just thirty-one years like him, and let generations of people feel his misery and sorrow through time and space!

He was a powerful and wild man, and he was once young and crazy. "De is also mad. By chance, the dust of the capital country, Wuyi Mendi. ”

In the face of the world's finger-pointing at his friends, he arbitrarily advised his friends. "I asked what I was doing, and I just sneered."

He was sick alone in a foreign land, without the booing of his relatives, Gu Ying's self-pity, and loneliness and sadness! "Amorous since the ancient plains are sick, Qingjing pity Qingying." A snap of tears like silk, the Central and East Wind Hugh Yu ren knows"

What he received in his life was not what he wanted, he was in the government and the opposition, and his heart was in the rivers and lakes. "I am a pitiful guest in the world, and I know what happened to the king and tear up, and I remember my life in the sound of my broken intestines."

Life and career are not satisfactory, and the emotions are also miserable and sad.

"If life is only like the first sight, when will the autumn wind be sad to paint the fan." Waiting for idle changes but the old people's hearts, but the old people's hearts are changeable. "First love is like a brilliant firework, lighting up each other's hearts, but it is destined not to stay together for life."

"A lifetime of one generation and a couple, fighting for two souls." Acacia does not look at each other, who is the spring of the day? "He is eternally separated from his wife who lives day and night, and he misses him day and day, and he cannot extricate himself.

"A little deep love, deep mountains and late autumn rain."

He eventually left behind his sad poetry and song, dying on the anniversary of his death. Hopefully, they can stay in another parallel space-time and space, never separated.

No amount of words can say the sorrow of the Prince of Naran, and no matter how deep the true feelings cannot tell the sorrow of the Prince of Naran. The talented, literary and martial artists, and deep affection of the first talented man of the Qing Dynasty fell like a star, causing generations of people to cherish and fall in love.

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