
Naran Sex De's fallen leaves are two songs: the fading poplar leaves are exhausted, and the cold rain and miserable wind draw the bridge

author:Hatsui Katsuyuki

Naran Sex De Fell Leaf Words two songs: Xiao Xiao Yellow Leaf closed the window, contemplating the past and standing in the sun

"The dust is full of loose curtains, and it is really a poor darkness."

Several times I stole the tears of the green shirt, and suddenly I saw CuiQiao.

Only hate, turn boring. Five more still falling flowers towards.

The fading poplar leaves are exhausted, and the cold rain and miserable wind paint the bridge. Naranjande "Yu Zhonghao, The Fourth Night of the First Month of October, The Wind and Rain, Tomorrow is the Birthday of the Dead Woman"

Naran Sex De's fallen leaves are two songs: the fading poplar leaves are exhausted, and the cold rain and miserable wind draw the bridge

The time of Naran's sex and the death of his wife is a strange coincidence. On the epitaph of Naran's wife, it reads, "Kangxi died on May 30, 16th year, and there was one in the spring and autumn." Give birth to a son Hai Liang. The time of the erection of the monument is "now buried on July 28, 1707 in the ancestral tomb of the Jade River Soap Pod Tun." "This epitaph was written by Ye Shuchong, a scholar of zhongshu at that time, and was written as an inscription.

And eight years later, Naran Sex de "died in May of the twenty-fourth year of Kangxi has been ugly, Chinese New Year's Eve there is one", this is his epitaph, then this May has been ugly has been calculated, that is, May 30, as for why the epitaph does not state that it is May 30, or deliberately avoid the time of death of Naran Sex de and his wife, which puts a mysterious veil on Naran Sexder's death, is he sick and martyred?

At the age of 20, Naran married an 18-year-old Hanqi woman, Lu Shi, who was proficient in literature and ink and good calligraphy, and the two lived a very married life of love for three years, but with the birth of the child, the young mother died of postpartum illness at the age of twenty-one.

From the perspective of Naranjande's short life, this stimulation has not eased up in his life, and he has been living in the shadow of widowhood, even if he remarries his wife and has a gentle Jiangnan talent as a concubine in the last year of his life, but he thinks that it is all a substitute for his wife.

Although there is no way to know the details of Naran's relationship with Lu's, from Naran's sex, he can't forget the sweetness of his relationship with his wife, but it is conceivable that this deep affection is deeply rooted in the bone marrow.

Naran kept the residence where his wife had lived, and after official duties, he had to come to pay homage to his wife's birthday and death day.

Naran Sex De's fallen leaves are two songs: the fading poplar leaves are exhausted, and the cold rain and miserable wind draw the bridge

"The first four nights of October are stormy and tomorrow is the birthday of the dead woman", Naran Sex de

For example, in this poem, we finally know that this lu family woman with a short life was born on the fifth day of the tenth month of the lunar calendar.

From the traditional season, October is the beginning of winter, early winter and early winter, from the perspective of solar terms, often in the cold dew and winter season. The capital city in the north, the mansions and villas of Naranjande, should be the yellow leaves and xiaoxiao, the deepest autumn and early winter.

If her wife is alive, there will be a major birthday party or blessing this month, enjoying chrysanthemums, wearing new clothes, stepping on fallen leaves, lighting red candles, and a small spring in October, just like in the dream of the Red Chamber, admiring begonias and chrysanthemums. By the way, the garden of Naranjande is planted with herbaceous begonias, and you may still see out-of-season flowers blooming in the trees.

But after his wife's death, these were all overshadowed with gray, and the cold winds of early winter made him feel even colder.

This should be the work of the second or third year after the wife's death.

Shortly after his wife's death, around the Tanabata and Chongyang Festival of that year, Naran Sex de sought to meet his wife in his dreams, which has become an important sustenance, even after many years, knowing that this is purely a dream, he is still willing to ritualize precious time and emotions.

On the eve of his wife's birthday, he came again, because the hostess had died, and Naranjand asked to remain intact, because there was still the smell of his wife, so that even the industrious servants could not organize and repair it on a large scale.

Naran Sex De's fallen leaves are two songs: the fading poplar leaves are exhausted, and the cold rain and miserable wind draw the bridge

"The dust is full of loose curtains, and it is really a poor darkness."

It was still the same curtain as before, but the curtain was already covered with dust.

The windows and the bed were still the same curtains as before, with ribbons hanging down, but the north wind came in through the gaps in the windows, or at the moment he pushed the door, the ribbons fluttered.

The desolation and pity here is the pity of his wife and his pity. He used his soul to meet his wife here, even if the red candle was lit and the doors and windows were closed, creating the same small warmth as before, but it was not the past. Because one of the sounds I came back, there was no response, but apparently Naran was stubbornly gentle, as if she were still there, and what gift had been given to her?

Naran didn't want to wake up, but after losing his wife two or three times, he couldn't help but not wake up, because death and existence are two different things. He may not have wanted to cry in this room, but he couldn't help but prick his heart and shed tears.

He saw that his wife's makeup table was still placed on the side of the green warp, which was a decoration in front of the world after dressing up.

He watched for a long time, remembering what his wife looked like at the makeup table, which might comfort him that it was her room and that she would come back.

"Only hate, turn boring." Five more still falling flowers towards. ”

In fact, Naran was staying in his wife's room for two days, and if nothing else was wrong, he was congratulated in advance before his birthday and stayed together on his birthday. Naranjande remained in the room, the red candles flickering and warm as spring, creating an atmosphere similar to before.

The lunar month of October will have a bright sun during the cold day, similar to early spring and February, so October is called a small spring moon, a small yang spring. Then the flower dynasty is also called the falling flower dynasty, in the Tang Dynasty is early spring in February, the plum blossoms bloom and fall, and the hundred flowers begin to bloom.

Then Naranjand said that this small room, arranged like the flower dynasty in the spring of February, is actually a blessing for his wife's birthday, which is the deepest sustenance. Of course, Naranjand has this financial resources, and in reality he may be more perfect and warm than the arrangement I wrote. Because he was in this early winter cold, he stayed until dawn, and the warmth and warmth of the room lasted all night.

But what about beyond this dream-like room, beyond this artificially maintained eternity? That's real reality.

Naran Sex De's fallen leaves are two songs: the fading poplar leaves are exhausted, and the cold rain and miserable wind draw the bridge

"The fading poplar leaves are exhausted, and the cold rain and miserable wind paint the bridge."

The reality is that in October in beijing, the cold rain is lightning, and the wind and rain sway the willows that are about to run out of leaves, and the willows have shed their leaves and are still swaying there, as if watching, as if a continuous desolate lovesickness and friendship, and beyond the depressed willow branches, is the familiar garden painting bridge, which is bathed in the cold wind and rain.

On that bridge, his former wife, walking with a durian flower in her hand during the season of luxuriant flowers, was to pray for a pair of pairs with Naran Sex Desheng, when she was young and tender under the bath of the slanting sun. But now, those are all cold.

Naranjand knew that his wife was dead, by unpopularity, by not being gentle and dreamy, and still staying in the past.

"The fading poplar leaves are exhausted." It is his true psychology, because his feelings have lost the balance of reality and are infinitely attached to a person who has disappeared from the world. He knew the sadness, but he couldn't help himself, and he didn't want to save himself.

He must have sworn an oath to his wife, there was a kind of sadness, the oath is still there, the person is gone, how should the living face the words he said, the oath he made?

Naran chose the way to hurt himself the most, between the real and the unreal, to rely on a kind of sincerity, to obtain a kind of practice of truth.

Naran Sex De's fallen leaves are two songs: the fading poplar leaves are exhausted, and the cold rain and miserable wind draw the bridge

"Who reads the west wind alone cool?" Xiao Xiao yellow leaves closed the window.

Contemplate the past and stand in the sun.

Frightened by the wine Mo Chun slept heavily, gambling books to pour tea aroma.

At that time, only the Tao was commonplace. "Naranjand's Raccoon Creek Sand"

Actually knowing Lu's birthday, you can understand the true seriousness and affection of the word Naran.

This is obviously around the wife's birthday, wandering and sacrificing in the place where she has lived with her.

At this time, it is late winter and early autumn, and the Nalan family in the capital has the strongest autumn color. He stood in the room for a long time, if it was before, the little couple would definitely look at the yellow leaves and close the window, but now this considerate cold and warm person is not there, only the wind blows through the Xiao Xiao yellow leaves, it is a window of yellow leaves, even if it is closed, it is himself.

The westerly wind is still shining.

October has a small spring climate, similar scenes, let him immediately fall into the memory, here the spring sleep, is it spring, or in previous years such a season, or have. A home with a wife is warm in spring and winter.

Naran Sexd did not write specific time scenes, but the wife's once youthful and playful figure, right here, here and NaranJand's unrestrained life, homely, and the most spirited she and Naran gambling books are not afraid of the stage, cheerful, is emotionally excited, even the tea bowl has been turned over, the details of these lives, real and vivid and credible.

When you are young, meeting and falling in love is always easy to blend like glue, and I think that ordinary couples in the world are like this, and there is a long life waiting, who would think of death?

Even if Naran meets other women, he is not the same person he was, and she is not the wife of that year.

It's not that people are beautiful, it's really people's feelings and sincerity, that's all.

God gave Naran the best, but punished him with loss, I think the reason why he could not get out of his life was also the soul asking bitterly, what did I do wrong?

Naran Sex De's fallen leaves are two songs: the fading poplar leaves are exhausted, and the cold rain and miserable wind draw the bridge

The reason for choosing these two deciduous words is because the scene here is in the small home where Naran and his wife live together, and this time period is his wife's birthday. In year after year of hopeless thoughts, Naranjand's life stopped at the age of thirty-one. The early death of Naranjand must be related to the death of his wife, because a person who cannot walk out of the mourning mourning for a long time must be mentally and physically devastated.

But the date of their deaths coincides so well, is it a coincidence of fate or the self-liberation of Naran? This is a puzzling conundrum.

Hatsuyoshi Katsuyuki interprets the love and beauty in the poems for you.

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