
The Sister of The Great Tang Who Rides the Wind and Waves

author:Bright Net

To talk about the sister who rode the wind and waves in ancient Chinese history, the most unprecedented is the empress Wu Zetian, a generation of empresses who soared in the sky. In fact, as the dynasty with the widest space for women's social activities and the deepest political influence, the Tang Dynasty, in addition to Wu Zetian, also emerged many sisters who rode the wind and waves in the vicissitudes of the historical process. As early as the entrepreneurial period of Li Tang chasing deer in the world, Princess Pingyang, the sister of Tang Taizong Li Shimin, had already stepped on the waves.

Princess Pingyang was born to Li Yuan, the emperor of Tang Dynasty, and his wife Dou Shi (窦氏), because she was the third daughter, also known as Li Sanniang, who was married to the military general Chai Shao and lived in Chang'an. When Li Yuan rebelled against the Sui In Taiyuan, he "sent an emissary to summon him secretly" and sent someone to take the Third Lady and his wife out of the city to taiyuan. Chai Shao had doubts, "If you go together, you can't go alone, you are afraid of the consequences, for the sake of planning", afraid that the two will go together, the goal is too big, leaving his wife at home is not at ease. The third lady understood the great righteousness and encouraged her husband to go first, "Junyi should go quickly, I am a woman, it is easy to hide temporarily, don't make up your own mind", and she will act on the opportunity.

After Chai Shao set out on the road, Li Sanniang went to her manor house in Yanxian County, scattered all the family wealth, recruited soldiers and horses, and "got hundreds of people, and raised troops to meet Gao Zu." At that time, the anti-Sui uprising in the Guanzhong area had become a trend of burning the plains, and heroes were everywhere. The Third Lady recruited He Panren, Li Zhongwen, and other men and horses to repel the Invading Sui Army, and then "plundered the land to Xia, Wugong, and Shiping" to lay a base area in the Guanzhong area, "gaining 70,000 troops."

Li Yuan crossed the Yellow River into Guanzhong, and Sanniang led 70,000 soldiers and horses to join his father, and his second brother Li Shimin and husband Chai Shao each led a group of men and horses to besiege Chang'an, "placing the shogunate in each place and besieging the capital", and the troops were called "Niangzi Army". After the founding of the Tang Dynasty, Li Yuan made the third lady the Princess of Pingyang, "every reward is different from other lords".

At the beginning of the sixth year of Wude (623 AD), Pingyang died. Li Yuan, who had lost his beloved daughter, asked to be buried with a military ceremony, "plus the front and rear advocates, forty people in the ban sword, and the wu ben armor pawn", and sent the tiger ben samurai to protect the spirit. The Taichang Temple, which was in charge of the funeral, proposed that "the ceremony, the woman does not advocate", and the woman cannot enjoy the treatment of military etiquette according to the ceremonial system. Li Yuan did not accept, "Advocate, military music also." The princess herself carries the golden drum, and the Xingyi soldiers supplement it with great causes, and it is better than the ordinary woman." At Li Yuan's insistence, Pingyang became the only princess in history to be buried with a military salute and was given the title of "Zhao". The Fa, "Mingde has merit and merit", this is the greatest affirmation of Pingyang's merits.

Princess Pingyang was the sister who made the most outstanding military achievements when Li Tang fought against the world, and the most outstanding Xiannei assistant during the Zhenguan period was empress dowager.

Empress Changsun was the daughter of The Sui Dynasty's Right Guard general Sun Sheng, who married Li Shimin at the age of 13 and was crowned Princess of Qin during the Wu Dynasty. At that time, Li Shimin, the King of Qin, and Li Jiancheng, the eldest brother of the eldest son, and Li Yuanji, the fourth brother of the Prince of Qi, fought for the position of successor. Starting from Li Yuan's harem, Li Jiancheng encouraged his father's concubines to blow pillow wind at Li Yuan's place and slander the second brother, causing a very tense relationship between Li Shimin and his father. The eldest grandson "filial piety to GaoZu, obedience to concubines, and try his best to heal the seams in order to save internal help", helping Li Shimin to somewhat save some influence.

On the fourth day of the first month of June in the ninth year of Wu De (626 AD), the Xuanwumen Rebellion broke out, and Li Shimin met with Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji. The generals of the Qin Dynasty Palace "entered the palace to give armor" and prepared to go on a campaign, and the eldest grandson "comforted and encouraged" and "all the soldiers were excited" to help the husband succeed in winning the concubine.

Li Shimin ascended the throne for Emperor Taizong of Tang and made his eldest grandson empress. In the early years of Zhenguan, the level of economic development in the Tang Dynasty was still very low, and although the eldest grandson was in the world, he was quite frugal, "especially frugal in sex, and everything that he obeyed was only given." The eldest grandson was able to make good decisions, and Emperor Taizong often "discussed with her about rewards and punishments" and consulted her opinions on the political affairs of the imperial court, but the eldest grandson did not answer at all, which was in stark contrast to the later Wu Zetian's efforts to seize power.

In order to avoid the foreign forces from being too strong, the eldest son also took the initiative to ask Emperor Taizong to transfer his elder brother Changsun Wujie from the core decision-making position. During the reign of Emperor Gaozong, Wu Ji was expelled from the imperial court by his nephew who was determined to assert his imperial power due to his excessive power, and then committed suicide, which showed that the eldest grandson had foresight.

Empress Eldest Sun, who did not interfere in the government, knew how to coordinate the relationship between Emperor Taizong and his courtiers. The emergence of the rule of Zhenguan was inseparable from Wei Zheng's outspoken advice and Fang Xuanling's public loyalty to the state. Sometimes Emperor Taizong was so embarrassed by Wei Zheng's criticism that he wanted to "kill this Tian Sheweng" in anger. The eldest grandson heard this, put on a dressed imperial dress, he Xi Taizong, "Lord Ming Chenzhi, now Wei Zhengzhi, by His Majesty's Ming Dynasty", Taizong "Nai Yue". Once, Emperor Taizong deposed Fang Xuanling because of an incident, and the eldest grandson advised Emperor Taizong to "have no great reason and would not abandon it" and promptly reinstated Fang Xuanling's official.

The eldest grandson and Emperor Taizong had a deep affection, vowed to live and die together, and often carried poison with them, "If there is no secret, righteousness is not alone." In the eighth year of Zhenguan (634 AD), the eldest son accompanied Emperor Taizong to Jiucheng Palace near Chang'an for summer vacation, and at night Chai Shao reported that someone was plotting rebellion, and Emperor Taizong "took out a joint question" and wore armor to inquire about the situation. The eldest grandson, who was "known for his qi disease", "helped her to follow the disease" and advised her to pay attention to the disease, but the eldest grandson did not listen, "the upper shock, I am at ease", resulting in "the disease is very serious". On July 21, 636, the tenth year of Zhenguan (636 CE), the eldest grandson, Ill Du, died at the age of 36 after advising Emperor Taizong to be "a pro-gentleman, a distant villain, a loyal advisor, a loyal advisor, a psychic courtier, a provincial servant, and a stop-tour".

Empress Changsun's virtuousness injected a clear stream into the politics of the early Zhenguan period. Her death in the prime of the tenth year of Zhenguan was a major loss to Zhenguan politics, but fortunately there was Concubine Xu in the harem, who succeeded Empress Changsun as internal supporter.

Born in the first year of Zhenguan (627 AD), shortly after Emperor Taizong ascended the throne, Xu Huifei was intelligent since childhood, could speak for 5 months, read through the Analects and the Book of Poetry at the age of 4, and was able to compose at the age of 8. She once imitated the poem "Little Mountain Chapter" from "Leaving sorrow", "Looking up at the rock and looking forward to it, stroking the guizhi to contemplate." Will Qianling Xi encounter this encounter, what is Tsuen alone? "The style is lofty, the legacy is independent, and from then on, the literary name is far and wide, and Emperor Taizong heard about it and incorporated it into the harem."

After Emperor Taizong made great efforts to create the rule of Zhenguan, he was satisfied, and Zhenguan was quite happy in his later years, and he went around conquests, "Conquering Goryeo in the East and Guizi in the West"; daxing civil engineering, "Cuiwei, Yuhua, and Yingyi successively"; the extravagant style gradually grew, and "the costumes were quite gorgeous". Princess Xu Huifei advised Emperor Taizong not to "be arrogant, abandon virtue and light state, forget dangers in profit, and indulge in lust." Emperor Taizong "spoke well and was very polite." After the death of Emperor Taizong in the twenty-third year of Zhenguan (649 AD), Princess Xu Huifei "mourned the illness and refused to take medicine", and followed her a year later, at the age of 24.

Xu Huifei's advice reversed to a certain extent the deteriorating trend of the political atmosphere in the later period of Zhenguan, enabling Emperor Taizong to start and end well, keep the work of Zhenguan, and preserve the reputation of the Ming Emperor throughout the ages. All this is inseparable from Xu Huifei's political foresight. Datang's talented sister with such political vision, as well as Shangguan Wan'er.

Shangguan Wan'er was the granddaughter of Shangguan Yi, the criminal of Wu Zetian's case. At the beginning, Emperor Gaozong of Tang had a disagreement with Wu Zetian and was deposed by Wu Zetian, and the former crown prince Li Zhong's former minister Shangguan Yi took the opportunity to persuade Emperor Gaozong to depose Wu Zetian and draft an edict for Emperor Gaozong. Unexpectedly, the situation was not secret, Wu Zetian made a big fuss in the harem, Gaozong Wuhou was reconciled, But Shangguan Yi became a scapegoat and was killed, and Wan'er, who was still in her infancy, "went into the court with her mother".

When Wan'er grew up, "Defending Hui's good deeds and being a good official, then Heaven loves it", and became an empress's confidant from the descendants of Qin Prisoners, "Hundred Divisions Watch, Many Orders To Participate in the Decision". Once, Wan'er "repented" and was punished according to the law, and Wu Zetian even "spared himself not to kill, but only to make his face." After Emperor Zhongzong's restoration, Wan'er "took charge of the command and was deeply trusted" and was responsible for the imperial court edicts, and then became a concubine of Emperor Zhongzong, and was successively given the titles of Concubine and Zhaorong.

During the zhongzong period, the Tang Dynasty had just emerged from the historical shadow of Wu Zetian's "Wuzhou Revolution" and was uncertain. Wan Er advised Emperor Zhongzong to "widely place Zhao Scholars, Sheng Ying as a minister of lexicography in the dynasty, give several feasts, and give poetry to sing and peace", and stabilize the situation through Daxing Wenzhi. On top of the feast, Wan Er alone wrote for Zhongzong, Empress Wei, Anle and Princess Changning at the same time, "several poems were composed at the same time, the words were very beautiful, and the people of the time were salty and sarcastic." After Emperor Zhongzong's death, Wan'er drafted a will and testament, citing King Xiang (Li Longji's father Li Dan) as an assistant to the government, but it was deleted by Wei Hou, who attempted to be Wu Zetian's second in command.

In June of the first year of Jingyun (710 AD), Li Longji launched the Jingyun coup and deposed Wei, and Li Dan took the throne as Emperor Ruizong. Wan'er took out the draft of Emperor Zhongzong's last will and testament drafted earlier and showed it to Li Longji, but Li Longji believed that Wan'er was a party of Wei Hou and eventually "cut it under his banner". Although Li Longji killed Wan'er, he loved her talent, and after taking the throne, he compiled Wan'er's "Twenty Volumes of Anthology", which was personally prefaced by the literary leader Zhang Jiuling.

Although Shangguan Wan'er rode the storm in the political situation of Wu Zetian, Emperor Zhongzong, and Emperor Ruizong, and held a high position of power, she was very jealous of her other sister, Princess Taiping.

Princess Taiping was the only daughter of Emperor Gaozong and Wu Zetian, "specially blessed with grace", capable appearance, "fruitful, square forehead wide", broad forehead, prominent cheekbones, and "multi-power strategy", Wu Zetian "thought he was like himself". In the historical process of Wu Zetian's change from Tang to Zhou, Taiping was not only his mother's little cotton jacket, but also played the role of a political assistant, "often discussing the affairs of the world with secrets."

In the political landscape at that time, "for more than twenty years, there was a princess of Taiping in the world, with her father as emperor, mother as queen, husband as prince, and son as county king, and noble and prosperous." According to the imperial court system, the number of princess caiyi was not more than 350, but the number of caiyi in Taiping was as high as 3,000. Taiping was well aware that his mother's imperial power could not be touched by anyone, including his daughter, and "he was also afraid of self-examination, but he revered the mansion", so during the Wu Zetian period, he only enjoyed life and "did not dare to recruit power".

In the Shenlong coup that forced Wu Zetian to return to the throne of Emperor Zhongzong, Taiping premeditated "meritorious service", was given the title of Princess Taiping of Zhenguo, increased the number of Caiyi to 5,000 households, "rewarded invincible", and began to participate deeply in the government. At that time, Empress Wei and Shangguan Wan'er, who were manipulating Emperor Zhongzong, "all thought that their wisdom was inferior to that of the princess, and they were very afraid." Taiping "entered the courtiers, up to the high officials", the poor literati "made his disciples", Taiping also "left behind the golden veil", and the tianxia people "called it".

In the Jingyun coup, Taiping "premeditated again." When the coup d'état was successful in deliberating on the ownership of the throne, there was a lot of discussion and could not be decided. Taiping resolutely "lifted down the young lord", dragged the collar of the little emperor Li Chongmao, who had been erected by Wei Hou, lifted him from the throne, and single-handedly pushed the fourth brother Ruizong Li Dan to the throne. Taiping "frequently honored the great honor, benefit respect", caiyi increased to 10,000 households.

At this time, among Ruizong's siblings, only Taiping was left. Emperor Ruizong "often discussed great politics with him", and of the 7 prime ministers, 5 were from the Taiping Gate. The conflict between Taiping and his nephew Xuanzong quickly sharpened, and there was even a plot to depose him.

On the third day of the first month of July in the second year of The First Heaven (713 AD), Emperor Xuanzong launched a coup d'état with a fast and slow attack. Taiping fled to a temple on the mountain, and after 3 days he descended the mountain and "died at home". On the first day of December, Emperor Xuanzong changed the Yuan Kaiyuan, and the most brilliant Kaiyuan prosperous era of the Tang Dynasty was unveiled.

From Princess Pingyang to Empress Changsun and Princess Xu Huifei to Shangguan Wan'er and Princess Taiping, these Sisters of the Tang Dynasty all have an independent sense of self- and pavilions are like kapok around oak trees. In the face of the cold tide, wind and frost, and thunderbolts in the historical process, they can calmly cope with it and ride the wind and waves, and only in this way can they look at the mist, the flowing lan, and the rainbow after turning the head of the right or wrong.

(The author is Ph.D., Department of History, Chinese Min University)

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