
The most realistic 7 sentences in "Dream of Red Mansions" speak to the hearts of the people and see through human nature

author:Love to climb all your life

"Dream of Red Mansions" can be described as a strange book through the ages.

Zhang Ailing once commented on "Dream of Red Mansions":

Someone has said the "Three Great Hates"

It is "one hates the prickly anchovy, and the other hates the begonia without fragrance",

I don't remember the third thing, maybe because I subconsciously think it should be "The Dream of Red Mansions of Three Hates is not finished".

When I was young, it was a cliché to read the Red Mansion, but now I understand that the story is all about life.

After reading these 7 sentences in the book, you will be able to recognize people's hearts and see through human nature.

About words and deeds

Don't talk dwarves in front of dwarves.

When dealing with things, the first principle is equality, respect for others, leave room for others, if words and deeds are unscrupulous, you will inadvertently hurt others.

At worst, it will be resolved by misunderstanding, and at worst, it will form a mustard, which will eventually hurt the good relationship between each other.

In the thirty-seventh episode, after Qiu Wen went to give Mrs. Wang flowers and won a few clothes from Mrs. Wang, Qingwen said in a strange manner: "I haven't seen the world's little hooves!" That's to give the good ones to people, and pick the rest to you, and you still have a face. ”

Qingwen's malicious attacks in her words and deeds have hurt the people around her.

Because Qingwen has been inappropriate for a long time, she has been overly publicized. As a result, she was kicked out of Jiafu and eventually died on the sickbed.

As the saying goes, "deeds must come first, and words must come later." ”

If you want to have a happy life, you must know how to pay attention to your words and deeds and control yourself, which is the most important ability of a person.

A person's cultivation is reflected in his words and deeds, and it is very important to keep his word, think twice before speaking, and speak and act appropriately.

In the second half of life, learn to restrain your words and deeds and precipitate your emotions in order to become a better version of yourself.

About desire

There is more than a hand behind him, and there is no way to turn back.

It is normal to be born as a human being, and to have seven emotions and six desires, but once you are blinded by the immediate interests and sink without knowing it, it is absolutely impossible to turn back when you come to the end.

In the second time, when Jia Yucun was visiting the scenery of the village, he happened to go to a dilapidated temple and found a couplet that read: There is more than forgetting to withdraw his hand behind him, and there is no way to turn back.

The couplet seems to have nothing to do with him at the moment, but in fact, it indicates the tragic end of his unrestrained greed and finally being dismissed and imprisoned.

People's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants, and when there is still room in life, they blindly seek and demand, and always refuse to give up, and in the end, the gains will outweigh the losses.

Mountains and rivers are exhausted and willows and flowers are often in the palm of a thought.

The famous "Okay Song" in the book once sang about four "good things" in the world that people are obsessed with: one is fame, one is gold and silver, one is a wife, and the other is children and grandchildren.

For fame and fortune, for the sake of beauty, for the sake of children and grandchildren, I did my best, thinking that this was the life I dreamed of.

But I don't know that all the glorious things are just fleeting bubbles.

Only plain and natural can it be real. In the face of desire, you must control yourself and keep the bottom line in order to live with peace of mind.

About the family

One loss and one loss, one glory.

In the huge Jiafu compound, the girls and grandmothers enjoy the flowers, sing, write poems, the glory of the past is in front of them, Daiyu thinks: "There is no hunger in the prosperous world, why do you need to be busy with farming and weaving." But in the end, the Grand View Garden was defeated.

People spend their whole lives just for the sake of filial piety for their children, the well-being of their parents, and their happiness in life. Sadly, many families, with a loser, are all defeated.

In the sixty-second episode, when Ping'er dealt with rose dew and hibiscus cream, he mentioned: "Big things turn into small things, and small things turn into nothing, and then they become prosperous homes." ”

The influence of home on people is subtle, and life can be rushed in a happy and loving home.

The greatest luck of a family is that the heart is together, to be able to walk together in the wind and rain, and to understand the truth of both losses and prosperity. Only when there is harmony between family members, common prosperity and common loss, the whole family will be better and better.

The most realistic 7 sentences in "Dream of Red Mansions" speak to the hearts of the people and see through human nature

It's about doing things

The agency was too clever and mistook Qingqing's life.

Wang Xifeng was a young man, and won the stewardship of the Rong Mansion with her own efforts and means, and internally, she deducted or delayed the monthly money to issue usury, and took advantage of the profits.

Externally, he used the magnates of Jiafu to make a lot of money.

In the fifteenth episode, Wang Xifeng got the power of the Iron Threshold Temple, and he harvested 3,000 taels of silver lightly, but he caused a pair of righteous and affectionate children to hang themselves, and the other to drown in the river, making the innocent people empty of both money and money, and did not accumulate any yin virtue for themselves at all.

She calculates everything, and it is this endless calculation that brings her closer and closer to the abyss of life.

In life, if everything is sorted out, it is not good, smart people compete for the first place, and in the end, they are just smart and mistaken by smart.

Zhuangzi once said: "What is useless is of great use." ”

To be a person and do things, you must know how to be confused, live a good moment, you don't have to worry about everything, and you will harm yourself.

It's hard to get confused, it's hard to get confused. Things must be reversed, do not lose too much in everything, pursue everything, only know how to be appropriate, live their own life well, in order to be happy in a lifetime.

It's about being human

The world is full of knowledge, and the practice of human feelings is the article.

The most important thing for people to live in the world is to learn to be sophisticated, if they are not sophisticated, they will not be able to move an inch. If you know the rules of human exchange, you can walk freely in the world.

Everyone can't avoid being in interpersonal relationships, in fact, being able to understand the world is a kind of wisdom, and being able to navigate interpersonal communication is also a very important ability.

Mr. Nan Huaijin said:

"The sophistication of human feelings is not a simple slick life, not a false hypocrisy, not a simple submission to reality, but a real understanding of the meaning of life, and a peaceful walk through one's life."

We have to deal with many people before we can gradually find out the scale of human feelings.

The most precious thing in life is to know the world without being sophisticated, to understand the vicissitudes of the world, to see through the warmth and coldness of people's hearts, and to make your road smoother.

May we go through half of our lives, understand human feelings, and understand the world.

The most realistic 7 sentences in "Dream of Red Mansions" speak to the hearts of the people and see through human nature

About education

What happened to the Great Shoi month? Brother Huan's little child's family, half a little wrong, you only teach him, what to do with these light words!

As the saying goes: the small tree must be repaired, and the child must be managed.

Educating children is never a simple matter, and as parents, you must learn to be responsible for your children.

In "Dream of Red Mansions", Aunt Zhao has a son and a daughter, son Jia Huan, and daughter Jia Tanchun.

Aunt Zhao is not only poor in cultural literacy, but also not good at controlling her emotions, when she is angry with others, she usually vents this anger on her son and scolds Jia Huan.

In the twentieth episode, when Jia Huan was angry with the little maid for playing cards, she scolded, "Who told you to go to the high platform, where is the nasty and faceless thing?" Who told you to run away and beg for fun! ”

When Sister Feng heard this, she said to Aunt Zhao, "What's wrong with Da Zhengyue?" Brother Huan's little child's family, half a little wrong, you only teach him, what to do with these light words! ”。

Aunt Zhao not only did not comfort Jia Huan, but also scolded loudly, constantly showing the dark side to the child, which will only make the child lose his desire for beauty, become paranoid and gloomy, and lose the ability to love and happiness.

The real love for the child is definitely not to blindly indulge and suppress, but to teach him the rules of life and work.

In the face of children, we should love children but not spoil children, let children diverge their nature but not be willful, but should be more patient, more love.

About making friends

The mouth is sweet and bitter, with three knives on both sides, a smile on the top, and a stumbling block under the feet, which is obviously a pot of fire, and secretly a knife.

Some people say: The friendship of gentlemen is as light as water, and the friendship of villains is sweet.

In real life, it is very common to meet people with different hearts and mouths and sticking knives in their backs. The mouth is sweeter than honey, and it is very comfortable to listen to, but the heart and mouth are different, and the heart is full of bad intentions that harm others;

Those friends who surround you all day and make you happy for a short time are not necessarily real friends. And those friends who can make you better and better even when you are not around are real friends.

There are not many friends in Jingjing, and if you can find a real like-minded friend, it is really a great blessing.

As the saying goes: make friends with your heart, be indifferent and ambitious, and make friends without losing them.

In making friends with others, we must exchange sincerity for sincerity, and only by being honest and honest can we have long-term friendship and reliable feelings.

Life is precious, and you must be cautious when making friends.

The most realistic 7 sentences in "Dream of Red Mansions" speak to the hearts of the people and see through human nature

In "Dream of Red Mansions", we appreciate the vicissitudes of the world, and the warmth of people's hearts, only to gradually understand:

Keep your word and control your desires; live in harmony and free from calculation; Savvy and cautious in making friends.

When you really understand Dream of Red Mansions, it may be the time to recognize people's hearts and see through human nature.

For the rest of your life, may you read these truths and use them for the rest of your life.