
Battle of Zhongtiao Mountain - the greatest shame in the history of the War of Resistance! How tragic were the deaths of several warriors

author:The pupil of popular science

Fight hard for a month

There are only 260,000 Chinese soldiers left

Why is it so tragic?

The casualty ratio between China and Japan was as high as 12:1

It is known as the greatest shame in the history of the Anti-Japanese Resistance!

China painstakingly operated the fortress for 3 years

Known as China's Maginot Line, why is it broken at a poke?

Today, we will talk about the greatest shame in the history of China's anti-Japanese resistance - the Battle of Zhongtiao Mountain!

In August 1940, in order to resist the Japanese mopping-up policy, the 18th Army, led by the Communist Party of China, decided to launch a large-scale campaign to crush the Japanese army's plans in order to target the Japanese army's communication line policy and policy of encroachment. Thus, the mighty Hundred Regiments War came into being. In this battle, the Eighteenth Army, commanded by Marshal Peng Dehuai, wiped out a total of more than 30,000 Japanese puppet armies, and after seeing the huge attack of the Eighteenth Group Army, it fled in the wind, and the number of puppet armies and pseudo-organizations that spontaneously disintegrated and disintegrated was much larger than this. The two important railway lines of Zhengtai Road and Pinghan Road were opened to traffic more than a month after the end of the battle. In the course of the campaign, the Chinese army once recovered 40 or 50 counties (cities), and finally consolidated more than 26 counties. This battle completely disrupted the layout of the Japanese and made the Japanese panic. The Japanese found that the reason why the Chinese army could live so comfortably behind enemy lines in North China was ultimately due to the presence of a Zhongtiao Mountain Wei Lihuang clique in southern Jin, known as China's Maginot Line. The report of the Japanese army meeting claimed: "About twenty-six divisions commanded by Wei Lihuang have built strong positions on the north bank of the Yellow River in southern Shanxi, which has become the main source of disturbance in northern China, especially Shanxi. In short, Zhongtiao Mountain became the greatest threat to the Japanese army in North China, and in order to solve the enemy's rear forces in North China, it was necessary to first remove the nail wedge on the north bank of the Yellow River.

Battle of Zhongtiao Mountain - the greatest shame in the history of the War of Resistance! How tragic were the deaths of several warriors

In fact, the battle against Nakajō Mountain has already begun, and the Chinese defenders of Nakajō Mountain have also successfully repelled more than ten attacks by the Japanese army, so the Japanese army attaches great importance to this battle of Nakajō Mountain. In February 1941, the Japanese army mobilized the 33rd Division of the 11th Army stationed in Nanchang and the 17th Division regiment stationed in Suzhou to prepare for the battle, and in April 1941, the dispatch was completed, and because in April, the Japanese side signed the Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Treaty with the Soviet Union, which enabled the Japanese Kwantung Army to liberate from the northeast region and participate in the invasion of China. On April 19, the Japanese mobilized several flying teams from the northeast to serve as air support for the Battle of Mt. Nakajō.

Battle of Zhongtiao Mountain - the greatest shame in the history of the War of Resistance! How tragic were the deaths of several warriors

The news within the Nationalist army about the increase in the number of Japanese troops to Zhongtiao Mountain has long been known, and the Sixty-fourth Division stationed at Zhongtiao Mountain has discovered reinforcements from the Japanese army and reported to the command headquarters: The enemy in the area of Diaoheng has increased since March 4, and as of the ninth day, the number of enemies in front of the division has increased one after another, with about 7,000 or 8,000 infantry and more than 20 guns. However, this information was not taken seriously by the Nakajō-san command, and the focus of the Nationalist army at that time was still on the attack on the Chinese Communist Party. This was also the first step in the defeat at the Battle of Nakajō Mountain. The second step in the defeat of the Battle of Zhongtiao Mountain was the lack of strict military discipline of the garrison and the lack of precautions against the espionage activities of the Japanese army, which led to a large number of Japanese spies infiltrating into the garrison positions, the entire garrison including the stationing position, firepower configuration, and even the fire point layout were clearly mastered by the Japanese army, at the beginning of the war, several flying teams of the Japanese army carried out accurate bombardment of the positions of the Chinese garrison according to the coordinates provided by the pre-war spies, and a large number of fire points and fortifications were destroyed by the Japanese air bombardment. Under this kind of blow, the Chinese army, which was already in a weak firepower, naturally had difficulty resisting the Japanese attack, and it did not take long to be broken through, from a garrison position to a rout, and the Japanese army also changed from a tough battle to an annihilation war.

Battle of Zhongtiao Mountain - the greatest shame in the history of the War of Resistance! How tragic were the deaths of several warriors

The evolution of the Chinese garrison from the garrison position to the rout mentioned above is one of the results that the Zhongtiao Mountain Campaign Headquarters should have expected, and should formulate corresponding tactics in advance to organize the garrison. Unfortunately, the Nakajō-san command's follow-up response to this great rout was the fourth step in the defeat of the Battle of Nakajō-san. As soon as the Battle of Zhongtiao Mountain began, the Chinese army was in a chaotic mess, and the Zhongtiao Mountain Headquarters was also jealous of the Japanese army crossing the Yellow River in the south, so it did not immediately make adjustments to the deployment, but hoped that the various departments could counterattack on their own and repulse the attack. At this time, Chiang Kai-shek's judgment was still relatively rational, and his order was to ask the armies to hold their positions, seize the main traffic routes, and use the mountainous terrain to divide the Japanese army. However, although this order seems wise from a tactical point of view, it is actually equivalent to saying nothing. Who doesn't know that at this time we should hold our ground, but how to hold on? The heavy firepower had been destroyed, and it was impossible to cope with the Japanese charge, and at this time the command system of the Chinese army had collapsed, and the soldiers could not find the general, and they would not find the soldiers. Coupled with the defeat of the two wings, most of the main transportation routes had been occupied by the Japanese, and the Chinese army's defense system had actually been dismantled by the Japanese at the beginning of the Battle of Zhongtiao Mountain. It can be said that in the first four days of the Battle of Zhongtiao Mountain, the Chinese army basically did not form effective resistance, the position was basically unable to hold, and when the Japanese army began to detour, there were also unstable troops in the south who took the lead in retreating south, and finally the defenders of Zhongtiao Mountain retreated with a brain, which can be said to have committed a big taboo and made the whole retreat process very messy. However, the Japanese tactics adjusted very quickly. After discovering the rout of the Chinese army, the Tactics of the Japanese Army changed from the initial seizure of strategic points to the annihilation of the living forces of the Chinese army, a huge appetite that the Kuomintang top brass had not thought of at all. Coupled with the fact that the Japanese army repeatedly swept through the Zhongtiao Mountains after defeating the Chinese army and blocking the Yellow River crossing, the scattered resistance troops scattered in the mountains were basically wiped out, and this tactical change of the Japanese army was also one of the reasons for the huge losses suffered by the Nationalist army.

Battle of Zhongtiao Mountain - the greatest shame in the history of the War of Resistance! How tragic were the deaths of several warriors

In this battle, although the ratio of losses between the Chinese army and the Japanese army reached 12:1, it was called the greatest shame in the War of Resistance Against Japan, but in fact, this shame should be borne by the senior personnel of the Zhongtiao Mountain Command, and the Zhongtiao Mountain defenders had actually beaten the backbone and integrity of the Chinese soldiers! Tang Huaiyuan, commander of the Third Army, still commanded the troops to fight heroically in the case of being surrounded by the Japanese army, causing a major blow to the Japanese army, and finally because he was under siege, all his subordinates were killed in battle, and after hacking and killing several Japanese devils with a large knife, he shot himself and martyred, and his defenders also committed suicide with him after he was martyred, preferring to die rather than be a prisoner!

Battle of Zhongtiao Mountain - the greatest shame in the history of the War of Resistance! How tragic were the deaths of several warriors

Tang Huaiyuan

The commander of the Twelfth Division, Zhi Zhiqi, was heavily surrounded by Japanese troops in the county mountain area. After the bloody Japanese war, it was still impossible to break through the Japanese encirclement in the end. On May 12, Hinata personally led the troops to launch a charge, and was wounded by a bullet in the chest. On the evening of the thirteenth, when he organized the troops to break through, he was blown off his right femur by enemy shells. In order not to be a prisoner of the Japanese devils, Inch Qi resolutely chose to commit suicide with a knife!

Battle of Zhongtiao Mountain - the greatest shame in the history of the War of Resistance! How tragic were the deaths of several warriors

Strange in size

Wang Jun, commander of the 27th Division of the newly organized 80th Army, and his chief of staff, Chen Wenqi, led their troops to fight the Japanese army for two days at Zhangdian Town. During the battle, the Japanese army concentrated dozens of artillery fire to violently bombard the Chinese garrison positions, dozens of bombers also took turns to bomb the positions, and finally inhumanely gassed the Chinese troops! Wang Jun, Chen Wenqi, and the thousands of officers and men who held their positions were all killed!

Battle of Zhongtiao Mountain - the greatest shame in the history of the War of Resistance! How tragic were the deaths of several warriors

Wang Jun

On the same day, Liang Xixian, deputy commander of the Twenty-seventh Division, led his troops to a bloody battle with the Japanese army at Taizi Village, and finally due to the excessive gap between the two sides, all the Chinese officers and soldiers stationed in the garrison were killed! In the end, the Japanese army swarmed, Liang Xixian jumped into the roaring Yellow River, preferring to jump into the river rather than be a prisoner of the Japanese, and finally martyred!

This is the bloodiness of Chinese!

This is the Chinese soldier who is loyal to the country!

Let us pay tribute to the soldiers who died in the War of Resistance Against Japan!

This issue ends here

If your predecessors were involved in this fierce battle

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