
It is easy to take the opposite and it is difficult to follow the difficulty - Li Qi, Li Yue brothers eat their own fruits

author:Acting pastor Yizhou Yan Wenping

At the age of twenty-one, Li Qi conspired with his brother Li Yue to kill his cousin Li Ban. Although he was of the same generation, Li Ban was forty-seven years old, more than twice as big as he was, and in the ancient times of early marriage and early childbearing, when his father was too old.

Like Li Ban, Li Qi, who was raised by Empress Ren, also had his own outstanding qualities: "Intelligent and studious, weak crown can belong to literature, light wealth is good, and humbly recruit." His previous position was general Jianwei, of course, this can be explained by the background of his founding emperor Li Xiong's son, but when Li Xiong asked his sons and nephews to recruit people, others could only recruit hundreds of people, only the young Li Qi recruited thousands. Most of the people recommended by Li Qi, Li Xiong, also appointed, so many people in the dynasty came from Under Li Qi's disciples.

It is easy to take the opposite and it is difficult to follow the difficulty - Li Qi, Li Yue brothers eat their own fruits

Li Qi and Li Yue were able to kill the much older new emperor Li Ban, largely because the sons of the previous emperors had soldiers in their hands. Although Li Yue was older and favored, he remembered that Li Qi's talent and cultivation by the empress dowager ceded the throne to Li Qi.

Li Ban recalled his cousin Li Shou, who was in charge of the government, and did not stand up for Li Ban, but instead helped Li Qi to fight against Li Ban's younger brother Li Xuan, forcing Li Xuan to defect to the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Li Zhi made Li Shou the King of Han and appointed Liang Prefecture Assassin Shi, Eastern Qiang Lieutenant, Zhonghu Jun, and Lu Shang Shushi; his brother Li Yue was made the King of Jianning, and he was appointed Xiang Guo, a general, and Lu Shang Shushi.

However, after the initial success, Li Qi relaxed and entrusted the government to Shangshu Ling Jingqian, Shangshu Yaohua, and Tian Bao, of which Tian Chu was a mediocre person at all, and was favored because he had advised Li Xiong to make Li Qi crown prince. Also trusted were the eunuch Xu Fu and others. Not only did he not care about things himself, but he did not let the court's heavy courtiers ask questions, and the mediocre people were in charge of the law and discipline of the country, and the end could be imagined. Perhaps in order to test their power, they framed Li Qi's nephew Shangshu Shu and Li Zai the Duke of Wuling for rebellion, and really put Li Zai in prison and died. Among Li Qi's two healthy brothers, Li Ba, the general of Zhennan, the general of Zhenxi, and Li Bao, the taishou of Wenshan County, also died inexplicably, and it was rumored that they were Li Qi's poisonous hands, and the ministers were very afraid.

At that time, there was a vision in the sky, many yellow fish fell from the palace, and pigs and dogs carried out indescribable activities.

It is easy to take the opposite and it is difficult to follow the difficulty - Li Qi, Li Yue brothers eat their own fruits

After Li Qi ascended the throne, he did not know how many people he had killed and how many family wealth had been confiscated, resulting in "fierceness inside and outside, the road is blind, the counselors are convicted, and the people are spared."

It is easy to take the opposite and it is difficult to follow the difficulty - Li Qi, Li Yue brothers eat their own fruits

Although this was the case in internal affairs, the foreign war was fruitful, and Sima Xun, the general of the Eastern Jin Dynasty stationed in Hanzhong, was beaten away by Li Shou, and Li Shou was stationed on the spot. However, Li Shou, who had territory, aroused Li Qi's suspicion. Li Qi not only poisoned Li Shou's adopted brother Li You, the General of Anbei, but also discussed with Li Yue, Jing Qian, Tian Bao, and Yao Hua to attack Li Shou, and repeatedly sent Xu Fu to spy on him.

Li Shou was not stupid, and every pilgrimage did not go on the grounds that there were border troubles. His think tank Gong Zhuang also had a vendetta against Li Xiong's father, Li Te, and took the opportunity to persuade Li Shou to act first.

Although Li Qi was the emperor, Li Yue and other brothers had soldiers in their hands, but they did not expect that Li Shou would actually act first, and when Li Shou killed Chengdu, he received thousands of responses. At this time, Li Qi's ability to recruit believers did not work.

At this time, Li Shou still played the banner of "Qing Jun's Side", and all of them were killed at the palace gate, and a list of traitors was also listed: Li Yue, Jing Qian, Tian Bao, Yao Hua, Xu Fu, the general Li Xi of Zhengxi, and the general Li Xi.

It is easy to take the opposite and it is difficult to follow the difficulty - Li Qi, Li Yue brothers eat their own fruits

Originally, Li Qi's most jealous should not be Li Shou but Li Yue, but probably because Li Yue gave up the throne and pushed himself, Li Qi has always trusted him. However, at this time, Li Yue and others were executed.

As for what will happen after the "Qing Jun's side", this drama is all too familiar. Li Shoujiao was appointed empress dowager, deposed Li Zhi as the Duke of Qiongdu County, and was separately imprisoned. Empress Ren, the empress dowager, was a tool man who experienced the downfall of two adopted sons in succession.

It is easy to take the opposite and it is difficult to follow the difficulty - Li Qi, Li Yue brothers eat their own fruits

Li Yue and Li Qi killed Li Ban to seize the throne, nothing more than hoping that the throne would remain in Li Xiong's line, but as Li Xiong's cousin, Li Shou decided to establish his own portal, and even the national name was changed from Cheng to Han, so the history was called Cheng Han. For Li Xiong's more than ten surviving sons, he did not intend to let go of any of them.

Li Qi did not wait for his cousin to act first, the psychological gap from the king of a country to a prisoner was too big, but he cared more about his own predicament, but became a county prince in terms of status. So he chose to cut himself off.

I don't know if he will think of Li Ban at this time.

It is easy to take the opposite and it is difficult to follow the difficulty - Li Qi, Li Yue brothers eat their own fruits

"Book of Jin": Ban Yi Kuan Ai suffered from disasters, expecting violent disasters, special losses and losses, and strange skills and deaths.

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