
The Complete Biography of the King of Shu (19) | Li Period: The King of Shu who gained the country by violence and lost the country by violence

author:Cover News

Feng Youxiang, Li Houqiang/Wen

Li Qi's Jiangshan was snatched from his cousin Li Ban and carried Li Ban's bright red blood. He certainly did not understand the contemporary "broken window effect", he took the lead in breaking the first window of the family, did not expect that the second broken window was himself. In the early days of his succession, he was wise and the regime was stable. Later, he appointed mediocre people and did nothing; he was suspicious of gods and ghosts, killing innocents indiscriminately, forcing everyone to endanger themselves, and causing chaos in the world. After only four years on the throne, the crown on his head was taken away by his cousin Li Shou and demoted to the title of Duke of Qiongdu County. Li Qisheng was fierce in nature and could not bear his humiliation, so he used a silk scarf and was only 25 years old. The Book of Jin written by Fang Xuanling and others commented: Li Ban suffered a disaster with forgiveness and love, and Li Qi suffered a disaster with violence and rapid disaster, and the special path was lost, and the strange technique died together. As later generations have said: if you do not judge the situation, you are lenient and strict, and later You Shu can learn from this!

Li Zhizi Shiyun was the fourth son of Li Xiong. He was born in Chengdu in the third year of Cheng Han Yuheng (313) and was considered a qualified Chengdu native. His mother's surname was Ran, and she was Li Xiong's concubine. It just so happened that Li Xiong's wife, Empress Ren, did not have children herself, so she raised Li Qi as her own son. Therefore, all the brothers respected him as the son of Li Xiong and Empress Ren. Li Qi's doll inherited Li Xiong's excellent genes, exceptional intelligence, a table of talents; and from a young age, he liked to do learning, and wrote a good article at the age of twenty. He was also good at riding and shooting, and later grew into a young man who was good at both culture and martial arts. On one occasion, Li Xiong ordered his sons to recruit their subordinates. As a result, the other brothers also summoned hundreds of people at most, but Li Qi alone summoned thousands. Li Xiong was overjoyed and made Li Qi a general of Andong. He also has the advantage of being light on money and giving alms, and recruiting talents with an open mind. Most of the people he recommended, Li Xiong, appointed, so many of the long histories and signatures came from his disciples.

On June 25, 334, the twenty-fourth year of Yuheng(334), his father Li Xiong died of illness, and both Li Qi and his brother Li Yue returned to the court to mourn. They are both sad and depressed. When Li Ban was the crown prince, Li Qi was only eleven years old, and although his heart was unhappy, his father was still there and did not worry too much. Now that Li Ban had taken over his father's class and asked their brothers to bow down to their subjects, this anger could no longer be suppressed. At the same time, Li Ban's brother Li Xuan held military power, which was like a sword hanging over their heads. If the Li Ban brothers had to deal with themselves, wouldn't that be a piece of cake? This is the sadness of being born in the imperial family. To live, to be safe, to take back the imperial power that should have belonged to his brother, only by extraordinary means. So Li Qi and his brother Li Yue conspired to get rid of Li Ban.

In order to kill Li Ban, Li Qi and his brother Li Yue thought that their father was mourning, and Lai did not leave in Chengdu. Privately prepared in secret for at least a month. However, Li Ban was defenseless, rejecting Li Xuan's suggestion to release Li Qi's brothers, and also sent Li Xuan, who held military power, back to Fucheng. On a bleak night in October, Li Yue assassinated Li Ban at Li Xiong's funeral home. Li Qi originally wanted to make Li Yue emperor, and Li Yue thought that Li Qi was raised by his father Li Xiongzheng's wife Empress Ren, which was tantamount to a concubine and very talented, so he took the lead in supporting Li Qi.

Li Qi also stopped resigning, triumphantly ascended to the emperor's throne, pardoned criminals in the territory, and changed his era name to Yuheng. Just as the so-called power of the dynasty is in hand, it will carry out the order. In order to cut the grass and remove the roots, Li Qi killed Li Ban's younger brother Li Du. Subsequently, Li Qi made his cousin Li Shou the King of Han and sent him to Fucheng to fight against Li Jie. When Li Xuan heard that Li Ban had been killed, he was sad and indignant, and when he heard that Li Shou had come to attack, he was even more desperate and sad. However, Li Shou could not bear to attack and kill Li Xuan, so he repaired the zhan dao, secretly crossed Chen Cang, and secretly released Li Xuan's horse, allowing him to successfully abandon the city and flee into the arms of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Li Jie later served as a general in the Eastern Jin Dynasty as a general of Ba Commandery, Xiangyang, Yidu Taishou, and Long Jun, and yonghe died in battle at Shanyang (山陽, northeast of present-day Pengshan District, Meishan, Sichuan) while following the general Huan Wen of Zhengxi in the third year.

Li Zhi also created Li Shou and appointed him as Liang Prefecture Assassin Shi, Eastern Qiang Lieutenant, Zhonghu Jun, and Lu Shang Shushi; and his brother Li Yue was made the King of Jianning, and he was appointed Xiang guo, a general, and a lu shang shu shi. He made his wife Yan Shi empress. The Wei general Yin Feng was appointed as the Right Minister, the General of the Hussars, and Shang Shuling, and Wang Gui was made a Situ.

Murder of the reigning emperor Li Ban and snatching of the crown. Li's bloody atrocities will, of course, provoke hatred among Lee's supporters. Li Ban's uncle Luo Yan conspired with the Han emperor XiangGuan and decided to assassinate Li Qi, and established Li Ban's son Li You as emperor. Who knows that things have been revealed and successes have been accomplished. Li Qi hunted down Luo Yan and Shangguan Chen, and also executed Li Ban's mother Luo Shi, Li Ban's brother Li Jue's sons Li Yu and Li Zhi, and his wife Zan Shi.

Li Qi, believing that the world had been decided and that everything was auspicious, followed the ancient story of "birds hiding with bows, rabbits and dead dogs cooking", and regarded all the old heroes as grass and mustard. The internal favorite eunuch Xu Fuzhi and the like, the external letter Shangshu Ling Jingqian, Shangshu Yao Hua, Tian Bao. This Tian Chu has no other strength, but is favored because of his words. It turned out that during Li Xiong's reign, Tian Bao had advised him to make Li Qi the crown prince, so Li Qi was very favored and treated him kindly. It seems that people are good words, but it is a great investment without capital and profit! Li Qi, who had entrusted the state's criminal and prison affairs to these people, had even left the other prime ministers and ministers aside. Villains are in power, and law and order are disordered. Li Qi, jealous of his nephew Shangshu Andi, the Duke of Wuling, was talented and handsome, so he instructed people to falsely accuse him of rebellion and put Li Zai in prison and die.

It is precisely because of Li Zai's unjust case in the past, and later Li Qi's brothers Li Ba and Li Bao died without illness, and people believe that Li Qi poisoned them. So the ministers were terrified, and their hearts were like a rabbit, worried and uneasy, not knowing when the disaster would fall on their heads. Li Qi did kill and destroy many families, and put some of the beautiful women in these families into their dragon beds and enrich their small treasury with confiscated belongings. Those who advised him were either death or prisoners, and the people in the DPRK and China only wanted to save themselves from misfortune. Later, Li Qi, when he overheard that his cousin Li Shou had the intention of rebellion, poisoned Li Shou's adopted brother Li You, the general of Anbei, in order to kill chickens and monkeys. He also consulted with Li Yue, Jing Qian, Tian Bao, Yao Hua, and others on how to assassinate Li Shou and others who had heavy troops. Li Qi repeatedly sent Xu Fu, a constant attendant, to Li Shou to observe Li Shou's movements in the name of the Laojun.

However, after Li You was killed, Li Shou was very afraid. Xu Fu's frequent travel to and from Fucheng aroused Li Shou's suspicions. Li Shou, who had been galloping on the battlefield for many years, had a premonition that the bloody rain and bloody wind were coming. Instead of sitting still, it was better to fight, and Li Shou decided to take the first shot. In the fourth year of Cheng han Yuheng (338), Li Shou led 10,000 soldiers and horses from Fucheng to Chengdu, claiming to be "on the side of the Qing Emperor" and eliminating Jing Qian, Tian Bao, and others who were disturbing the government. When Li Shoubing approached chengdu, the brothers Li Qi and Li Yue were defenseless, and Li Shou's army rushed in, and almost without encountering resistance, they went straight to the front of the palace. Li Yue persuaded Li Qi to raise warriors to resist Li Shou. However, Li Qi, however, thought that he did not treat Li Shou thinly, and Li Shou would not treat him well, so he forced himself to be calm and sent his attendants to comfort Li Shou. Li Shoushang said that Li Yue, Jing Qian, Tian Bao, Yao Hua, Xu Fu, the general Li Xi of Zhengxi, and the general Li Xi all harbored treachery, disrupted the government and government, plotted to overthrow the society, rebelled against the law, and deserved to be killed. In order to keep his crown, Li Qi obeyed Li Shou's request and arrested and killed all the above-mentioned Li Yue and Jing Qian. Unexpectedly, Li Shou was by no means merciful, and under the guise of Empress Dowager Ren's name, he lowered his will and deposed Li Qi as the Duke of Qiongdu County, and imprisoned him in another palace.

Li Qi was in the palace where he was under house arrest, and all his thoughts were gray. He sighed and said that the monarch of the world had become a small county prince, and it was better to live than to die. With this humiliation in mind, the depressed Li Qi hanged himself in May 338 at the age of twenty-five. Li Shou was quite benevolent and buried Li Qi with royal rites. However, Chang Xuan's account in the Huayang Guozhi is somewhat different: "In May, (Shou) was the killing period and Li Shi, who killed more than ten brothers. He was twenty-four years old at the time of his death. In five years, when his wife Yu Yuewei was displaced, (Li) Shi made people more and more reviled his son. ”


Tomb of Li Qi

Li Qi does not seem to have left any relics, and it is impossible to investigate where he was buried. Judging from some records, Li Qi should not have gone to Qiongdu and committed suicide in Chengdu. Both the Book of Jin and the Zizhi Tongjian record that Li Shou buried Li According to the Royal Rites, which should not be small in scale. The Chenghan tomb described in the Li Ban Ruins may also be the tomb of Li Qi.

【About the Author】

Feng Youxiang, male, from Neijiang, Sichuan. Senior media personality, senior editor, member of Sichuan Writers Association. He graduated from the Department of Economics of Sichuan University in 1983. He once served as a reporter, editor, editor-in-chief, director and chief editor of Sichuan Daily. In August 1994, he participated in the founding of West China Metropolis Daily and served as deputy editor-in-chief, and later as executive deputy editor-in-chief. Since 2007, he has successively served as the editor-in-chief of Financial Investment Newspaper and the editor-in-chief of Human Resources Newspaper, the editor-in-chief of Consumer Quality Newspaper, and the editor-in-chief of Sichuan Rural Daily. In January 2013, he published the monograph "Away from the Crisis", which was very popular in the industry and reprinted twice. In May 2016, he published the book "Opportunity is Planted", which caused great repercussions among young readers. In January 2017, the film and television literary work "Jiaozi" was published, which attracted the attention of both the academic and artistic circles, and is currently being adapted into a stage play and a film and television drama. In January 2019, she published a long biography of a historical figure, "Empress Shu", which was widely acclaimed. He has co-authored or co-authored "The Last Great Conquest", "Practical News Tan", "General Theory of the Newspaper Industry", and "Record of The Drifting of the Yangtze River". The news work "Long Drift" Series of Reports (cooperation) won the first prize of the National Good News Award in 1986.

Li Houqiang, male, Han ethnicity, born in August 1962, Yunyang County, Chongqing, a representative of the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, doctor of science, in 1992 broke the promotion to sichuan university department of physics professor. He is currently the Secretary of the Party Committee, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences, the Deputy Director of the Decision-making Advisory Committee of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, and the Leader of Academic Technology in Sichuan Province. He once served as a member of the Standing Committee and deputy county governor of Renshou County, Sichuan Province, an assistant commissioner of the Meishan District Administration, a vice mayor of the Meishan Municipal People's Government, and a deputy director of the Policy Research Office of the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China. In 1995 and 2000, he won the China Book Award, and in recent years, he has won the first prize, 6 second prizes and 3 third prizes of the Outstanding Achievement Award for Philosophy and Social Sciences issued by the People's Government of Sichuan Province, and the first prize of the Outstanding Achievement Award for Social Sciences issued by the Chengdu Municipal People's Government once. He has presided over and completed more than 50 national and ministerial scientific research projects at the national and ministerial levels, published more than 800 treatises (parts) in important domestic newspapers and periodicals and publishing houses such as Qiushi Magazine, People's Daily, Guangming Daily, Xinhua Digest, etc., and published more than 50 treatises (departments) in the United States, Britain, Japan, Canada, the Netherlands and other countries.

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