
"Fu Duan Qirui expounded the aftermath of the meeting to advocate electricity"

author:Catch snakes under the Leifeng Tower

Sun Yat-sen

(January 17, 1925)

Duan Ruling's Gift:

TEPCO acknowledges. Dating back to the 13th of November last year, Wenfa issued a declaration on the current situation, advocating that the National Assembly should be used as a method of peaceful reunification, and that the Preparatory Conference should be used to seek the emergence of the National Assembly. Arriving in Shanghai on the seventeenth, to Kobe on the twenty-first day, and to Tianjin on the 30th, on the way, in the various telegram columns, it was learned that the deacon had expressed on November 21 that he had called for the convening of the Aftermath Conference and the National Assembly, without details. Arriving in Tianjin on December 4, trapped by liver disease, Xu Junshiying visited The Tata, presented the full text of Ma Dian and the Regulations on the Aftermath Conference, which were passed by the State Council. At that time, I had seen what I saw, wholeheartedly told each other, and wanted to accept and forward. Since he repeatedly thought about the time of entering Beijing, he continued to express his heartfelt songs, as if the illness had not been cured for a long time, and it has been postponed to this day. It has been more than half a month since the receiving of TEPCO, and it is close to the date of the meeting of the aftermath meeting, and now it is not said that although he wants to make up for the emperor, he will not be able to force the sick body for no reason, and he will do what he wants, but he will look into it.

In addition to the national congress, the aftermath meeting also covers the financial and military consolidation, and its authority is broader than that of the preparatory meeting, while none of the constituents of the preparatory meeting can match the people's organizations listed in the preparatory meeting. The meetings of the Husband and Wife have been held many times in the past fourteen years, the largest of which has been the Six-Year Conference of the Overseers and the Eight-Year Conference of the North and the South, and all of them have yielded no good results. The reason for this is that the constituent members of the conference are all appointed by the government, and the people have no right to question the meeting, and they can neither elect representatives to participate in the meeting, nor even ask the meeting to be open. Sitting at the meeting has nothing to do with the people, and the people have to keep their old habit of ignoring state affairs, and the people's interests must not seek their performance in the meeting. Moreover, the people appointed by the government are all representatives of the so-called powerful factions, and their respective interests and feelings are mixed with each other, and they are often suffering from the art of no adjustment, so the meeting cannot get good results, but also consolidates it. The speaker said that if the meeting is not swayed by the powerful faction, it is afraid that the outcome of the meeting will not be implemented; wen thinks that whether the meeting can be effective or not depends on whether the powerful faction can obey the orders of the meeting or not. In the paris conference, General Foch of France commanded no less than four million soldiers in France during wartime, the Allied army was also under command, the British general Heiko commanded more than three million troops, and the American general Bassing commanded more than two million troops, and its strength was unparalleled in China; however, once the war subsided and the troops were released, there was absolutely no interference in the peace conference. Its authority is so clear that it can be greatly created by the state. In other words, this time they jointly opposed Cao Wu's various armies, sincerely for their hard work and meritorious service, and on the occasion of the meeting, they had no right to retreat, and they would increase their honor. Is it necessary to want to sway the meeting, the husband and wife? However, when the country is in turmoil, we cannot take the advanced in Europe and the United States as an example, and when the initial stage of the national revolution depends on the combination of force and public opinion, the preparatory meeting is to jointly oppose Cao Wu's discussion on the equality and equality of political parties and people's organizations, that is, to match the purpose of combining force with public opinion.

If the preparatory meeting can be realized, the domestic intellectual classes such as the education association, the university student federation, and the productive class such as the industrial groups, the peasants' and industrial associations, etc., must gather together with those who have military and political strength to jointly seek the great plan of national construction, so that this meeting can express the interests and feelings of the whole people, and can lead the people to the road of full cooperation, and the future of the people's rule will be fruitful. The constituent elements listed in the aftermath meeting seem to be partial to the strength side, but in terms of public opinion, it is inevitable to ignore it, and I am afraid that it will not be able to correct the past and become a new rule, and the people who are uneasy about this worry are also uneasy. It is known that after the Aftermath Conference, there is still a National Congress; however, if the National Assembly was born from the Aftermath Conference, the Aftermath Conference can not be careless in the beginning, and the people who discuss it are still widespread, the military system, and the finances.

Wen Yong thought again and again, dared to be foolish, and warned the deacons: Wen does not have to insist on the name of the preparatory meeting, but it is necessary to ask that the aftermath meeting can also include representatives of people's organizations, such as the modern industrial organizations, chambers of commerce, education associations, university federations of provincial students, industry and commerce [associations], peasant associations, etc., whose representatives should be dispatched by the organs of each organization, and the number should be small, in order to be quickly convened. If so, the article endorses the Aftercare Meetings and the Aftercare Meetings Ordinance. As for the matters of the Conference, although they may involve the military system and finances, the power to make final decisions cannot be abdicated to the National Assembly. The Republic of China is the master of the people, and government officials and soldiers are not public servants of the people. Cao Wu brought calamity to the country, holding laborers hostage to suppress the people, and sincerely putting the crown upside down. If we want to change our course now, the first book should restore the people to the status of masters, and make all public servants do their best to serve the people, and then the Republic of China will be worthy of its name.

All those who have expressed this, firmly believing that the future of the country is planned, and that the deacons and Wen Jiu are in the same tribulation, dare to attach themselves to the righteousness of knowing everything and saying everything, and pray for the blessing of looking down.

Sun Wen

"Fu Duan Qirui expounded the aftermath of the meeting to advocate electricity"

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