
Mushrooms do not fry, add a piece of pumpkin, this is too fragrant, more enjoyable than eating meat, super relief

author:Ah San Food

Life has no rehearsal, and food has no beauty. Hello everyone, today with mushrooms to share a delicacy for you. Oyster mushrooms are the most widely cultivated, most productive and most consumed edible mushrooms. Because most individuals are like small umbrellas, they are called umbrella fungus. Oyster mushrooms are delicious and rich in protein, polysaccharides, vitamins, nucleotides and unsaturated fatty acids, with laxative detoxification, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Today's oyster mushrooms with pumpkin are delicious, and you can't stop when you eat it!

Mushrooms do not fry, add a piece of pumpkin, this is too fragrant, more enjoyable than eating meat, super relief

【Pumpkin pie with oyster mushroom meat】

【Basic Ingredients】Pumpkin, oyster mushrooms, minced meat, yeast powder, flour, green onion, cooking oil

【Basic steps】

1. Oyster mushrooms, we often eat in life, generally we are used to stir-fry to eat more, today we use oyster mushrooms with pumpkin to make a different cuisine. First, take out a half-cut pumpkin, put it on the board and cut off the skin of the pumpkin with a knife. Cut the peeled pumpkin into thin, evenly sliced pumpkins.

Mushrooms do not fry, add a piece of pumpkin, this is too fragrant, more enjoyable than eating meat, super relief

2. Place the sliced pumpkin into the plate we have prepared beforehand. Bring water to a boil, put the right amount of water into the pot, put the pumpkin slices we cut into the pot with cold water, put them in the steamer, and cover the lid of the steamer. Turn on high heat and steam the pumpkin slices for 20 minutes. The pumpkin slices are put in a pot and let them steam first, and we use this time to prepare some oyster mushrooms.

Mushrooms do not fry, add a piece of pumpkin, this is too fragrant, more enjoyable than eating meat, super relief

3. Take out the appropriate amount of oyster mushrooms and tear the oyster mushrooms into small cloves by hand. Place our torn small cloves of oyster mushrooms in a bowl we have prepared in advance and set aside. Take out a large clean bowl, put some minced meat in the bowl, add some salt, soy sauce, oyster sauce, chicken essence and some cooking wine, oyster sauce into it. Stir constantly with chopsticks, stirring it well and setting aside.

Mushrooms do not fry, add a piece of pumpkin, this is too fragrant, more enjoyable than eating meat, super relief

4. Bring water to a boil, add an appropriate amount of water to the pot. Bring the water from the pot to a boil and add the small cloves of oyster mushrooms that we just ripped up and blanch it again. Stir constantly with a spoon to heat the oyster mushrooms evenly, blanch the oyster mushrooms until they are broken, and remove the blanched oyster mushrooms from the water and put them in a bowl on the side.

Mushrooms do not fry, add a piece of pumpkin, this is too fragrant, more enjoyable than eating meat, super relief

5. When the time is up, take out our steamed pumpkin slices, pour them into a bowl, and take out a rolling pin to mash the pumpkin slices into pumpkin puree. Add 3 grams of yeast powder to a bowl and stir with chopsticks to stir well. Add 150 grams of flour to it in small amounts and times, stirring constantly with chopsticks to fully stir it into a flocculent shape. Then knead it into a smooth dough, place it in a bowl, wrap it in plastic wrap, and set aside to wake up to twice as large.

Mushrooms do not fry, add a piece of pumpkin, this is too fragrant, more enjoyable than eating meat, super relief

6. Take the oyster mushroom we just blanched in your hand and squeeze the water inside, put the oyster mushroom on the board and cut it into small pieces with a knife. Cut it and put it in the bowl where the minced meat was just placed. Put some green onions in a bowl, put cooking oil in, stir well with chopsticks, stir well and set aside. At this time, our filling is ready.

Mushrooms do not fry, add a piece of pumpkin, this is too fragrant, more enjoyable than eating meat, super relief

7. Take out the dough we woke up and put it on the board and rub it into long strips by hand. Then cut the long strips into dough pieces of equal size. After cutting, knead the dough into a circle and flatten it, roll it thin with a rolling pin, put our filling on it, and wrap it in a pie-shaped shape, just like in the picture below.

Mushrooms do not fry, add a piece of pumpkin, this is too fragrant, more enjoyable than eating meat, super relief

8. After making it, put the cake on the top of the board and cover it with plastic wrap for 15 minutes. Preheat the electric cake bell, brush it with cooking oil, put the cake blank we just woke up into the pot, brush it with cooking oil, cover it with a lid, and turn on the low heat for 5 minutes. When the time comes, turn the other side and continue to burn for another two minutes. After both sides are cooked, turn them off the heat and bring them out of the pot, which takes about seven minutes. Put it into the plate we prepared in advance, a delicious oyster mushroom stuffed pumpkin pie is ready, it is crispy and soft on the outside, the filling is full of flavor, if you like it, let's try it together!

Mushrooms do not fry, add a piece of pumpkin, this is too fragrant, more enjoyable than eating meat, super relief

【Love Tips】

1. The skin of the pumpkin is relatively thick, so we must use a knife to cut it off, otherwise the pumpkin slices are not cleanly cut;

2. When baking the cake, be sure to open the low heat and slowly burn it, so that the baked cake will be more fragrant to eat.

Today's food is shared here, every day for everyone to share a home-cooked food, thank you for watching, like friends to help like, pay attention to Oh! See you tomorrow, thank you!