
This admiral had a limited role around Liu Deng and Wang Shusheng, and it was very wild to fight with Chen Geng

author:Bar Haw Society

The Second Field Army is a unit that can fight a hard battle and make great sacrifices for the overall strategy, so it is limited in development and appears to be somewhat weak compared with the three and four fields.

This admiral had a limited role around Liu Deng and Wang Shusheng, and it was very wild to fight with Chen Geng

So, how many founding generals came out of Nino?

Among them are Li Da, Chen Xilian, Yang Yong, Su Zhenhua, Chen Zaidao, Wang Hongkun, and Guo Tianmin.

Speaking of these admirals, Guo Tianmin seemed a little depressed?

Guo Tianmin served as chief of staff and military commander during the Red Army and the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he worked in the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region led by Nie Rongzhen, and was transferred from deputy chief of staff of the military region to commander of the military sub-district and commander of the Ji-Cha Military Region.

After the outbreak of the Liberation War, he served as the commander of the 2nd Column of the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region. He was indignant about the defense of Zhangjiakou because the military region had previously reorganized and transferred 100,000 people to jobs, resulting in the weakening of the armed forces of the military region, and Zhangjiakou was forced to withdraw.

Outspoken and quick-witted, he took out all his inner opinions and put them on the table, caught the military region off guard, and was eventually suspended.

This admiral had a limited role around Liu Deng and Wang Shusheng, and it was very wild to fight with Chen Geng

In April 1947, Mr. Zhu led the Central Working Committee to Jinchaji to guide the work, learned about Guo Tianmin's situation, and talked to him. To him, a very useful word, a person reflects on the problem in many ways, can not just try to quickly.

Mr. Zhu then asked Guo Tianmin where to work, and he said that he wanted to work under Liu Deng.

In August, he was appointed deputy chief of staff of the Jinji-Hebei Luyu Military Region. In terms of rank, he was not demoted, but he changed from a front-line leader to a column commander to a deputy chief of staff, and could only assist the commander and the chief of staff from the side, which seemed a bit stubborn.

At that time, Liu Deng's army was just in time to leap thousands of miles into the Dabie Mountains, and Guo Tianmin participated in this great strategic task.

After arriving at Dabie Mountain, in order to gain a firm foothold, Liu Dengbing divided into two roads and asked Guo Tianmin to serve as deputy commander of the Eyu Military Region to assist Wang Shusheng in his work.

Although Wang Shusheng is a military cadre, he has to deal with many things, and the military region needs to strengthen leadership, and Guo Tianmin went to the military region to take charge of leading the troops to fight.

This admiral had a limited role around Liu Deng and Wang Shusheng, and it was very wild to fight with Chen Geng

Unfortunately, the Eyu region is full of mountainous areas, and the strength of the troops is limited, so it can only fight guerrilla warfare with the enemy army and cooperate with the main force. On the battlefield of Huaihai, after the Nationalist army was drawn, the troops were empty, and under the leadership of Wang Shusheng and Guo Tianmin, many counties were liberated.

For Guo Tianmin, who was accustomed to fighting big battles, fighting guerrilla warfare was too humiliating, and he always wanted to fight with the enemy. Unfortunately, he was not in the front-line troops, and he could only think about it.

After the Battle of Huaihai, Nakano reorganized Nino and formed a corps. He was transferred to Chen Geng's regiment as deputy commander and chief of staff, which made Guo Tianmin very happy.

Who does not know that Chen Geng fought fiercely, during the War of Resistance, he led the 386 Brigade to fight many good battles, and the Japanese army named the 386 Brigade to eliminate.

During the Liberation War, Chen Geng led the 4th Column, 9th Column, and 38th Army to form the Chen Xie Group of more than 80,000 people, and formed a character form with Liu Deng's army and Chen Su's army, like a steel knife straight into the hinterland of the Nationalist army.

This admiral had a limited role around Liu Deng and Wang Shusheng, and it was very wild to fight with Chen Geng

In 1949, after the Battle of Crossing the River, Chen Geng led 4 corps to liberate Jiangxi and Guangzhou all the way, especially in the Guibian Great Siege and Annihilation Operation, the 4 Corps was under the command of Siye, the two armies annihilated more than 167,000 enemy troops, and the 4 Corps annihilated more than 70,000 people, which shows its strong combat effectiveness.

Guo Tianmin, as deputy commander and chief of staff, has always been with Chen Geng, is on the front line, and fights wildly.

In the end, Guo Tianmin was awarded the title of general with his seniority, position and achievements, which was well deserved.

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