
Burke responded to Owen's call to refuse vaccinations, saying that he would join him in saving the world and would abandon 2.87 million

author:Lao Hu commented on the ball

At present, Irving still has no plans to vaccinate, and yesterday he called on his fans to break through the calculator code-named "Mother" controlled by the United States to return to freedom, and today the Lone Ranger's defender Trey Burke immediately stood up to express his support for Irving, because he is now also refusing to get the new crown vaccine, and the relationship with the team is very bad.

Burke responded to Owen's call to refuse vaccinations, saying that he would join him in saving the world and would abandon 2.87 million

And now burke's reason for not vaccinating is personal freedom, which is the reason he gave, when talking about Owen's refusal to vaccinate, Burke said, "It's a pleasure to stand with the great Kyrie Owen, we all have the same faith, I know he's doing a great cause, I'm willing to follow in his footsteps, only he can lead our countrymen to the final victory, the world is in a dark era, Kyrie Owen has planned to use actions to illuminate the light." ”

Burke responded to Owen's call to refuse vaccinations, saying that he would join him in saving the world and would abandon 2.87 million

Under the collective bargaining agreement, Burke will be fined $35,000 for every game he misses, and if he misses 82 games, he will lose $2.87 million, and the young Trey Burke has been a role player from the Knicks to the present, and he is not yet 30 years old, which should have had a very bright future, but now that he has abandoned his basketball dream due to the call of Irving's thoughts.

Burke responded to Owen's call to refuse vaccinations, saying that he would join him in saving the world and would abandon 2.87 million

Next he will follow Owen to save the world and break through the so-called "mother" calculator to return to the real world, when he gives up the vaccine also almost means that his road in the NBA is over, and the future NBA league may never see Trey Burke again.

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