
Behind "Breaking into kanto": cost 30 million, 12 national first-class actors, "Big Dye Workshop" team

author:Entertainment is the real face

In January 2008, the TV series "Breaking into the Guandong" premiered in the prime time of CCTV. This TV series starring Li Youbin, Sarina, Song Jia, Niu Li, Zhu Yawen, etc., and co-produced by the original team of "Da Dye Fang", can be said to be a microcosm of a period of history.

Behind "Breaking into kanto": cost 30 million, 12 national first-class actors, "Big Dye Workshop" team

The east gate of Shanhaiguan City defines the central plains of Guannei and Guanwai. The three eastern provinces are located east of Shanhaiguan, and it is said that the east is concerned. Forced by natural disasters to make a living, nearly 30 million people in the central plains of the lower reaches of the Yellow River have begun to drill mountains, cross rivers, starve, fight beasts, avoid bandits... Go north to kanto to make a living.

The TV series "Breaking into the Guandong" is based on this real history as the background, using the experience of the Zhu Kaishan family played by Li Youbin as an example to restore the arduous years and struggle.

Behind "Breaking into kanto": cost 30 million, 12 national first-class actors, "Big Dye Workshop" team

1.4 provinces, 10,000 kilometers of field interviews

When I decided to shoot, as the screenwriter of this TV series, gao mantang, who was also a descendant of Kanto, thought of going to the field with my partners to understand the history of that period.

Behind "Breaking into kanto": cost 30 million, 12 national first-class actors, "Big Dye Workshop" team

A group of four people braved the wind and snow to walk nearly 10,000 kilometers, traveled through heilongjiang and other four provinces, encountered many crises during the interview, overturned, sick, bad environment, etc., "almost died there."

After returning, Gao Mantang did not take off his clothes and was covered in mud, and fell on the bed and slept for two whole days, dripping water.

Behind "Breaking into kanto": cost 30 million, 12 national first-class actors, "Big Dye Workshop" team

When he looked deeply into that old story, he found that the minimum age of the people who could tell that history was over 80 years old, and even younger people could not tell the history clearly.

The heavy history of blood and tears of several generations of Shandong people is thus facing the crisis of being lost, as a descendant of the Kanto, Gao Mantang realized the urgency and necessity of filming this play, and regretted that he had begun to contact this history so late.

Three months of visits allowed Gao Mantang to accumulate a large amount of materials, he and the team together to sort out, simplify, improve, and finally published half a year, only revised twice, to shape this documentary blood and tears history "Breaking into the Kanto".

Behind "Breaking into kanto": cost 30 million, 12 national first-class actors, "Big Dye Workshop" team

2. The real existence of "sacrificing one's life to swallow gold and transporting corpses through the customs"

Audiences who have watched "Breaking into the Guandong" are basically impressed by the act of Zhu Kaishan panning for gold in the old gold ditch and leading the crowd to "swallow gold and transport corpses" at the beginning of the play.

At that time, there was a saying about the gold panning industry: foreigners do not do it, local people do not do it. Big cattle do not dry, small livestock do not dry, Shandong people do.

It can be seen how difficult the work of panning for gold is.

And "sacrificing one's life to swallow gold and transporting corpses through the pass" is also a true story in history.

Behind "Breaking into kanto": cost 30 million, 12 national first-class actors, "Big Dye Workshop" team

On the way to visit Gao Mantang, the car burst the tire and hit the tree. There happened to be an auto repair plant in the local area to repair the car.

The boss is a talkative person, and when he sees that a few of them are foreigners who have come from afar, he asks a lot of questions about what to do.

Gao Mantang replied with a sentence to come over and collect the wind, ready to shoot a drama. Asked again what to write, Gao Mantang said vaguely a gold pan.

The boss was excited when he heard it, and asked if he had asked the little old lady.

It turned out that there was a local gold digger who was a Shandong native, who was very good at kung fu, and he had a little wife, twenty or thirty years younger than him, and he was still alive.

Behind "Breaking into kanto": cost 30 million, 12 national first-class actors, "Big Dye Workshop" team

Excited to hear this, Gao Mantang gave the boss a little more money, and let the boss take it with him. The old lady was almost 100 years old, her teeth were all gone, fortunately, there were children next to her who could understand what she said, which made him understand that it was true to swallow gold and transport corpses.

3. Open fields, build roads, waist-high snow, minus thirty degrees of stripping

During filming, there is a large section of the play depicting Zhu Kaishan cultivating the land, in order to present it reasonably and perfectly, the crew visited many places and tried to push open the door of the house from any angle to see the vast and desolate field. When I went to the northeast and saw that a large area of birch forest and soybean stalks were all covered with snow a meter deep, I decided to shoot on the spot in the northeast.

The crew opened up a large field for filming on the desolate and remote land, and built several houses in the field. In order to successfully reach this house in a remote and desolate place, the crew spared no effort to build several kilometers of road to facilitate traffic...

Behind "Breaking into kanto": cost 30 million, 12 national first-class actors, "Big Dye Workshop" team

The northeast live-action shooting, the real impact, but the actors suffered a crime.

The first thing to overcome is the temperature problem. In the weather of minus 30 degrees, standing outside in cotton shoes for 5 minutes, the feet are frozen unconscious, not to mention that some actors also have shots of rolling, diving, and undressing.

Zhu Yawen played Zhu Chuanwu in the play, Zhu Kaishan's second son. He claims that he is the coldest in the play. The indoor shed built is the same as the outdoors, which is minus thirty degrees, and there is a scene where he needs to strip naked and lie on the cold kang, and two women rub him with snow...

Behind "Breaking into kanto": cost 30 million, 12 national first-class actors, "Big Dye Workshop" team

Song Jia plays Zhu Jiayi's daughter, Xian'er, in which she has a scene of running in the snow after escaping.

Behind "Breaking into kanto": cost 30 million, 12 national first-class actors, "Big Dye Workshop" team

The whole shot down, almost waist-high snow made her fall more than a dozen times, cold and heavy, crying while running.

Because the environment is too harsh, Song Jia's performance makes the director unable to tell whether she is acting or real.

Behind "Breaking into kanto": cost 30 million, 12 national first-class actors, "Big Dye Workshop" team

4. "Cunning" Li Youbin

Putting aside the hardships of the environment, the atmosphere of the whole crew is no different from a big family. There are also a lot of interesting things that happen between the family.

Li Youbin has a label of bad cooperation in the circle, but in Sarina's eyes, Li Youbin is not the right person, and he definitely does not like people who do not work well, but everyone works hard together and gets along well, Li Youbin will also become very social, and often joke with everyone.

In the play, the "three children" of Li Youbin and Sarina were also privately nicknamed the three "fools" in the family by Li Youbin.

Behind "Breaking into kanto": cost 30 million, 12 national first-class actors, "Big Dye Workshop" team

Why? Let me give you an example.

There are many scenes of eating at the dinner table in the play, and the director sometimes arranges to shoot together.

Liu Xiangjing, who plays the eldest son, learned that he wanted to shoot the scene of eating, and he deliberately did not eat in the morning, and when he waited for the shooting, he followed the hu eating.

But he didn't expect to shoot the next scene, the next one or eat, and finally made him hold up to the throat.

Behind "Breaking into kanto": cost 30 million, 12 national first-class actors, "Big Dye Workshop" team

And Li Youbin in sarina's eyes is more "cunning", when shooting, first put a plate of peanut rice to himself, while chewing while shooting, other actors can only keep eating, so that they can always maintain the state of chewing, and he just ate a few peanuts.

Behind "Breaking into kanto": cost 30 million, 12 national first-class actors, "Big Dye Workshop" team

The investment in "Breaking into kanto" is not much, and the investment cost of 30 million yuan.

But most of the 30 million yuan of investment was used for filming, and the labor fees of the main creative staff were not paid on time.

In addition to these main creators, there are also some inconspicuous supporting roles in the play, such as Ma Enran, who plays Han Donghai, Bao Guoan, who plays Tan Yongqing, and Ding Jiali, the big black girl... There are also Gao Ming, Li Daqiang, Liu Jinshan and so on. Counting Li Youbin and Sarina, the whole drama has about 12 national first-class actors joining.

Behind "Breaking into kanto": cost 30 million, 12 national first-class actors, "Big Dye Workshop" team

A drama has 12 national first-class actors to join, even willing to be green leaves, and the entire crew to shoot classic excellent works, and wholeheartedly pay, which has achieved such a classic masterpiece.

Behind "Breaking into kanto": cost 30 million, 12 national first-class actors, "Big Dye Workshop" team

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