
Kankan Three Kingdoms (4): The princes of the Kwantung region gathered together to form an alliance, and they could not achieve anything from Germany

author:Tonight is history
Kankan Three Kingdoms (4): The princes of the Kwantung region gathered together to form an alliance, and they could not achieve anything from Germany

(4) Crusade against Dong Zhuo

"Continued from the previous article, the book continues with the previous one", let's continue to talk.

Speaking of this Kwantung Alliance that crusaded against Dong Zhuo, I believe that many friends who have watched "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" will not be unfamiliar.

As the saying goes, "the princes of the Eighteen Roads will meet together to discuss the righteous crusade against the national thieves", for a time, the princes and bigwigs from all over the world have responded to the call and gathered together, such as Hanoi Taishou Wang Kuang, Jizhou Mu Han Fu, Yuzhou Thorn Shi Kong Ling, Yanzhou Thorn Shi Liu Dai, Chen Liutai Shou Zhang Miao and his younger brother Guangling Taishou Zhang Chao, Shanyang Taishou Yuan Yi, Jibei Xiang Bao Xin, Later General Yuan Shu, etc., of course, there is also the alliance leader Bohai Taishou Yuan Shao.

Kankan Three Kingdoms (4): The princes of the Kwantung region gathered together to form an alliance, and they could not achieve anything from Germany

Let's go out here and say a few more words, in real history, in fact, there are not as many princes as the Eighteenth Road. According to the records of the "Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms", the only Kwantung princes who raised troops were Yuan Shu, Yuan Shao, Han Fu, Kong Ling, Liu Dai, Wang Kuang, Zhang Miao, Qiao Mao, Yuan Yi, and Bao Xin.

Seeing this, some people may wonder, what is tonight, brother, no, what about Cao Cao? What about Sun Jian? What about Liu Guanzhang of "Three Heroes vs. Lu Bu"?

Kankan Three Kingdoms (4): The princes of the Kwantung region gathered together to form an alliance, and they could not achieve anything from Germany

It must be explained here that at the meeting of the Kwantung princes, Cao Cao actually followed Yuan Shao, and Sun Jian was a retainer who belonged to Yuan Shu, so at that time, they could not be regarded as princes all the way, as for Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei, I am sorry, they were still unknown at that time, and they did not participate at all, nor were they qualified to participate in the Dong Alliance.

In fact, not only did they not participate, but even the people mentioned in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Gongsun Zhan, Tao Qian, Kong Rong, Ma Teng, and Zhang Yang, also did not participate in the alliance.

Okay, after talking about the composition of the Dong Alliance, let's continue to talk about the topic.

Kankan Three Kingdoms (4): The princes of the Kwantung region gathered together to form an alliance, and they could not achieve anything from Germany

For the plot of the crusade against Dong Zhuo, "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" gives a lot of space to describe it, and the scene is similar to the human fleet fighting the three-body water droplets in the novel "Three-Body Problem", which is overwhelming, the flag is flying, and the momentum is huge.

Putting aside the actual effect for the time being, let's just ask you if this game is high? Is there any momentum, right?

However, "the gold and jade are outside, and they are defeated in it", these guys of the Kwantung Alliance don't look at the pre-event and are quite scary, they are really more cowardly than one another, one is more than the other, and they are all calculating, with 800 hearts and eyes per capita. Seeing that the Xiliang Iron Cavalry under Dong Zhuo's command was full of combat effectiveness, he suddenly made a batch, if he made a rash move, he would probably suffer a big loss when he was the first bird.

So, these bunches, you look at me, I look at you, no one dares to attack.

Kankan Three Kingdoms (4): The princes of the Kwantung region gathered together to form an alliance, and they could not achieve anything from Germany

"Cut ......" Dong Zhuo glanced at this formation, and couldn't help but feel disdain, it turned out that those "loyal martyrs" and "Justice League" who were shouting for Tianxing were just a group of scum and "rabble" who fought for five.

However, considering that the other party is outnumbered after all, the territory is huge, and the logistics resources are relatively abundant, it is inevitable that there will be accidents if it is consumed for a long time. In addition, he was very uneasy about the civil and military officials in Luoyang City, worried that they would take the opportunity to cooperate with the people of the Kwantung Alliance, collude with each other, and overshadow themselves.

Kankan Three Kingdoms (4): The princes of the Kwantung region gathered together to form an alliance, and they could not achieve anything from Germany

So, Dong Zhuo listened to the advice of his cronies and ministers, and despite everyone's strong opposition, he forced the emperor's ministers and millions of residents in the city to move to Chang'an with "swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes, hooks, and guns". And adhering to the idea of "scorched earth warfare" and never cheapening the Kwantung princes, Dong Zhuo also ordered his subordinates to loot Luoyang again before leaving.

For a time, palaces, temples, government offices, and private houses were all burned down. Within a radius of 200 miles, chickens and dogs are not left. Even the tombs of the royal ministers and wealthy people were looted. Countless gold, silver, jewelry, calligraphy, painting, porcelain and other valuable things all entered the pockets of Dong Zhuo and his Xiliang army.

It stands to reason that Dong Zhuo admitted that he had instigated Luoyang to open the way, and the princes of Kwantung should "chase after the poor with the remaining bravery", right? After all, the two armies are hesitant to fight each other, so don't you dare to beat the water dogs?

Kankan Three Kingdoms (4): The princes of the Kwantung region gathered together to form an alliance, and they could not achieve anything from Germany

Alas, guess what? They really didn't dare. In the face of the blazing Luoyang and the Xiliang Army that was gradually drifting away, Yuan Shao and his group said, "The rivers and lakes are sinister, be careful and deceitful, and you can't chase them." ”

Only the hot-blooded young man Cao Cao stood up and appealed loudly: "Raise troops to eliminate violence, everyone has already come, what else is suspicious?" If Dong Zhuo hears that we are in trouble, and threatens the Son of Heaven to raise troops to fight in the east, he really can't be taken lightly; Now Luoyang is burned, and after kidnapping the Son of Heaven, he fled west to Chang'an, looking like he couldn't live in panic. The end is imminent, and the war is decided. Don't miss it! ”

However, this remark obviously did not move the princes of the Kwantung Alliance, and these people are still as steady as old dogs, as immobile as mountains.

was so angry that Cao Cao took his 5,000 men and horses and pulled his friend Zhang Miao to pursue him. As a result, as soon as he caught up with Xingyang, he was ambushed by Dong Zhuo's general Xu Rong, and suffered a big defeat, almost annihilating the entire army.

Kankan Three Kingdoms (4): The princes of the Kwantung region gathered together to form an alliance, and they could not achieve anything from Germany

After escaping by luck and returning to the camp, Cao Cao looked at the gang of the Kwantung Alliance who were not doing business, and knew all day long that they were gathering people for picnics and eating and drinking at public expense, and he couldn't help but be extremely disappointed, and after putting down some cruel words, he led his people away. ("If you can follow my plan, General Yuan Shao will lead his troops into Mengjin; The men and horses of the sour jujube held Chenggao and occupied the danger; General Yuan Shu led the army into Wuguan and shook Sanfu. There is no need to fight Dong Zhuo in the deep ditch and high fortress wall, so the justifiable crusade against the rebel can be won immediately. It's disappointing that you, who claim to be righteous soldiers, are now full of suspicion that you have nothing to do and have missed a good opportunity! Don't you feel ashamed! ”)

Kankan Three Kingdoms (4): The princes of the Kwantung region gathered together to form an alliance, and they could not achieve anything from Germany

Not long after Cao Cao left, the alliance itself fell into infighting, and Yuan Shao first used a strategy to seize Han Fu's Jizhou, and "got one" with Gongsun Zhan; Then Yuan Shu and Liu Biao, the assassin of Jingzhou, fought, fought, and then the two brothers of the Yuan family broke up and fought; Sun Jian's family began to attack Jiangdong and other places, trying to divide one side; There are also various local forces such as Liu Dai, Qiao Mao, and Zhang Yang, who have also entered the melee mode of "big fish eating small fish".

At this point, the huge crusade against Dong Zhuo has been pulled with such a tiger's head and tail hiccups, which can't help but make people sigh.

Kankan Three Kingdoms (4): The princes of the Kwantung region gathered together to form an alliance, and they could not achieve anything from Germany

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