
There is a color called red in the land of eight treasures

author:Palm Qujing

Fuyuan is named for its abundant resources and is known as the land of eight treasures. In fact, in this deposit, there are still rich red resources buried deeply, which is the footprint of the Red Army's Long March into Fuyuan. From that spring in 1935, "The Red Army is not afraid of expeditions" was written on the title page of the earth and became the spiritual wealth of the Fuyuan people.

Unfolding the main line of the party history materials "The Red Army's Long March Over Yunnan," "The Red Army's Long March Through Qujing," "The Red Army's Second and Sixth Armies Crossing Yunnan," and "The Red Army's Long March Through Xuanwei," combing through the clues of the simplified editions of "The Red Army's Long March Through Yunnan," "The Red Army's Long March Through Qujing," and "The Red Army's Long March Over Fuyuan," and looking for clues in the local historical materials of Fuyuan and the history of red communications, the whole picture of the Red Army's three advances into Fuyuan sprang up from the land.


Four crossings of the red water surprise soldiers, playing the prelude to the westward march into Yunnan

In February 1935, when the Red Army moved to Tashi, Yunnan, the Party Central Committee held a meeting of the Politburo to determine the next direction of advance and reorganize the troops. The combat effectiveness of the reorganized Red Army was greatly enhanced, but in the face of the encirclement of more than 140 regiments of the Sichuan, Xiangqian and Dian and the Kuomintang Central Committee, the situation faced by the Red Army of 16 regiments was still very critical. In order to get rid of the enemy's encirclement and blockade, in late March, the Ninth Army marched to Gulin with great fanfare. In order to confuse the enemy, according to the orders of the Party Central Committee, the 30th Communications Detachment of the Third Bureau of the Central Military Commission moved with the Ninth Army. In accordance with the spirit of the Instructions of the Central Military Commission, the communications fighters used the radio call signs of the central columns and various corps to make frequent radio contacts, staging a great drama of the Red Army gathering north. In those days, it rained heavily for days, and the Kuomintang planes could not take off to reconnoiter the movements of the Red Army. However, the main force of the Red Army was silent, and quietly turned around and crossed the Chishui River for the fourth time and crossed the Wu River in the south. The heavens and the earth were favorable, the sound of the east and the west were all in one go, the four crossings of the red water were like gods, and the Red Army was like a fish in the water, getting rid of the enemy's soldiers and soldiers.

Where are the main forces of the Red Army? Chiang Kai-shek, who was sitting in Guiyang, was confused. South of the Wujiang River, there were telegrams saying that the main force of the Red Army appeared at Xifeng, and north of the Wujiang River, Wang Jialie reported that the eight regiments of his march in Laomukong had been eaten by the Red Army in one breath, and that the south and the north were true and false. When the Red Army appeared on the outskirts of Guiyang, Chiang Kai-shek woke up like a dream, and the main force of the Red Army came to its own Big Tent of the Chinese Army. He urgently ordered the Sun Du column of the Dian army that was blocked in Dading to rescue the car, while transferring the troops from the north of the river to move east to the Qianxiang border. Who knew that the Red Army swung a false shot, quickly turned around between Guiyang and Longli and went south, all the preparations were the prologue, and the curtain was opened to advance west into Yunnan.

Planning ahead and planning is the key to success. On April 16, 1935, Commander-in-Chief Zhu De issued to the chiefs of the First, Third, and Fifth Armies the "Instructions on Collecting Intelligence Materials in Yunnan After Our Army Crossed the Beipan River", ordering the whole army to collect maps, geographies, and newspapers of Yunnan, and stipulating that the information books and newspapers obtained should be sent to the Central Military Commission as soon as possible.

On April 17, 1936, Commander-in-Chief Zhu De issued an urgent order of ten thousand fires to Deng Fa, political commissar of the First, Third, and Fifth Armies, the column of the Central Military Commission, and Cai Shufan, political commissar of the first echelon of the column of the Central Military Commission. The Red Army, which was heading south, made a magnificent turn on the anlong and Xingren fronts, and turned west to the Yunnan-Qianqian border.

On 22 April, the 1st and 5th Armies and the Central Column arrived near the Border of Yunnan. The first part of the three corps had already arrived in Weishe, and that night, its vanguard troops entered Pinghuangsuo (平黄堂, in present-day Huangnihe Town, Fuyuan County, Yunnan Province) and opened the gate for the Red Army to enter Yunnan in the west.

Although the Red Army came prepared, what lay in front of them was still full of difficulties and obstacles. After entering the territory of Fuyuan County, along the way it was constantly bombarded by enemy planes and attacked by local militia groups, and the Second Brigade of the Dian Army, which was chasing after it, was even more in the vanguard, creating all kinds of troubles for the Red Army to advance westward. In Huangnihe, Xiaoyangchang, Yiguan, Yewai and other places, the Red Army rearguards repeatedly engaged in small-scale sporadic battles with the brigade. Brigade Commander An Enbo also personally went into battle, under the cover of morning fog, sneaked into the Red Army's Shazhai defense line, and was defeated by the Red Army's rearguard, and he almost became a ghost under the guns of the Red Army. During the march of the Central Column from Bugu to Fucun, fu Qihua militia regiment, which was unable to measure up, sneaked into the headquarters organs on a dangerous basis and was dispersed by the Red Army guards. The vanguard of the First Army encountered the Independent Second Regiment of the Dian Army at Yangchang Battalion (present-day Fuyuan Battalion), and the Battle of Bailongshan began, and the regimental commander Li Song fled west with the remnants. After Nuogang and Chexinkou, the vanguard of the Red Army caught up with the defeated Independent Second Regiment, and the Red Army won the Battle of Chexinkou.

The red army was not afraid of expeditions. As soon as they entered Fuyuan, the blood of the Red Army soldiers stained the spring of 1935 red, staining the land of Fuyuan red, and 169 Red Army soldiers were forever buried on this land. The wounded Red Army soldiers Zhang Jue and Deng Hongzhao kept firmly in mind their original intention, never forgot the road ahead, healed their wounds and wiped away their tears, overcame difficulties and traveled to many places, and participated in the continuation of the revolution.


Thousands of miles of Umeng swirled, and the Red Sixth Army marched south into Fuyuan

After the Red Army arrived in northern Shaanxi, Chiang Kai-shek further stepped up his attack on the Red Second and Sixth Armies, which had remained on the qian side of the Xiang'e River. In order to preserve the revolutionary forces, on November 19, 1935, the Red Second and Sixth Armies set out from Sangzhi, Hunan Province, entered northern Qianbei, and began to move to northeast Yunnan through the extremely arduous Umeng Roundabout Battle. On March 20, 1936, the Red Second and Sixth Armies entered Xuanwei County from Weining.

In view of the previous red army's voice from the east and west, Wang Longyun of Yunnan drew the lesson of the Dian army taking advantage of the void to enter Yunnan. Making full preparations for the Red Army's re-entry into Yunnan, he ordered Sun Du's column not to penetrate deep into Qianjing and to block it on the Weining front. On the one hand, Liu Zhengfu's brigade and other units totaled five regiments to form a second mobile anti-blockade reserve in Xuanwei.

The Red Army did not fully estimate the second line of defense, believing that the Yunnan army was left in Guizhou and there were only local militia groups in Yunnan. Coupled with the long-term transfer to the mountains of Wumeng, the difficulty of supply, in order to provide the necessary supplies for the troops, open the gate of Yunnan, the Red Army decided to eliminate the Xuanwei militia regiment and occupy the county seat.

On March 23, 1936, Liu Zhengfu's brigade occupied the position of Hutou Mountain and advanced to Laibinpu on the basis of the position, and at 9:00 a.m., the battle began. Liu Zhengfu's brigade was severely damaged, and the pursuing Guo Rudong column was blocked by the Red Army on a steep hillside and could not advance. About forty miles away from Xuanwei, Sun Du, on the way to the march, hung up Huize to Xuanwei to report the line, and contacted Fan Jiezheng, the governor of Xuanwei County, and learned that the Red Army had attacked Hutou Mountain. While using words to cheer Liu Zhengfu up, he strictly ordered the two brigades of Lu Daoyuan and Gong Shunbi to advance rapidly, changing the form of an army to unfold one after another. As a result of the enemy's reinforcements, the situation on the battlefield took a sharp turn for the worse. The fierce fighting lasted until late at night, when the Red Army withdrew from the fighting and the Red Army moved southeast.

On 28 March, the Sixth Army entered the area around Bailongdong in present-day Fuyuan County from Zhanyiyinjiaogou and then advanced towards Pingyi County. The Red Army sent a company of troops to pretend to attack the county seat, the main force passed through Yujiatun, Yushun Pass, and Dongbao, and the whole army stayed at Shengguanping and Shengjingguan on the same night. On the same day, the Second Army rushed into Guizhou from Xuanwei Lajia, and the vanguard of the Red Fourth Division occupied the county seat of Panxian County.

On March 29, the Sixth Army entered the panxian territory, and the Red Army's second entry into Fuyuan came to an end.

In the battle to pretend to attack the county seat, Red Army soldiers were killed by enemy aircraft. At Housuo and Shengjing pass, the Red Army fought with the militia groups and cleared the way to the south. The Sixth Army marched south this time, leaving precious "Bulletin of the Revolutionary Committee of Sichuan and Dianqian of the Chinese Soviet Republic (No. 4)" and "Book of Patriotic Fighters for The Anti-Japanese Struggle against Chiang Kai-shek" and other notices on the outskirts of Fuyuan City, and left relevant slogans along the way to publicize the party's anti-Japanese stand.


The Panxian meeting set a big plan, and the soldiers divided into two roads and three advances into Fuyuan

As the Red Second and Sixth Armies moved southeast in Xuanwei territory, the General Headquarters received instructions from the Headquarters of the Red Army to "cross the Jinsha River before the water rises when possible and join the Four Fronts." On March 30, the General Headquarters received another telegram from the headquarters saying, "It is best to cross the Jinsha River and go north."

The "Nine Houses" of Laopan County are famous for a conference. On March 30, He Long, Ren Bishi, Guan Xiangying, Xiao Ke, Wang Zhen, and Zhang Ziyi attended the meeting here, and the participants believed that the center of gravity of the Chinese revolution had shifted to the north and unanimously agreed to carry out the instructions of the headquarters to move north.

According to the decision of the Panxian meeting, the Red Second and Sixth Armies began to withdraw from Panxian with the strategic shift of the purpose of rushing across the Jinsha River. On 1 April, the Second Army, on the right flank, arrived at the area of the paper mills at the junction of Yunnan and Guizhou. The Sixth Army marched west from Lemin on the left flank and entered Fuyuan's shangju via the watermill.

On April 2, the Second Army, advancing toward the northwest corner of Pan County, entered the trough of the spoon battalion in Fuyuan County.

The Sixth Army entered Fuyuan three times, and three Fuyuan youths joined the Red Army. After the baptism of battle, the three men arrived in northern Shaanxi with their team. Unfortunately, one person died in Yan'an Hospital, and one person died on the bank of the Yellow River during the Eastern Expedition. Zhang Shaoqing, an old Red Army soldier who returned to his hometown, did not change his original intention and used practical actions to tell the story of the lifelong struggle of a Communist Party member.


Aoyama buried loyal bones

The Long March, a tragic epic. The people in front fell, the comrades in arms behind continued to advance, and the green mountains buried their loyal bones.

Wei Hongsheng, a native of Xingguo, Jiangxi, a hygienist, was killed by the enemy in the small sheep farm, and was the only martyr whose identity and relics were confirmed by the Long March witnesses after the founding of the People's Republic of China. In 1977, the Huangnihe People's Commune moved it from the burial ground to the mountainside of Zusiguan. The reconstructed tomb of the martyr Wei Hongsheng can see the road to come.

Huang Guozhen, a native of Yudu, Jiangxi, a platoon leader of three companies and one platoon of the three regiments of the Red First Division, the names and positions recorded in the notes of the Witnesses of the Long March, and eleven comrades died in the Battle of Chexinkou.

Zhao Wenrong, a native of Bijie, Guizhou, a soldier of the Sixth Army, was seriously wounded during the feint attack on the county seat of Pingyi County, and was later transferred to the home of a villager in Longjiagou, Pan County, Guizhou Province, to recuperate from his wounds, and died of his wounds.

The Red Army entered Fuyuan three times, and most of the 179 Red Army soldiers who died failed to leave their names. On that spring night in 1935, 40 wounded Red Army wounded were evacuated to camp in the Pine Forest of Kuantang and died of typhoid fever caused by hail at night. The kind villagers of Daping buried them in abandoned mines, and history will not forget that in 2007, the Yingshang town government rebuilt the Kuantang Martyrs' Tomb.

Battle sites, martyrs' tombs, memorial towers, as well as cultural relics and touching stories left along the way are all written down by the expedition of ideals and beliefs, and every word is permeated with red. This rich red resource is a vivid teaching material for us to learn the spirit of the Long March and practice the mission of the original heart and the spiritual wealth of wealth.

There is a color called red in the land of eight treasures, which reflects the red land of Fuyuan, and Fuyuan is more beautiful because of its rich red resources.