
Kudos to love! Jiangsu man's car was smashed on the door to negotiate a sudden accident shelved the dispute to save people first

author:CCTV News

At 10:00 a.m. on August 20, Huang Guozhen, a police officer of the sixth brigade of the traffic police detachment of the Yangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau, was on duty in Zhenjinggang, and a private car came over. The driver said that there was a child in the car, with a jaw injury and heavy bleeding, and needed to be urgently sent to the West District Municipal Medical Doctor for medical treatment. Huang Guozhen turned on the police lights to sound the alarm, and while the police car opened the road, he contacted the command center and arrived at the hospital in only 5 minutes.

After the boy was sent to rescue, he had 18 stitches. The police learned that the private car driver Mr. Xu is not a relative of the child, and his car may have been smashed by the child! What's going on?

It turned out that the owner of the car, Mr. Xu's car, was smashed this morning, it was caused by the boy throwing toys from the upstairs, when he went to the boy's house to theory, the child suddenly fell and was injured, Mr. Xu took the initiative to say after seeing it, first do not talk about compensation, hurry to the hospital!

Kudos to love! Jiangsu man's car was smashed on the door to negotiate a sudden accident shelved the dispute to save people first

△ Mr. Xu was smashed on the roof of the car

The boy's father, Mr. Yang, said that his son was only three years old this year, and when he was playing at home with his cousin in the morning, he threw a toy from the 8th floor and hit Mr. Xu's car. The two were discussing the maintenance of the vehicle when Mr. Yang's son suddenly fell to the ground, bleeding profusely! It is important to save people, Mr. Xu immediately sent the child to the hospital, Mr. Yang was very touched by this, said that the loss of the vehicle will be borne.

This unexpected event, the ending is very warm! We praise the police, but also the high quality of both parties! (CCTV reporter Wu Rui)

(Edited by Chen Zhuoran)

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