
(Case 3453) Your tears touched many people - Wang Guilian (Chen Xiaoyun) looking for a home

author:Baby comes home
(Case 3453) Your tears touched many people - Wang Guilian (Chen Xiaoyun) looking for a home
(Case 3453) Your tears touched many people - Wang Guilian (Chen Xiaoyun) looking for a home

At the end of April 2020, Wang Guilian saw the search video released by the baby home volunteer DaoGe on the Kuaishou platform, and then she told her tragic life and Daoge, and later she took a video while crying while narrating her life on the Kuaishou platform of Daoge, and also got enthusiastic comments from netizens, everyone felt that this girl was too miserable and wanted to help her find her own home.

On May 2, Dao Ge found volunteer Chongming Kangjian and said: "Sister, there is a kidnapped girl who has been crying, she wants to find a home, you see if you can add her and help her find a home." After agreeing, at 18:04 p.m. and Wang Guilian added WeChat. Then I talked to her by voice, and the conversation lasted more than an hour. Later, I learned that this child was the baby that the volunteers still followed up with, and at that time, I still described the child's post in great detail, and also collected the child's DNA in time. On the basis of the original post of the same reason, I added this chat, and I probably knew the before and after of the child being abducted.

Wang Guilian, who is looking for relatives, remembers that there was a mother, two brothers and a younger sister in the family, the eldest brother went to the army, and his father died. The house is on the second floor, and the bottom is the occupants, and the top is to put all the items such as grain. The things that hold water in the home are made of cement, and the water is picked up in a wooden bucket to the big pool, and the washing of clothes is also a big pool. On birthdays, eggs are boiled, and the boiled eggs are dyed colorful. It seems that the New Year also fried rice noodles. The home environment is a mountain, the mountain is planted with orange trees, broad beans, tea leaves, and chestnuts, and in front of the village is a large empty field, where the villagers go to watch movies at night. There was a lotus root pond in front of the empty field at the entrance of the village, and there was a pond, and at that time, rice was planted in the field, and toilets were public on the street. Remember home is not far from the city. I also lived in my grandmother's house and called my grandmother my grandmother. Behind my grandmother's house was a mountain, and chestnuts were planted on the mountain, and my grandmother died, and the coffin used was black. The cousin on the family side said that her hometown seemed to be from Guangxi.

When I came to Hengshui, Hebei Province, when I was about 6 years old, the environment here is different from home, the impression is to follow the second brother to find the eldest brother, after getting on the train, I can't find the second brother, and then a man and a woman said to help her find the second brother, on the train Wang Guilian has been crying, and then cried and cried and fell asleep. In the memory, it seems to have been riding a train for a day and a night, and a man and a woman have talked about Hengshui, as if it is daytime. They took her to the Hengshui shopping mall, Wang Guilian wanted to buy the doll, they did not buy it, and later stayed there. Finally, it was sold to Hengshui, Hebei.

After a deep chat, the child's information was added as follows:

1, she said that she never had the impression of snow in her hometown. Summer is very cool, no need for mats, just lay the sheets can be, she said that winter is not cold, the coldest wear sweater sweater pants, did not wear cotton clothes cotton pants.

2, she feels that the conditions at home are better, and the conditions at her grandmother's home are even better. In the original family, Grandma was called Grandma. To go to Grandma's house is to go down to my own house and then walk to a cement road, the cement road is on both sides of the mountain, the roadside has a burr like the color of strawberries, is climbing vines, a little like strawberries, and a little like mulberries, mulberries are long, purple, and the fruit is round is the color of strawberries. Picked casually on the road, it is wild. Behind grandma's mountain are chestnut trees.

3, the family planting rice is under the mountain, other crops are on the mountain, the mountain feels not very high. There are no ethnic minorities near home, who love to eat peppers, often eat hollow cabbage, bamboo shoots, potatoes. There are fava beans, tea leaves, orange trees, and chestnut trees on the mountain.

4, the family down is the village, up are the crops planted on the mountain, the neighbor's house is not far away. Further down the house is the village, and there is still such a large open space in front of such a large village, and lotus roots are planted nearby. There is also a large cement pool nearby, which can wash clothes, the big cement pool, and you can also take a wooden bucket to carry water to your own small cement pool, which is a northern tank.

5, the eldest brother was estimated to be eighteen or nineteen years old at that time, the second brother understood things, estimated to be 13 or 14 years old, she was 6 or 7 years old, and her sister was one or two years younger than her. Mom hurt her very much and always followed her to play in the field.

6, after the death of her father, the adult seems to let her go to his grave on the mountain, after the grave there is a red flower on the mountain that seems to be edible, it is grown on the mountain, I ate it once, I don't know whether it is custom or what. Every year on her birthday, her mother would boil eggs for her, dyed dark red on the outside, and hung them on her chest in a net pocket.

7, the family house does not know what the structure is, the lower floor in front of the room is cooking, etc., the back one is sleeping. Then you have to go upstairs, using a wooden ladder to go up, and put some grain and other miscellaneous things upstairs. The second floor and the first floor are separated by wooden planks, which is not really a two-story house. There is no yard in the house. Near home should be the county seat, there is a train near the home, remember not long to get to the train station.

8, when she came out, it was the second brother who let her change into new clothes, remember to wear sweaters, put on a pair of single pants outside, the color and pattern forgot. The jacket is worn on the inside of the dress with small flowers on a white background, and a dark red cloth coat is worn on the outside. Feet wore green bunny plastic sandals and a pair of socks inside. 9, the memory followed the second brother to find the big brother who was a soldier outside, and then how did not see the second brother, and then a man and a woman took her to the train, the train during the day, it did not take long to feel that it was dark, and then I cried all the time, and no one on the train cared about this kind of thing at that time. Later, it seemed that after one night, and another day, the next evening took her to a nearby hotel in Hengshui, Hebei Province. 10, the trafficker is a man and a woman, but also with a child, the man is Hengshui, now dead, they say he specializes in that kind of thing. The female trafficker is said to be Wang Guilian's hometown, and the little girl at that time was the daughter of the female trafficker, and the male and female traffickers were not husband and wife.

11. When I came to the foster family, I first lived in the house of my aunt for more than a month, and when I arrived at my adoptive parents' house, Hebei was harvesting wheat, and after harvesting the wheat, I went to kindergarten.

At this moment, Chongming Kangjian felt like a fool, what can I do, where is this child's home? Wang Guilian can't remember which province her home is in, can't remember the names of herself and anyone else in her family, can we help her find her way home?

Chongming Kangjian posted the post and the video of finding relatives crying to the baby home case group, and many volunteers were touched and participated in the discussion. Guizhou Mountain Brother, Tank, Zhen Brother, Qingfeng, Modern Technology, Drifting, Small River Fish, Xiao Miao Mother, Min Lin, Green Shade, Shallow Smile, Little Onion, Yu Min, Chun Xiao, Chang Wei and other volunteers have come up with their own pertinent suggestions. From the vegetables, fruits, snacks that the children have eaten, what they have seen, and the crop analysis, they speculate that the children may come from Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Jiangxi and other places. Modern technology says that Yunguichuan is a high mountain, and the child says that the mountains in his hometown are not very high. Guizhou Shange said that the child said that there are bamboo shoots at home, which is scarce in Yunnan Province, so it is not like the children in Yunnan. Yun Guichuan eats peppers, but Guizhou eats a lot, focusing on asking how to eat peppers. Volunteer Qingfeng said that many women in Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan Province, were abducted to Hengshui, Hebei Province. The little river fish said that this cement pool is very special, you can wash your clothes, you can carry water to drink. Yunnan volunteers Chunxiao and Hunan volunteers said that in the early 1990s, there were very few train lines from Yunnan to Hebei. Lu Yin and Min Lin said that in the early 90s, there was no train in Ganzhou, Jiangxi. Suddenly, Chongming Kangjian seemed to be ordered by his comrades-in-arms, yes, Wang Guilian's hometown is not far from the railway station, she was abducted without changing, and the train came down to Hengshui, Hebei. As long as we push back from the Hengshui Railway Station in Hebei Province according to the travel time and combined with what she ate and saw, we may be able to find her home.

Chongming Kangjian kept flipping through the train routes of Hengshui Railway Station in Hebei At that time, and after checking, he knew that Hengshui Railway Station had Beijing-Kowloon Railway Line and Shide Railway Line. The Beijing-Kowloon Line, which went to Kowloon, Hong Kong, was only built in 1993, and Wang Guilian was abducted in 1990, so this line was ruled out. At the same time, it also excludes the conjecture that Jiangxi Province, which runs through the Beijing-Kowloon Line, is Wang Guilian's hometown. Based on the low mountains of her hometown, the cement pool the size of a house where she washes vegetables and clothes, and the food she describes as a rice noodle, we once guessed that her hometown was in Jiangxi. On the afternoon of May 3, Chongming Kangjian posted the article "She is a cloud that drifts from the south to the north, and wants to return to the place where she was born and raised to meet her mother who loves her" in today's headlines. At this time, she and Wang Guilian, who are looking for relatives, have also maintained close contact, and if there is any new question, they will immediately ask the child, and the child will think of some things in the past, and will immediately tell Chongming Kangjian that even in the middle of the night, the child will send a message.

Chongming Kangjian has been looking for a home for an old baby in Hunan, so she has always had a train line in her heart, that is, the Beijing-Guangzhou Line, which is an old train line that has been used before liberation. After excluding Jiangxi, we stopped in the southern section of the Beijing-Guangzhou Line, there was no snow in our hometown, the weather was cool, and we stopped in Chenzhou in southern Hunan. At this time, the case group comrade-in-arms Chang Wei also suggested to go to Chenzhou, Hunan to find it, Qingfeng said, come to Hunan Group, this time is already 11:41 pm on May 3. In order to verify whether what Wang Guilian saw and ate was in line with the characteristics of Chenzhou, Hunan, Chongming Kangjian joined the group of babies returning home to Hunan. Thinking that if the check is almost the same, then ask comrades in arms near several railway stations in the Chenzhou area to visit the field to check whether there are such families who have lost their children.

When I came to Hunan Group, I sent a video of Wang Guilian crying and telling her life to everyone. The comrades-in-arms were also greatly moved by her crying and affectionately telling about the difficulty of finding a home. The comrades-in-arms were very powerful and expressed their opinions. Bing Brother's Object, Qingfeng, Qing Dingguang, Yan Xin, Huaihua Xiao Fat, Shallow Smile, Cold Winter Warmth, Shadow Han Tong, GuardIng Your Childhood, Moon, Pengpeng, Lao Bai, Wu Shucheng from chestnut trees, tea leaves, oranges, thorn bubbles, water floating lotus, grapefruit, houses, red eggs, no snow in winter, the custom of calling Grandma grandma in the hometown, slowly volunteers analyzed that the child may not be Hunan, it may be a child from Guangxi or Guangdong. At this time, volunteer Chenzhou Urban District - Muzi appeared, she said that the situation in the post is more in line with Chenzhou's side. Red eggs are indigo-dyed, the color is rose red, and chenzhou also has the custom of hanging eggs on birthdays. The fruit trees and crops mentioned in the post are all available in Chenzhou. There are also wells built of cement, and the name of Grandma in Chenzhou is called Grandma. Then Chenzhou-the second brother said that the description in the post is more similar to Chenzhou, and there are things, but it is not clear whether it is universal. It was added that the Beijing-Guangzhou Line also has Martin Station within the scope of Chenzhou. Chenzhou City - Muzi said that in addition to the Chenzhou station stop on the Beijing-Guangzhou line, there were originally several small stations that also stopped to carry passengers, and before going to Changsha, they had to stop at Qifengdu, Xujiadong, and Martin stations. At this time, we know that as long as volunteers go to the vicinity of these three railway stations to verify and visit, they may have eyebrows, and in order not to let volunteers blindly visit and waste a lot of energy and financial resources. In order to once again determine that the hometown of the search for relatives is in Chenzhou, we continue to discuss the wooden toilet, the public toilet, the hanging pot for cooking rice, the tea bubble, and the safflower that have been eaten in the hometown of the family. All of them have been verified one by one in Chenzhou. It was 12:53 a.m. on May 4. Chongming Kangjian told the second brother that this baby is your Chenzhou, and I don't know which one is standing up.

At 6:00 a.m. on May 4, Hunan group volunteer Yongzhou Daoxian - Shui Zhu'er said that the child may be from Quanzhou, Xing'an, Liuzhou, Guangxi, may be taking the Xianggui Line, Nanning has a special express train in Beijing, and the climate customs are also like describing Guangxi. Chongming Kangjian told Shui Zhu'er that the child had not seen a mango tree or eaten a mango. Shui Zhu'er replied that there were no mango trees north of Guilin. The memory says that the child's description is also like Zhuzhou. Then we analyzed the black coffin in the child's memory and the mother's triangular braid, and everyone said that Chenzhou had it. The mountains in his hometown are not high, Muzi said that the mountains in the direction of Yongxing are not high, and the mountains in the direction of Yizhang are high. After being confirmed one by one, it is extremely likely that the child's hometown is Chenzhou. In order to exclude Guangxi Guilin, find Guangxi group pipe wheat, consult Guangxi Guilin area of the river rice noodles is not as thick as we describe, Mai Mai replied that Guilin's rice noodles are thicker than fingers, did not find relatives to describe so fine, and Guilin called grandma called mother-in-law. Chenzhou Yizhang-1987 and Chenzhou-Rabbit Rabbit rabbit said that Chenzhou has such a thin rice strip, called flower root.

When we basically determined that the child was in the Chenzhou area, Hengyang City-Mingmingde said that the child should not be hunan. The search for relatives said that her grandmother was dressed in white after her death and that there was no one to guard the spirit. This custom does not conform to the Hunan region. It is said that most hunan people wear black clothes after death. Suggest we go to Guangdong group to look for. Muzi also said that her classmate was from Yongxing Oil City, and that his father had died and was left at home without anyone to guard the spirit until the day before the funeral. What clothes she was wearing, Muzi said that when she went, the coffin had been sealed, so she didn't see it. Chongming Kangjian also analyzed whether the child would be from Shaoguan, Guangdong. Qingfeng said that Shaoguan is an alpine mountainous area, and it is too cold in winter, so it is still necessary to exclude it! When in a dilemma, the only volunteer said that he was sure that the child belonged to the Yongxing Martin area of Chenzhou, because Martin hung red eggs for his birthday. The only one who suggests that we ask our loved ones if they remember the stone abrasives of the chili peppers.

Volunteers such as Ye Ruxue, Uncle Sunshine, Teacher Hao of Changsha-Yuelu District, Huaihua Xinhuang-Qinqin, Pengpeng, Memory, Rabbit Rabbit, Hengdong County, Hengyang City, and Autumn Wind made a discussion on the food described by their relatives, and finally decided to be hot skin in Chenzhou and Zhuzhou areas.

Hunan Qunqunguan light smile prompted to find RuoLinlang to check the train line from Hengshui to Hunan in Hebei at that time. Therefore, I still set up a discussion group, and the small river fish, mai mai, qingfeng, Ruo Linlang, the legend of the wind, and Chongming Kangjian began a heated discussion. The little river fish lists all the railway routes and timetables that can reach Hengshui. The legend of the wind says that at that time, Hengshui only had the Shide Railway, and there was no Beijing-Kowloon Railway. Therefore, Hengshui can only be reached by train from Shijiazhuang or Dezhou. The follow-up volunteers of the case still said that the 154th train from Tianjin to Guangzhou passed through Hengshui Station. From 1991 to 1995, I was still a soldier in Leiyang, Hunan Province, and took the 154 train for four years. It is very likely that the child was turned on this railway line to Hengshui, Hebei Province.

On May 4, the family search article published by Chongming Kangjian on today's headlines has been viewed by 80,000 people, and hundreds of netizens commented below the article. The article became a hot article. Everyone agreed that the child's home was in the junction of southern Hunan and northern Guangxi. The keywords of the article are Hunan, Chenzhou, Beijing-Guangzhou Line, Guangxi, Guilin, Jiangmitiao, Martin Railway Station, Suxian District, Abducted, Yun, and so on. Every comment, Chongming Kangjian replied carefully, because she knew that if the child's home is really in these places, then as long as this article becomes a big hit, her relatives will be recommended to see this article as long as they are headline users because of big data. By May 5, the article had been viewed by 130,000 people and had more than 800 comments. At 4 p.m., a netizen commented that this relative seemed to be his wife's sister.

The miracle finally appeared, and after contacting the reviewer, verify the information. Almost all of them were right, and commentators said that at that time, looking for relatives and the second brother was to find the big brother who was working outside, and the big brother was not a soldier. The family is in Yongxing, Chenzhou, Hunan, and it also snows at home, unlike what she said. When Grandma died, she wore colorful clothes, not white clothes. Everything else is right.

The next step was to carry out blood collection in an intensive manner, volunteer Pingping registered her family and sent out a family search post, while instructing her mother to collect blood samples and mail them home to the website. Volunteers still instructed my relative Wang Guilian to collect blood samples, but the children took blood samples two months later for various reasons and sent them to the website. As a result, the family has been asking Pingping and Chongming Kangjian how they have not yet produced results, and they are patiently replying again and again!

On August 5, 2020, the website administrator Wei informed Wang Guilian that the DNA comparison with his mother was successful, and everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief. On August 13, Wang Guilian and her lover and children are about to embark on the train to the south, returning to the hometown she has missed and searched for for 30 years, Yongxing, Chenzhou, Hunan, and returning to her mother's embrace.

With the help of many volunteers, with the help of today's headlines, Wang Guilian finally wants to see her relatives, on the morning of August 14, Hunan Chenzhou Railway Station, everyone witnessed the touching scene of her meeting with her relatives, and I hope that her tears will touch many people again!

Home Search Posts:

Born in about 1984, Wang Guilian, who was lost on a train with his second brother on a train and sold to Hengshui City, Hebei Province, looking for relatives 244262

Home Search Posts:

Looking for Chen Xiaoyun, 476141, Changzhou Village, Yangtang Township, Yongxing County, Chenzhou City, Hunan Province, who was born in 1982 and disappeared in 1990

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(Case 3453) Your tears touched many people - Wang Guilian (Chen Xiaoyun) looking for a home

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