
Ye Yuqing, a generation of Hong Kong goddesses, was the dream lover of many people at that time

author:Outgoing lovely Jenny
Ye Yuqing, a generation of Hong Kong goddesses, was the dream lover of many people at that time
Ye Yuqing, a generation of Hong Kong goddesses, was the dream lover of many people at that time
Ye Yuqing, a generation of Hong Kong goddesses, was the dream lover of many people at that time
Ye Yuqing, a generation of Hong Kong goddesses, was the dream lover of many people at that time
Ye Yuqing, a generation of Hong Kong goddesses, was the dream lover of many people at that time
Ye Yuqing, a generation of Hong Kong goddesses, was the dream lover of many people at that time
Ye Yuqing, a generation of Hong Kong goddesses, was the dream lover of many people at that time
Ye Yuqing, a generation of Hong Kong goddesses, was the dream lover of many people at that time
Ye Yuqing, a generation of Hong Kong goddesses, was the dream lover of many people at that time
Ye Yuqing, a generation of Hong Kong goddesses, was the dream lover of many people at that time

叶玉卿,香港演员,一代‬女神,当年风靡一时,毕业于香港汉文师范同学会附属学校(1978年第28届)和圣母玫瑰书院。 1985年参加第一届亚洲小姐竞选,她在‬决赛‬获得“健美小姐”及“性格小姐”两个奖项,决赛当晚更获得季军,当选之后即刻签约亚洲电视随之入行。 His brother is Ye Zhiming and her husband is Hu Zhaoming. On March 23, 2006, Ye Yuqing obtained a banking license from the United States and opened the New York International Bank and the Hong Kong Supermarket with her husband and a number of investors in the United States. At present, it is conservatively estimated that Ye Yuqing is worth at least HK$8 billion.

In 1985, Ip Yuk-ching was promoted to the Hong Kong showbiz circle because she won the third place in the Miss Asia contest, and immediately after the competition, she signed a contract to join Asia Television as a contract artist, and has participated in a number of TV drama shooting performances, although she has played the female lead role in most works, but due to the weak ratings of the TV station, its popularity has not been greatly improved or recognized. In 1991, feeling that there was no breakthrough in his acting career, he decided to leave Asia Television after the appointment expired to seek other development opportunities. 同期,有八卦杂志主动邀请叶玉卿拍摄杂志‬封面,她考虑清楚后决定一试,杂志一推出后即轰动坊间一时、杂志更卖到断市,此举成功让香港观众开始认识她的名字。 凭借性感照片的成功,叶玉卿顺理成章地被相中接拍了三部著名‬电影:《情不自禁》、《我为卿狂》及《卿本佳人》,累积票房超过港币3000万,创造了此类‬影片‬票房的神话,叶玉卿突然成为炙手可热的女星。 在取得高知名度后,叶玉卿宣布不再拍摄该类‬电影,并陆续得到其他题材的电影邀约演出,正式跻身香港电影圈一席位。

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