
The mourners at the time of the fall of Eastern Wu were not the Sun family or the clan members, but Zhang Ti, the chancellor

author:Biologists talk about history

In 280 AD, the Jin dynasty destroyed Wu, and the world was divided for nearly a hundred years and finally restored to unity. Sun Wu's downfall was in accordance with the will of Heaven, but there were still those who were willing to accompany him. At the last moment, it was not the sun family's sons or the Jiang Zuo family who sacrificed their lives for Sun Wu, but Sun Wu's last minister, the military general Zhang Ti.

The mourners at the time of the fall of Eastern Wu were not the Sun family or the clan members, but Zhang Ti, the chancellor

In sun wu chaotang, who pays great attention to family lineage, Zhang Ti is a different kind. He had no prominent background, had nothing to do with Sun Wu's Zhang Zhao and Zhang Hong, and was not from Jiangdong, but from Xiangyang. It is a miracle that such a foreigner can gain a firm foothold in Jiangdong, where there are many clans. Finally, it was this man who created the miracle who buried Sun Wu.

Zhang Ti was able to obtain such a high position, which was indispensable to the promotion of Sun Hao, the lord of the late Eastern Wu Dynasty. Sun Hao's story itself is also very inspiring, he is the nephew of Sun Xiu, the Wu jing emperor, who has no power and would not have inherited the throne. However, when Sun Xiu died of illness, his parents were still young, just in time for the Wei state to destroy Shu, and the situation was turbulent, so the ministers abandoned Sun Xiu's pulse and embraced the twenty-three-year-old Sun Hao instead.

The mourners at the time of the fall of Eastern Wu were not the Sun family or the clan members, but Zhang Ti, the chancellor

Sun Hao's succession was like a puppet in the early days, because he had no foundation in Jianye and had to rely on ministers from the family lineage. Sun Hao is tough and resolute, quite the style of Sun Quan. Against the Jiangdong Shi clan, he co-opted and suppressed a group, and Sun Hao's important ministers Puyang Xing, Zhang Bu, and Empress Zhu were executed one after another. Through the disintegration of differentiation, in less than a year, those "heroes from the dragon" were suppressed and became the real masters of Jiangdong. In order to completely get rid of the influence of the Shi clan, Sun Hao vigorously promoted those who had no background, and Zhang Ti became a minister in this situation.

Zhang Ti was able to ascend to power not only because of the needs of political struggle, but because he had real talent and practical learning. By the time of Sun Xiu's reign, Zhang Ti had already been appointed as a lieutenant of the Tun Cavalry Academy. After Sun Hao came to power, he was promoted to general of the military division and entered the core circle of decision-making in Eastern Wu. His appreciation for Sun Hao was naturally grateful, and his future rewards to Sun Hao and Eastern Wu were unparalleled.

The mourners at the time of the fall of Eastern Wu were not the Sun family or the clan members, but Zhang Ti, the chancellor

Zhang Ti saw things very accurately, at that time Sima Zhao was cutting down Shu, and everyone felt that the Wei people would still return without success this time, but Zhang Ti thought that the Shu state would be destroyed, and then it was not true. It should not be difficult for someone with such a vision to predict the fate of Sun Wu's ruined old ship. But Zhang Ti did not jump ship and was willing to be martyred for it.

Zhang Ti became chancellor in August 279, four months before the Western Jin Dynasty launched the Southern Expedition, leaving him little time.

The mourners at the time of the fall of Eastern Wu were not the Sun family or the clan members, but Zhang Ti, the chancellor

At the end of 279, the Western Jin Dynasty launched more than 200,000 troops, launching a comprehensive attack on Sun Wu's Yangtze River in three directions: east, central and west. The Western Route of the Jin Army went down the river and attacked the important town of Jingzhou on the western front; the central front attacked Wuchang, cutting off the east-west connection between the wu state; and the eastern front directly attacked the Wu capital Jianye.

Sun Wu was unprepared for an all-out attack on the Western Jin Dynasty, and Sun Hao even divided his troops to fight the rebellion. All the defensive lines were quickly broken, and in less than two months, the Western Jin Dynasty's central and western fronts had already achieved great victories, and soon they would be combined to build a business. Sun Wu was completely out of order, and Sun Hao decided to fight to the death again.

The mourners at the time of the fall of Eastern Wu were not the Sun family or the clan members, but Zhang Ti, the chancellor

Sun Hao ordered his men to take the initiative to cross the river and attack forward, intending to repel the Jin army on the eastern front before the Jin army converged, and then use the advantage of the water army to fight against the enemy forces in the west. Zhang Ti personally led 30,000 troops and crossed the river north to carry out a surprise mission.

Zhang Ti was a minister, but he had to personally fight, which was also no way to do it. The fall of the State of Wu was imminent, the soldiers and the people were afraid, and Zhang Ti was afraid that others would not be able to stop the army, so he crossed the river on the front foot and surrendered on the back foot.

Zhang Ti's initiative to rush forward really caught the Jin army off guard. Seven thousand men of Zhang Qiaobu, the vanguard of the Jin army on the eastern front, met Zhang Ti head-on, hid back in the camp in a panic, and handed Zhang Ti a surrender letter. Zhang Ti had just crossed the river to win a battle, and his confidence suddenly increased greatly, and he took advantage of the great morale to continue to go north to find the main force of the Jin army for a decisive battle.

Someone suggested that Zhang Ti eat Zhang Qiao first, Zhang Qiao did not even go out of the camp, and the clear-eyed people knew that Zhang Qiao was a fake surrender. But Zhang Ti was not willing to delay, as long as he defeated the main force of the Jin army, Zhang Qiao's false surrender would become a real surrender, and if it failed, there was no point in eating this Jin army now.

The mourners at the time of the fall of Eastern Wu were not the Sun family or the clan members, but Zhang Ti, the chancellor

Zhang Ti soon encountered the main force of the Jin army, and it turned out that the surrender of Zhang Qiao was only a return to the Light of the Wu Army. Zhang Qiao and the main force of the Jin army attacked the Wu army back and forth, and under a big battle, the Wu army was defeated and lost, and the whole army collapsed. In the midst of the rebellion, Zhang Ti's men wanted to pull him to flee. Zhang Ti was unmoved, saying that the State of Wu was bound to perish, and even if he fled now, he would be the fate of surrender. Why not die now, and not lose your integrity, Zhang Ti then died in battle.

After the defeat of Zhang Ti's troops, Sun Hao still did not accept defeat and organized 20,000 soldiers to meet the enemy. Unfortunately, no one had the integrity of Zhang Ti anymore, and these 20,000 people ran out before they left the city. All of Wu had given up resistance, and Sun Hao had no choice but to surrender.

The mourners at the time of the fall of Eastern Wu were not the Sun family or the clan members, but Zhang Ti, the chancellor

Later generations have said that Sun Hao is absurd and unscrupulous, which is really unfair, at least in terms of employing people, it is still very high-level. When the warriors he was not accustomed to surrendered, one by one, one faster than the other, and Zhang Ti, who he promoted, sacrificed himself as a country and could not escape.

With Zhang Ti present, it cannot be said that Eastern Wu is full of soft bones.