
Ali Da Niu purely handwritten 2024 front-end project details and 102 difficult points summary notes

author:Web front-end development

In the notes, Ali Daniu dismantled all aspects of the front-end project one by one like puzzles, and analyzed every link from project planning, design, development to launch in detail. Like a master sculptor, he carves every detail of the front-end project with precise brushstrokes, so that every difficult point can not be hidden.

What's even more rare is that he has also sorted out 102 common problems in front-end projects, which are like thorns in the forest and often make developers in a difficult situation. However, in Ali Daniu's notes, he solved these difficult points one by one, and he was like a wise man, using wisdom and experience to guide developers in the direction of the future.

We need to keep practicing, apply new technologies to our projects, and deepen our understanding of technology through practice. Finally, we need to constantly reflect and summarize, extract lessons from the project, and provide reference for future projects.

In the process of continuing to study and practice, we also need to pay attention to some common misunderstandings. For example, the excessive pursuit of new technologies can cause us to lose sight of the actual needs of the project, leading to delays or degradation of quality. Therefore, when choosing a technology, we need to weigh the pros and cons according to the actual situation of the project and choose the most suitable technology stack for the project.

Notes overview

Ali Da Niu purely handwritten 2024 front-end project details and 102 difficult points summary notes
Ali Da Niu purely handwritten 2024 front-end project details and 102 difficult points summary notes
Ali Da Niu purely handwritten 2024 front-end project details and 102 difficult points summary notes
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Ali Da Niu purely handwritten 2024 front-end project details and 102 difficult points summary notes
Ali Da Niu purely handwritten 2024 front-end project details and 102 difficult points summary notes
Ali Da Niu purely handwritten 2024 front-end project details and 102 difficult points summary notes
Ali Da Niu purely handwritten 2024 front-end project details and 102 difficult points summary notes

Full note: After liking + following, just send me a private message [Note].


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