
Sticking to the three-foot podium, she said: I will always do it...

author:Boro Release
Sticking to the three-foot podium, she said: I will always do it...

Boroshide model ~

Zeng Chunru

With illness stick to the three-foot pulpit Candle tears do not dry light does not extinguish

Sticking to the three-foot podium, she said: I will always do it...
Sticking to the three-foot podium, she said: I will always do it...

Zeng Chunru was born in a poor Dongjiang fisherman's family

After graduation, he returned to his alma mater to teach

If not for that accident

The trajectory of her life may be like this

On a three-foot podium

Become a conscientious and dedicated person

Ordinary teacher

Sticking to the three-foot podium, she said: I will always do it...


Fate played a joke on her

Sticking to the three-foot podium, she said: I will always do it...
Sticking to the three-foot podium, she said: I will always do it...

Doctors advised her to do as easy work as possible, to stop working if necessary, to rest, and not to be overworked. However, Zeng Chunru still faces life positively and optimistically, still insists on being on the three-foot podium, and also serves as a class teacher, talking about dedication, dedication, leading by example, taking the lead in setting an example, and using his own moral words and deeds to educate and influence students.

Sticking to the three-foot podium, she said: I will always do it...

Over the years, she has actively induced students' thinking, patiently helped in learning, cared for and considerate in life, often used her spare time to talk cordially with students, learned about the life and learning status of each student in many aspects, and carried out education of affection, reason, entry and heart in line with the strategy of more affirmation, more encouragement, more conversation, and more triggering.

Sticking to the three-foot podium, she said: I will always do it...

Zeng Chunru taught students to be self-reliant, honest and trustworthy, upright, generous in their treatment, and responsible in their work; they should be active and enterprising in their studies, pioneering and innovative; and they should be diligent and frugal in their lives and live frugally. For the "students in need" in the class, she always takes "not giving up on every student" as the criterion, through different ways and beneficial activities, so that each of them has the opportunity to show themselves and build self-confidence. All kinds of encouragement and praise, so that every green leaf enjoys the sunshine of "love".

Sticking to the three-foot podium, she said: I will always do it...
Sticking to the three-foot podium, she said: I will always do it...

As a class teacher, Zeng Chunru also insists on maintaining contact with parents from time to time and without interruption, communicating with parents about the performance of students, and at the same time sharing the progress of students with parents, guiding parents to pay attention to the ways and methods of education, so that parents can provide a good family environment for the healthy growth of students.

Sticking to the three-foot podium, she said: I will always do it...
Sticking to the three-foot podium, she said: I will always do it...

In teaching, she deeply studied the teaching materials and syllabus, conscientiously studied the new curriculum standards, paid attention to the study of secondary school teaching theory, analyzed the basic situation of students, identified the key points of teaching, broke through the difficulties of teaching, and strived to teach according to the talents for the lifelong development of students, paying attention to quality, ability and cultural level.

Sticking to the three-foot podium, she said: I will always do it...
Sticking to the three-foot podium, she said: I will always do it...

In order to better teach and educate people, she has never stopped learning, every year to buy, subscribe to a variety of materials related to teaching, carefully read, carefully excerpt, continue to study, adhere to the writing of teaching plans, teaching reflections, case analysis, teaching experience, but also actively write papers, actively participate in various education and teaching competitions, and also achieved certain results.

The paper "On How to Make the Teaching of Secondary School Ideological and Moral Character Class Lifelike" and "Teacher, Thank You!" "The Story of Me and Education and Scientific Research", "On the Group Cooperative Teaching in the Junior High School Ideological Character Class", "On How to Make Students "Fall in Love" with The Ideological Character", "How the Junior High School Ideological Character Cultivates Students' Social Participation Ability", "Thank You for the Students Who "Tortured" Me" won the first, second and third prizes of the county respectively.

The teaching designs "Managing Violence in Schools and Protecting the Healthy Growth of Minors" and "Understanding and Tolerance" won the first and third prizes of the county respectively;

The teaching design "Environmental Protection and Ecological Civilization Construction" won the second prize of the city.

In 2015 and 2016, he won the second and third prizes of the county in the mock examination paper proposition competition of the ideological and moral examination for two consecutive years;

In 2015, he was selected as an outstanding teacher in Taimei Town;

In 2016, he won the honorary title of "Teaching Rookie" in Huizhou City;

In 2017, the project "Research on the Cultivation of Students' Migration Ability in the Teaching of Ethics and Rule of Law Classes in Rural Junior High Schools" was approved by the county level.

Sticking to the three-foot podium, she said: I will always do it...
Sticking to the three-foot podium, she said: I will always do it...