
The "horn" of the narwhal vs the "sword" of the swordfish, who is the first god blade in the sea?

author:Brother Ye Xingtao

Hello everyone, it's time for "Tao Brother Blind White Life", today's nagging narwhal and swordfish are both fierce characters, if the two sides fight together, who has a better chance of winning?

First, to a little blinder reader who is not familiar with these two, about the narwhal:

The "horn" of the narwhal vs the "sword" of the swordfish, who is the first god blade in the sea?

It is best known for this somewhat mysterious "horn", which many royal families in ancient Europe believed in it could exorcise demons and detoxify — the Danish emperor used it to cast thrones. Queen Elizabeth received one, £10,000, ten times the price of the same weight of gold at the time, enough to buy a castle. Karl V of Austria directly used the "horns" of two narwhals to pay off the national debt, which is equivalent to foreign exchange currency.

The "horn" of the narwhal vs the "sword" of the swordfish, who is the first god blade in the sea?

It turns out that the narwhal has a total of 16 teeth, all of which are degenerated, and there are only two left, one hidden in the mouth, and the other will be pierced from the left side of the upper lip when the male narwhal is about 1 to 2 years old, and then slowly lengthen until we see the appearance. At a very small probability (no more than two in a thousand), two canine teeth protrude together, called a two-horned whale.

The "horn" of the narwhal vs the "sword" of the swordfish, who is the first god blade in the sea?

Friends who have read my previous articles should understand a truth: whenever there are extremely exaggerated and unnecessary organs in animals, there are one and two to count - all to attract the opposite sex.

Farther down, 400 million years ago, the big iron on the head of the pectoral shark.

The "horn" of the narwhal vs the "sword" of the swordfish, who is the first god blade in the sea?

Pectoral sharks of the Devonian period

Closer to it, the small sail flag on the back of the spinosaurus 65 million years ago.

The "horn" of the narwhal vs the "sword" of the swordfish, who is the first god blade in the sea?

Spinosaurus in the late Cretaceous period

It's all about showing off in front of women, and narwhals are also this virtue – whoever has longer, thicker teeth means that the stronger they are, the more females they have!

Of course, this tooth is not purely for the purpose of containing that, but also makes a little practical value, that is, when the "antenna" makes the narwhal through this tooth to receive changes in external salinity, temperature and pressure.

The "horn" of the narwhal vs the "sword" of the swordfish, who is the first god blade in the sea?

Narwhal tooth structure

Why do you have to ask why I know so well that the head is the Tao? Because I have one of these things, I put it in my private sea fishing museum.

The "horn" of the narwhal vs the "sword" of the swordfish, who is the first god blade in the sea?

Look again at the swordfish, which is the fastest animal in the ocean, and perhaps not one of them.

The "horn" of the narwhal vs the "sword" of the swordfish, who is the first god blade in the sea?

The only one who can fight with the swordfish for speed is probably the same swordfish of the suborder order. In fact, due to the influence of upper and lower depth in the sea, it is difficult to accurately measure the swimming speed of flowing fish. For example, the sailfish that was once recognized as the fastest swimmer, with a speed of up to 110 km / h, how did it come about? —— A long time ago, in a fishing competition, a player hit the sailfish, and the speed of the fishing wheel was about equal to the swimming speed of the swordfish when sprinting.

The "horn" of the narwhal vs the "sword" of the swordfish, who is the first god blade in the sea?

But an Australian tuna farming company, while flying an airplane looking for fish, once found a swordfish that was frightened and crazy, and according to the pilot's estimate at the time, the speed of this swordfish would not be less than 140 km / h.

In addition to swimming speed against the sky, this "sword" of the swordfish is also quite ferocious, it belongs to the extension of the palate, neither teeth nor bones, must be used to benchmark human organ tissue, can only be closer to the "nail" in composition. Don't underestimate this "nail", its density and hardness are much higher than our human skulls, and extremely tough, our mammalian bones generally bend 2%, it is broken, and this sword of the swordfish allows 4% deformation!

Divine Weapon + Invincible Swimming Speed, the two are added together, creating a swordfish to launch a fierce attack, basically who comes and who dies, for example:

The "horn" of the narwhal vs the "sword" of the swordfish, who is the first god blade in the sea?

Sharks stabbed to death by swordfish can often be found on the beach

The "horn" of the narwhal vs the "sword" of the swordfish, who is the first god blade in the sea?

Hard as a turtle shell, a sword pierces the heart

There have even been incidents in which people have been shot through by swordfish and died. Maybe someone has to say it again, Brother Tao, you know it again?

Yes, because I've fished it myself.

The "horn" of the narwhal vs the "sword" of the swordfish, who is the first god blade in the sea?

Swordfish I caught off the coast of Malaysia

Under normal circumstances, swordfish living in the warm tropics will never meet a narwhal living in cold seas in their lifetime, but you may wish to open a brain hole, if you really pinch the fight, who wins more?

If you want to play this game of fighting chess, you must first look at the panel data of both sides. Adult narwhals are 5 meters tall, plus teeth six or seven meters up and down, weighing more than 1 ton. Adult swordfish rarely exceed 3 meters in length and weigh only about 250 kilograms. Therefore, judging from the heavyweight level, it is like a large husky and a Siberian tiger, and the narwhal is obviously dominant.

Judging from the mobility, this narwhal cannot be compared, and the taillights that can see the swordfish have been extraordinary.

Comparing the way of fighting, although the main means of attack on both sides rely on their own "spears", as mentioned earlier, the "horn" of the narwhal is essentially a tooth full of pulp nerves, so if the degree of fighting is too fierce, resulting in wear and tear or even breakage, this definitely belongs to the pain of his mother to open the door - the pain is home.

Everyone is a mammal, and it's not hard to understand how terrible our human toothaches are.

In contrast, the swordfish, the essence of the "sword" is a skeletal extension of the jaw, more like a nerveless "nail" - I have never heard of the pain of cutting nails. There is no physiological worry, and it is reasonable to judge that swordfish will be more courageous and brutal than narwhals when fighting.

In summary, if a narwhal and a swordfish meet in a narrow road, and an encounter must be fought, then the battle process is most likely a smaller swordfish flashing around, relying on swimming speed to constantly look for the narwhal, and the narwhal can only adjust the swimming direction in a small area slightly clumsily, using its teeth to try to resist the swordfish that come and go. Once the swordfish finds the right moment, it will stab forward with lightning speed, then swing its head and pull it out, and so on, until the narwhal is stabbed to death.

Although the swordfish is small, the general situation should look like this:

The "horn" of the narwhal vs the "sword" of the swordfish, who is the first god blade in the sea?

In fact, from the human use of organs on both sides, we can also get a glimpse of one or two. The teeth of the narwhal, good looking, gorgeous, expensive, used as a scepter to load X.

The "horn" of the narwhal vs the "sword" of the swordfish, who is the first god blade in the sea?

And the "sword" of the swordfish, that is really made into a weapon used by humans for fighting:

The "horn" of the narwhal vs the "sword" of the swordfish, who is the first god blade in the sea?

Swordfish kiss dagger

A sharp blade commonly used by ancient Pacific Archipelago tribes, made of the sharp snout of a swordfish, is extremely lethal and no worse than steel weapons.

Well, I am Tao Brother, love fishing can talk, like to pay attention to me, otherwise I am afraid that next time by fate you can not brush me.

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