
Netizens suggested that the famous historical figure Nie Shicheng Ancestral Hall of The Restoration Gangji was replied to by Changfeng County

author:Anhui net

Anhui network Dawan client news Recently, some netizens left a message on the Hefei 12345 government service express train to suggest about the restoration of the famous historical figure Nie Shicheng Ancestral Hall in Hefei Gangji - Nie Ancestral Hall. The Changfeng County People's Government (Government Office) replied that after verification by Gangji Town, the situation reflected by the letter recipient has been reported to the relevant leaders, and in 2022, Gangji Town plans to include it when carrying out cultural activities. The details are as follows:

Netizens suggested that the famous historical figure Nie Shicheng Ancestral Hall of The Restoration Gangji was replied to by Changfeng County

Netizens: To Hefei Market Government, Changfeng County Government, Gangji Town Government: Nie Citang is a typical small village on the back of the Jianghuai Watershed, which belongs to the jurisdiction of Gangji Town, Changfeng County. Like most villages, Nie Ancestral Hall has no characteristics at all, the same house, the same land, but this is the hometown of Nie Shicheng, one of the famous generals in the late Huai Army. Speaking of Nie Shicheng, many people may not know. Nie Shicheng was a good warrior from an early age, and then joined the army, Anhui suppressed the Twist Army, Shaanxi pacified the Rebellion, Taiwan resisted the French, Korean Anti-Japanese, Tianjin resisted the Eight-Nation Alliance, 40 years of military career, outstanding military achievements, and finally died in Tianjin on July 9, 1900, the 26th year of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty. Nie Shicheng's death in battle was judged by the Qing court as "mistaken for the country", until two years later, at the request of Zhou Fu, Yuan Shikai and others, the Qing court posthumously awarded Nie Shi as the crown prince Shaobao, and gave mercy according to the example of the death of the viceroy, and gave him a favor, and made the lutai, Tianjin and Hefei shrines to be sacrificed. Nie Ancestral Hall was donated by Nie Shicheng to build, when it was first built, it was magnificent, the statue beams painted corners, and after the Cultural Revolution broke through the four old periods, it was seriously damaged, except for two stone lions, or failed to retain a brick and tile, there was no "Nie Ancestral Hall" of Nie Ancestral Hall, and it became an ordinary small village where posterity had no place of sacrifice. However, in Tianjin, Nie Shicheng has attracted enough attention from the local area, although the Tianjin Nie Ancestral Hall was destroyed in the 1976 earthquake, but soon after, under the attention of the Tianjin Municipal Government, Nie Gong Bridge, Nie Gong Monument, Nie Gong Ancestral Hall and Nie Cemetery were built successively for future generations to visit and study. On the other hand, Nie Shicheng's hometown, Hefei Gangji Nie Temple, is deserted, there is no sign of "Nie Temple", and it is gradually forgotten, which is really undeserved. As the sixth generation of Nie Shicheng's "inheritance" of the character, I hereby appeal to the local government to pay attention to it, rebuild our Nie Ancestral Hall, and build a large scale, and at the same time build a tourist line for the world to admire, let the culture of the famous ethnic groups continue, let the patriotic culture carry forward, this is not only as a place for Nie Shicheng to worship for future generations, but also as an important part of the local culture. Gangji's economic construction in recent years is not exaggerated to describe it as fast, but cultural construction also needs to be on a par with economic construction, and the restoration of the new Nie Ancestral Hall will become a cultural highlight of Gangji, or even a business card. In addition, in terms of government planning, as a local resident of Nie Ci, I really hope that the government can also pay attention to the local area, where the geographical location is superior, the farmers are simple and kind, and make important sacrifices and contributions to the two major water tanks in Hefei, dongda reservoir. Compared with other surrounding villages, it is still very poor, the village is still very old, the income is still very simple, and the people are very lonely. Therefore, we earnestly hope that some attention can be paid to economic construction, such as the construction of new rural areas, the increase and decrease of urban land use projects, the transformation of shantytowns, the planning of tourist routes, and the transformation of urban villages, so that the people here can live a more prosperous life. Finally, thank you very much for your patience to read their appeals, and I hope to get your sincere reply, thank you! A post-80s Nie Shicheng descendant

Changfeng County People's Government (Government Office) reply: After verification by Gangji Town, the situation reflected by the letter recipient has been reported to the relevant leaders, and in 2022, Gangji Town plans to include it when carrying out cultural activities.

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