
This man sacrificed his life for the country, and before his death, he instructed: All my children and grandchildren cannot go abroad, and they cannot work for foreigners

China's modern history is a history of humiliation, the corruption and incompetence of the Qing government, the poverty and weakness of the country, and the eyes of the great powers have caused very deep suffering to the people in this area, but it is precisely because of the chaotic world that many influential people have emerged, and Nie Shicheng is one of them.

Many generals and ministers of the Qing Dynasty, all of whom were born into famous and prominent positions, were directly subordinate to the viceroy Nie Shicheng after he was born in the cold door, which was extremely rare and rare, in 1836, he was born in a rural family in Beixianggang, Hefei, his father died when he was young, and his mother pulled him up with hardship.

This man sacrificed his life for the country, and before his death, he instructed: All my children and grandchildren cannot go abroad, and they cannot work for foreigners

Nie Shicheng began to learn martial arts from a young age, and when he grew up in the turbulent years, he was determined to consolidate the country and rejuvenate the state, in 1862, the 26-year-old Nie Shicheng defected to the military camp in Luzhou as a martial boy, and with Yuan Jia's three troops to fight against the Twist Army, conquered the capital city of Luzhou, because Nie Shicheng was a pioneer soldier, bravely killed the enemy, and was awarded the Five Pins Of The Crown by the imperial court.

Then, in the following year, Nie Shicheng joined the Huai Army, establishing military merit in suzhou, Jiangyin, Wuxi, and Jinkui, and in 1887, he was soon promoted to the post of commander of the pro-soldier New Left Battalion. He also participated in the construction of the Lushun Fortress.

This man sacrificed his life for the country, and before his death, he instructed: All my children and grandchildren cannot go abroad, and they cannot work for foreigners

During this period, Nie Shicheng always had a worried mentality, and Japan and other powers had eagle eyes, and Nie Shicheng repeatedly wrote to propose the construction of forts on the Yangtze River and the coastline of important towns, just in case. After the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War, Nie Shicheng assisted Korea with The Viceroy Ye Zhichao.

At that time, the Japanese secretly attacked the Qing Dynasty's troop carriers to Korea, and at the same time took the initiative to attack Asan from Seoul, the Qing army was in an overall disadvantageous position, Nie Shicheng suggested that Ye Zhichao take the initiative to withdraw the team to Chenghuan and take advantage of the favorable terrain to ambush the Japanese army, Ye Zhichao took this decision, and the Qing army was indeed victorious.

This man sacrificed his life for the country, and before his death, he instructed: All my children and grandchildren cannot go abroad, and they cannot work for foreigners

Although the Qing army was gradually defeated and retreated on the Korean battlefield, Nie Shicheng's troops advanced and retreated, the losses were very small, and the battle of the Sky Ridge defense that participated in the Battle of The Sky Ridge killed the Japanese general Fukuoka Sanzo, which was one of the few victories achieved by the Qing army, so he was directly promoted to the position of directly subordinate viceroy. Nie Shicheng was not happy about this decision, he was saddened by the defeat of this great war that he thought could be won, and repeatedly wrote to plead with him to refuse peace talks with Japan and continue to fight again, but he did not get a reply.

This man sacrificed his life for the country, and before his death, he instructed: All my children and grandchildren cannot go abroad, and they cannot work for foreigners

In 1900, the Eight-Nation Alliance invaded China, Nie Shicheng as the Qing army arch guard the Beijing Division's strongest defensive line, stationed in the front line of zhili, at that time the regimental people hated foreign things, burned railway lines along the way, destroyed the Baoding railway, Nie Shicheng garrison resolutely took measures to stop, the two sides broke out a fierce conflict, Nie Bu killed 500 people.

However, the Qing court at that time, hoping to use the Boxers to resist the foreigners, blamed Nie Shicheng for this matter and ordered him to return to Lutai. There were more than 20,000 Boxers in Tianjin, often killing Soldiers of the Armed Guards, and Nie Shicheng had learned from the past and could only swallow his anger.

This man sacrificed his life for the country, and before his death, he instructed: All my children and grandchildren cannot go abroad, and they cannot work for foreigners

In May, the Eight-Nation Alliance went north, the Dagu Fortress was lost, the Eight-Nation Army and Nie Shicheng's troops immediately engaged in a fierce exchange of fire in Tianjin, the foreigners were defeated, Nie Shicheng immediately led the troops and the Boxers to advance to recover the past garrison, this battle is also known as the Langfang Victory, Westerners lamented, Nie Shicheng is China's strongest army, in June, Nie Shicheng attacked the Tianjin Concession more than a dozen times, did not expect that at this time the Boxers took the opportunity to plunder everywhere, Nie Shicheng sent troops to suppress, which further led to the Hatred of the Boxers, slandering him for collaborating with the enemy. Believing this rumor to be true, the people spat on Nie Shicheng for betraying the country, and the imperial court also sent a telegram reprimanding him, saying that Nie Shicheng "has not achieved any battle records since the tenth day, and he heard that the army had collapsed, but he really did not know how to cheer up", and gave Nie Shicheng the punishment of dismissal and retention. ”

This man sacrificed his life for the country, and before his death, he instructed: All my children and grandchildren cannot go abroad, and they cannot work for foreigners

Nie Shicheng was very angry, but considering the national difficulties, he could only endure in silence, in July, the Eight-Nation Alliance attacked Balitai west of Tianjin City, Nie Shicheng personally supervised the battle, bravely killed the enemy, unfortunately shot and died, sacrificing his life for the country. Before his death, he left his last words and instructed: "All my children and grandchildren cannot go abroad or work for foreigners." "This is the passing, and a generation of heroes is coming to an end.

Ironically, after The death of General Nie, the Tuanmin still wanted to snatch the body to insult him, the Germans rushed to this place to flee, the Westerners, in respect of Nie Shicheng, wrapped General Nie with a red carpet and asked the soldiers to return it to the Qing army, Nie Shicheng's life is also worthy of all Chinese commemoration.

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