
"Blood Whisper" exposed the trailer "Green Lantern" to challenge the little pervert

author:Acid lime entertainment
"Blood Whisper" exposed the trailer "Green Lantern" to challenge the little pervert

Poster of Blood Lonely Words

"Blood Whisper" exposed the trailer "Green Lantern" to challenge the little pervert

Stills from Blood Lonely

Recently, the movie "Blood Whisper" released a trailer, "Green Lantern" Ryan Reynolds in the film with a dirty cat stupid dog to play a small fresh pervert, the film is scheduled to be released in North America on February 6, 2015.

In an interview with a magazine, director Marga Sattarpi said that the slightly fresher perverted character had come to Ryan Reynolds because she had watched him star in Green Lantern, and that she had not known him until she had seen him star.

It is worth mentioning that before the filming of the movie "Blood Lonely", Ryan Reynolds had already played a "perverted" role, that is, the "Deadpool" in the movie "Wolverine" released in 2009, this good and evil character has an immortal body and a terrifying appearance, unlike the small freshness in "Blood Lonely", "Deadpool"'s murderous and ruthless can be described as a "pervert" with heavy taste. It is worth proposing that the Deadpool single-player film starring Ryan Reynolds has been confirmed to be released in North America on February 12, 2016.

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